The Almighty Princess is Going To Climb the Wall

Chapter 448 Treating You Up To Your Waist...

Even Nangong Jin himself felt that this explanation was a bit far-fetched.

How could the core stone, all the energy gathering underground in a plane, be unsuitable?

"He is a soul body, and what he needs is the improvement of soul power. The Big Dipper Qiankun Sword contains exactly the power of the soul, so every time he gets the Big Dipper Qiankun Sword, his strength will have a qualitative leap. Although the core stone powder has energy It is huge, but it can only nourish his body and broaden his meridians. His meridians have widened a lot now, but there is nothing in the earth core stone powder that can enhance the power of the soul, so his strength has stagnated."

Wuyan thought for a while and made a conclusion.

"It seems that if we want to improve your strength, we have to find the third piece of the Big Dipper Qiankun Sword as soon as possible."

After all, Lu Xiaoxiao looked at Nangong Jin: "You told me before that every time you find a piece of sword, when the sword spirit enters your body, there will be a reminder message for the next piece of sword, and the reminder message for the third piece of sword will be displayed again. What is it?"

"Not in the world of mortals." Regarding this reminder, Nangong Jin has been depressed for a long time.

He has almost sent out all the forces he can send to search for the third sword everywhere, but he has searched almost all the temples in the Antarctic continent, and there is no news.

"Not in the world of mortals...could it be in the sky?"

Nangong Jin shook her head: "It won't be in Tianyu. The prompt given after finding the first sword is very direct, which is the word Yulei Mountain. Although Yulei Mountain is large, it has a clear range, but the second After cutting the sword, what I got was such a vague message."

"Could it be that the third sword is in your own space?"

Young Master Yun Xiao, who had been listening to the two talking, suddenly spoke. His words made Nangong Jin suddenly startled, and his heart shook.

"Not in the world of mortals... Whether it is the Antarctic continent below or the sky above, it is all mortals, and the temples are also in the mortals. The only thing I can touch that is not in the mortals is this space. You can't feel the space. Every location? Maybe feel the third piece of Beidou Qiankun Sword?"

Nangong Jin was silent for a moment and said: "There is no such thing in this space yet. But what the elder brother said makes sense. The space is gradually unsealed with the improvement of Xiaoxiao's ability. It doesn't exist now, but it doesn't mean it won't exist in the future. If you want to find the sword, you need fate. Since I can get the first two pieces, it means that I am destined for this sword."

Mr. Yunxiao smiled slightly: "That's right, everything in this world has a cause and effect. Whether it's your marriage with Xiaoxiao, the map of the Antarctic ice soul, the search for the Beidou Qiankun Sword, or the appearance of Miss Yunyue, everything has a cause and a relationship. Renhai and Xiaoxiao are married, and if you find your spirit body through Xiaoxiao, you will be able to find the Beidou Qiankun Sword and the map of Antarctic Ice Soul smoothly."

"Thank you for the reminder, big brother." I have to say that Mr. Yun Xiao awakened the dreamer with a single word.

Sometimes some things happen naturally, when the time comes, the opportunity comes, and the things you can't ask for can appear in front of you immediately.

After Nangong Jin took the Earth Center Stone, his strength only increased by one level, and he was already at the supreme level of physique, so Lu Xiaoxiao was going to take it for the second time, but Fu Xiaobai took the lead.

His reason is that he is the most powerful one in Wu Zongli. Let him try it first, if he can bear it, then take it down according to the level.

Everyone thought his proposal was good, so Fu Xiaobai was the second one to take the earth core stone powder.

The powder entered his stomach, and another violent force surged up, accompanied by a black whirlwind.

"Be careful." Wuyan erected a barrier to seal Fu Xiaobai within the barrier, and the violent black whirlwind instantly corroded all living objects in the barrier, and Fu Xiaobai was completely covered by the black whirlwind. covered by.

"Will something happen to him?" Seeing the darkness inside the barrier, Lu Xiaoxiao was a little worried.

"Don't worry, he is born with a poisonous body. Those corrosive toxins not only do no harm to him, but are a great tonic."

Half an hour later, the violent whirlwind in the barrier finally stopped slowly, Fu Xiaobai's entire complexion was blue and purple, and his face was covered with black pustules, looking very terrifying.

Recalling the first time I saw Fu Xiaobai in the Shenwu Mountains, he was still a handsome young man, but now he has become like this. Lu Xiaoxiao didn't know whether she helped him or hurt him.

It would be great if Fu Xiaobai could restore his original appearance!

Just when Lu Xiaoxiao felt guilty looking at Fu Xiaobai's appearance, a black mist rose from his body, wrapping his body again.

When the black mist dissipated, the bluish-purple grimace covered with black pustules disappeared, replaced by the real appearance of Fu Xiaobai when Lu Xiaoxiao saw him for the first time.

Lu Xiaoxiao was startled: What do you really want? !

She just wanted to hope that Fu Xiaobai could recover her original appearance, and just now, Fu Xiaobai recovered.

Before, she hoped that the 100,000 people in the Hua family could drink the water of the Sangong Pill, but just after she finished her wish, the elders of the Hua family spoke up.

There are many more such examples.

Although she has always felt that her luck is particularly against the sky, the talk about saving the Milky Way in her previous life is just talk.

But at this moment, after experiencing such a dream come true, Lu Xiaoxiao suddenly became enlightened.

If so, can she make a wish: May they take over the Hua family without a single soldier?

Can you make another wish: let the Antarctic continent completely calm down in a short period of time?

Can I make another about making a wish? Well, I hope that after I upgrade, the space will expand, and I will be able to find the third piece of Beidou Qiankun sword immediately!

Then she made another wish: I hope that I can quickly rescue Nangong Jin's brothers who are trapped in the ghost.

Then make another wish:


A thunderbolt struck down from the sky without warning, and before Wuyan had time to scream, it struck directly on the top of Lu Xiaoxiao's head. Everyone was terrified.


Everyone changed color and yelled.

After the thunder struck Lu Xiaoxiao, she disappeared immediately. Everyone immediately gathered around her, all of them were frightened and their expressions changed.

Lu Xiaoxiao, who was wearing a red dress, had her hair chopped off and scorched, and even her skirt was split into cloth strips by the thunder, but they hung tremblingly on the important parts of her body. As long as Lu Xiaoxiao moved, these cloth strips It will fall down immediately.

Mr. Yunxiao hurriedly took off his coat and prepared to put it on Lu Xiaoxiao, but Wuyan's face was already dark, and with a wave of his hand, he put a set of clean clothes on her body.

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