"How could it be him? How could it be him? He is clearly dead! Is it possible that someone destined to find his sword?" The old man on the right side of the throne obviously couldn't accept this answer. There was still a hint of deep fear on his face.

"Is the Big Dipper Qiankun sword anyone can get it by chance? If it is really so easy to get it, why haven't we even seen a single hair after searching for it for 10,000 years?"

The man with the golden mask couldn't understand the panicked appearance of the old man on the right, and shouted in a deep voice: "Put away your fear! It's just a person who was blown out of his wits, and I don't believe that he will be killed in just 10,000 years." Can gather Yuan Ling again. It’s just that I found the three-section sword, how can I compete with us? Eleventh brother.”

"Yes." The old man in red on the left nodded slightly.

"Order the Holy See of Light and all sects under its jurisdiction to thoroughly investigate heretics and find the master of the Big Dipper Qiankun Sword. And issue a reward order, whoever can provide information about the master of the Big Dipper Qiankun Sword will be rewarded with 100,000 amethyst stones. If anyone can kill him, no matter who it is, he will be directly promoted to the head of the Guangming Holy See sub-rudder."


"Twelve younger brothers."

"Fifth brother, we..." Hearing the words of the fifth child on the throne, the old man called the twelfth brother was obviously terrified.

However, before he could express his opinion, he was robbed by the fifth brother: "If you still want to survive and leave this ghost place alive, then do your job well. Only by cutting the weeds and roots can we make a difference." And if you soften your hand once, he may not be able to turn over. That is the time when we are truly doomed. Do you understand?"

"...Yes!" Old Twelve hesitated for a while, and finally obeyed.

"Very good." Lao Wu nodded: "They don't mean anything to you, so you are responsible for going to Shenwumen and Sanctuary, and telling Lao Er, Lao Liu, Lao Qi and Lao Jiu that this is our last chance. If we can't grasp it, we will be lost forever.

Now even if he has gathered a trace of soul and has life, he has only just successfully gathered his soul, and maybe we can completely wipe him out of this world without us taking action. That thing was done by all of us together, so we have to bear it together. Tianyu is not very big, as long as everyone works together, it can always be found by one person. "



When the Beidou Qiankun Sword suddenly appeared from the void and ascended to the sky, the ancestors of the Hua family who were running around in the Western Jin Dynasty because of Hua Yixiang's robbery suddenly felt a penetrating chill in their hearts.

I can't tell where this coolness comes from.

This is the third time he has seen the Big Dipper Qiankun Sword lift into the sky. According to legend, the one who wins the Big Dipper Qiankun Sword wins the world. Therefore, the Hua family did not spend less manpower and material resources to find this ancient sword.

Now seeing the Big Dipper Qiankun Sword rise into the sky again, it means that the sword owner of the Big Dipper Qiankun Sword has successfully obtained the third sword.

When he saw him twice before, he still swore that he would capture this person alive and take the sword away.

However, when he saw this sword this time, his heart suddenly tightened and became cold.

After living for more than 2,000 years, he also encountered disasters two or three times, so he knew that this was a bad omen.

Why did the appearance of the Beidou Qiankun Sword give him such a bad premonition? It stands to reason that he hasn't had any confrontation with the master of Beidou Qiankun Sword, and he doesn't even know who the other party is, but how could he have such a bad feeling at this moment?

Is it really as they said... Nangong Jin is the sword master of Beidou Qiankun Sword?

His family, Xiang'er, was unlucky as soon as she arrived in Nanzhao, and was treated like a ghost and a ghost. As soon as Lu Xiaoxiao left Nanzhao for the Western Jin Dynasty, the sky prison was robbed, and Xiang'er also disappeared inexplicably in Hua's house.

Even if Lu Xiaoxiao didn't do it herself, it must have a lot to do with her.

Then a ghostly man appeared in the Shenwu Mountains, and this person was the sword master of the Beidou Qiankun Sword. He clearly only had the power of the Supreme Supreme, but he escaped under the hands of the Supreme Supreme, and his whereabouts are still unknown.

And on the day Xiang'er was punished in Nanzhao, another ghost appeared, still at the supreme elementary level. So this ghost creature is also the sword master of Beidou Qiankun Sword?

If this is the case, then things are very simple. As long as you find Lu Xiaoxiao, you can find the sword master of Beidou Qiankun Sword. At that time, it doesn't matter whether he is Nangong Jin or someone else, as long as he gets the Beidou Qiankun Sword!

But now that he has such a bad feeling, does it mean that the Hua family will be defeated by this Lu Xiaoxiao?



The patriarch of the Hua family immediately denied this.

Now the passage between Tianyu and Antarctic Continent has been completely closed, and he is the most powerful in the entire Antarctic Continent.

Even if the ghost and mythical man had the Big Dipper Qiankun Sword, he still didn't pay attention to a mere rookie of the highest level.

But why is he so restless?

The right eye of the ancestor of the Hua family suddenly twitched a few times.

Jump left to get rich and jump right to disaster...

The old ancestor suddenly stood up from the seat, and the feeling of uneasiness became stronger.

"Report to the ancestors, and enshrine the Great Elder to see him."

Just when the ancestors felt bad in various ways, the enshrined elder used secret techniques to rush tens of thousands of miles to the Western Jin Dynasty within three hours at the fastest speed.

He stayed in the main house of the Hua family to enshrine the Great Elder, and now he has come to the Western Jin Dynasty in a hurry, needless to say, he can guess that something must have happened to the Hua family!

After hearing that Hua Puyu's rebellious son not only did not die, but also did such a rebellious thing to destroy the foundation of the Hua family, the ancestor was so angry that he spurted out a mouthful of old blood.

It's not that he is physically weak, but that Hua Puyu is a scum in his heart, worse than an ant. How capable he is, as an ancestor, he still doesn't know?

But where did he get such a poisonous drug that could poison the 100,000 core members of the Hua family?

That is his one hundred thousand secret weapon!

Without the 100,000 secret weapon, what would he use to deal with Dongling's 2 million army? If the Guangming Holy See really succeeds in infiltrating Nanzhao, with more than 4 million troops from the two countries, what will he use to deal with it?

The more you become a master like him, the more you understand what fate and luck are.

He can start a war, but he must not slaughter a large number of troops or royal family members with his own hands. Once he does that, the Hua family will definitely win, but the luck will definitely change because of it.

How can this not make him angry?

Although he was worried about Xiang'er, he wanted to sit in the Western Jin Dynasty and rescue Xiang'er. But the Hua family needs him more, and the 100,000 core strength is indispensable.

So the ancestors of the Hua family left to return to the Hua family immediately after handing over the Western Jin affairs to the Great Elder.

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