The Almighty Princess is Going To Climb the Wall

Chapter 461 I'm going to kill you!

The feeling of killing a peak martial saint is actually similar to crushing an ant.

With just one move, the martial saint master of the Guangming Holy See was frozen in the air.

When Lu Xiaoxiao withdrew the barrier, the person fell down like a sack.

"Soldiers, are you still willing to follow the Tangling Dynasty?" Dongfang Ming's voice sounded on the city wall again.

"Long live His Royal Highness! Long live His Royal Highness! Long live His Royal Highness—"

This time, the voice just fell, and the cheers of 1.5 million people instantly resounded through the sky.

How could you not want to?

The people of the Holy See of Light don't know how to lead soldiers at all, and don't care about their lives, okay? Although they are soldiers, they are also members of the common people. There are various dissatisfaction with the practice of the Holy See, who is usually superior and disregards the life and death of the common people with a little force.

Now that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has taken over them again, they will definitely drive the people of the Holy See of Light out of their dynasty completely, so that the other party can no longer dictate to them.

The barrier was opened, and Dongfang Ming came out of the besieged city with a group of generals and 400,000 troops, and a delicious smell of meat wafted out instantly.

In this extremely frozen world of ice and snow, the cooked meals will be cold as soon as they are scooped into the bowl. For such a long time, they have never eaten a warm meal. The only thing that can be provided to them is cold steamed buns and plain water.

Suddenly smelling this smell, everyone swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Didn't it mean that the North Country has cut off the food supply? What's the matter with the fragrance in the besieged city?

At this moment, Pei Chengjun's complexion was so ugly that it was not normal, and he became ten times older in an instant. After the first emperor's accident, he was the first person to betray the dynasty. Think on your toes and know what will happen to him.

Of course, Dongfang Ming would not keep Pei Chengjun, a marshal who betrayed his master for glory.

Not only Pei Chengjun, but also his generals, his cronies, and those civil and military officials who immediately abandoned their dynasty after the death of the first emperor, Dongfang Ming did not intend to let go.

After clearing out the traitors in the army, Lu Xiaoxiao brought Dongfang Ming into her own space.

Before Dongfang Ming could react from the shock of entering the space, he gave Dongfang Ming a small packet of powder, and then asked him to swallow it mysteriously.

Holding this bag of powder in simple packaging, he didn't know what it was, but he would eat even arsenic from what Lu Xiaoxiao gave.

So someone didn't even ask, and just poured it into his mouth.

Lu Xiaoxiao twitched her eyes and said, "Hey, I haven't told you what this is yet."

Is it important to say it or not?

Dongfang Ming was about to reply to Lu Xiaoxiao domineeringly, when suddenly his meridians were almost burst by a berserk force, and he glanced at Lu Xiaoxiao resentfully, Dongfang Ming quickly sat cross-legged and tried his best to suppress the force in his body. The sudden violent power.

Because he didn't have the slightest mental preparation, he also took off his whole body defense when facing Lu Xiaoxiao.

So someone made a domineering and sad gesture, spat out a mouthful of blood, and then even his eyeballs popped out.

Seeing this, Lu Xiaoxiao almost died of fright. Fortunately, Wuyan suddenly appeared behind Dongfang Ming, and quickly helped him straighten out the accumulated aura that he had no time to straighten out.

"Don't do this in the future, it's dangerous."

It's a trivial matter if it's too late to cut off the meridian, the key is that it's easy to blow people up.

"Didn't he swallow the powder before I had time to say it..." Lu Xiaoxiao was also very wronged. Dongfang Ming doesn't look stupid! Why do you like to do stupid things?

Because he trusted Lu Xiaoxiao too much, it took Dongfang Ming an entire hour and a half to upgrade this time. After the dinner was ready, the soldiers waited for the Crown Prince and Seventh Princess to come out to cook, but the two protagonists disappeared.

Marshal Chen ordered people to turn over the besieged city, but no one was found.

The Seventh Princess is a supreme peak expert who hides her secrets, and the crown prince will definitely have no problem following her. So the generalissimo is not in a hurry.

But if he were to know that the prince of their family almost died at the hands of this unreliable seventh princess, I really don't know how he would feel.

Dongfang Ming swayed a lot on the death line, and finally succeeded in advancing with Wuyan's help.

Supreme peak!

Feeling the power that was completely his own, Dongfang Ming never dreamed that the prince of a dynasty like him would one day become a master of the supreme peak.

"Thank you son for saving my life, thank you son for improving my internal strength!"

Facing Wuyan, Dongfang Ming quickly recovered from the shock.

He had never seen a god before, but the first time he saw Wuyan, he was sure that this man must be a god.

Seeing a god for the first time in his life, he was extremely shocked, but thinking about the heaven-defying things Lu Xiaoxiao gave him, and this heaven-defying space, his heart became very clear.

Regarding Wuyan, Lu Xiaoxiao didn't say much, and Dongfang Ming didn't ask a word about Wuyan.

He believed that when the time came she would tell him about her friend.

After Dongfang Ming took Lu Xiaoxiao to a simple dinner held in the military camp, Lu Xiaoxiao got up and said goodbye that night.

There is something wrong with Gong Lichen's palace, she has to go and have a look. And she had promised Gong Lichen before that she would water the tree of life of their elves with the spring of life.

But Dongfang Ming must stay in the army.

The war is imminent, and he must guard the 2 million troops under his command, and he must not allow the Holy See of Light to take advantage of it.

The location of this siege has been sold to the Holy See by the people of the Northern Palace, so they can no longer stay here. Otherwise, the death of the three Martial Saints will definitely bring revenge from the Holy See of Light.

Although Dongfang Ming has been promoted to the supreme peak, he is no longer afraid of the Holy See of Light to find fault, but he only has one person after all, and the Holy See has a lot of people no matter how corrupt it is. There is absolutely no need for them to fight the Guangming Vatican before the Hua family and the Guangming Vatican launch an attack.

So after dinner, when Lu Xiaoxiao left for the Northern King's Palace, Dongfang Ming also left with his 2 million troops.

Only Lu Xiaoxiao knew the address of the evacuation.

There are many such besieged cities on the northern ice sheet, and they are very far apart. If there is no exact coordinates, plus the enchantment of Dongfang Ming, unless the leader of the Holy See of Light came to this ice sheet to find it in person, he would have found it. If you look inside, you can't see anything.

Lu Xiaoxiao gave Dongfang Ming a lot of space rings, which were filled with rice, meat and vegetables, enough to feed the 2 million army every day, and it would cost more than a year.

Dongfang Ming was no longer surprised when he saw that there were as many as two or three hundred hollowed out wooden lumps in the bag without even a ring.

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