Regardless of size and thickness, they are more than twenty times larger than ordinary swords, and they are shot from specially designed equipment. The five junior Wuzong did not check, and they were hit by an arrow in the back.

It's a shame that there was a thick rope tied to the hidden arrow. Just as he sat firmly on the bodies of several Wu Zong, he was pulled down by the soldiers below.

The five people were submerged in the sea of ​​people in an instant, and it really showed the masters of the Hua family what it means that one person can drown you with a mouthful of saliva.

The masters of the Hua family were so angry that they scolded them shamelessly, and in anger, they began to attack the Western Jin army violently.

Although more than 60 masters from the Fang family and the Anyang family blew themselves up, the effect was that the Hua family lost less than 100 masters, and most of them were below the level of martial saints.

This is already a very good result for the Fang family and the Anyang family. Because if they did not choose to self-destruct, once they were besieged, the result would be not only being wiped out, but also unable to cause serious damage to the enemy.

But the Hua family dispatched a total of more than 380 masters this time, nearly 100 of them died, and nearly 300 of them were alive, almost without any injuries.

300 masters above the level of Wu Zong used their strong internal strength to bombard ordinary soldiers, and the result can be imagined.

A large number of soldiers fell down, but it still didn't hit the morale of the soldiers of the Western Jin Dynasty who wanted to destroy the masters of the Hua family. On the contrary, the harder the opponent hit, the more brave the soldiers were.

"What's the use of beating soldiers? Capture the general! Capture Ximen Yu!"

Hua Qingtian was so angry that he almost gushed out a mouthful of old blood, these old idiots, you have nothing to do with shouting at the soldiers. 2 million people, you can finish with 300 people?

Moreover, these Western Jin soldiers obviously wanted to use their lives to consume their strength. Although these soldiers were just ants, there were as many ants as there were cow hairs, and they had already dispersed as soon as they made a move.

When the masters of the Hua family heard this, they hurried to find the general. Kill the general, the soldiers will have no leader, and they will soon surrender.

However, the masters of the Hua family were once again depressed.

Where are the generals of Lao Shizi?

The generals who were dressed differently from ordinary soldiers a moment ago were all submerged in the soldiers now. It's really a tiger and a mouse, so silly I can't tell the difference!

Although Hua Qingtian is a top expert in the Antarctic continent, and although he has lived for more than 2,000 years, he has never led an army to fight in his life. He was suddenly betrayed by Ximen Yu, and even made such a move by this 20-year-old kid. He was very angry At the same time, more people are dumbfounded.

In the army of the Western Jin Dynasty, although the generals are gone, the flags are constantly shuttling through the ranks.

"Kill the flag-waving man! Destroy the combat vehicles and large weapons!"

Standing in the air and looking at the group of ants under his feet, Hua Qingtian really felt helpless.

The weapons in the hands of these soldiers can't touch their bodies at all, as long as they pay attention, they won't cause any substantial harm to them. However, it is impossible to wipe out all these soldiers. There are too many people and the distribution is too scattered. If you really want to kill them all, they will be exhausted to death.

Finally, Hua Qingtian still planned to give up Ximen Yu.

No matter how unwilling he was, he also admitted that he couldn't find Ximen Yu, and there was no way to argue with his 2 million army just to kill him alone.

"Don't pay attention to these ants, today our goal is to break through the imperial city and then massacre the city. In addition, no one from the Nanzhao Dynasty and the aristocratic family is allowed to be spared!"


The three hundred masters shouted in unison to revive their morale when they were depressed.

But when they turned their heads and looked at the city gate again, they were completely depressed.

"Nangongxing, you old fox!" Hua Qing couldn't help cursing because of the weather.

The old fox was still wearing a yellow robe for fighting at the city gate just now, but where is his shadow at this moment?

After all, Emperor Hongde was a conspirator in Nanzhao. In order to drag Nangong Jin down, all kinds of conspiracies and tricks emerged one after another. He didn't find a good method before, so of course he could only go head-to-head with these masters.

But after seeing Ximen Yu's good method, the first thing he did was to quickly let all the soldiers in Nanzhao and the remaining children of the family change their clothes, and ordered everyone to dirty their faces immediately, as much as they could. dirty.

And he himself, taking advantage of Hua Qingtian's inattention, directly took off the imperial robe, changed into ordinary soldier's clothes, and properly hid in the crowd.

So when Hua Qingtian finally decided to give up Ximen Yu's attack on Chaocheng, he turned around and saw that the bastards in Nanzhao went too far. Not only did everyone's clothes become soldiers' clothes, but everyone even messed up their faces dirty.

Two million people took local materials and applied the mud to their faces. It just so happened that it had rained two days before heading to the city, and the soil was still soft and moist. When I applied it on my face, everyone's faces instantly became the same.

Didn't you want to kill the emperor and general of Nanzhao, and the only remaining disciple of the family? You kill! Kill casually!

If you want to slaughter the city, go there if you have the ability, and see if you can kill all the people in Nanzhao with 300 people.

As long as the people in Nanzhao can't finish dying, you will be the one who will finish playing in the future!

Hua Qing took his son in a panic and was about to enter Chaocheng to slaughter the city, but the things thrown from the city gate were more disgusting than pebbles, and they turned out to be the kind that could explode.

Although the power of the explosion wasn't too great, who could tell them what the hell these yellow and white things that splattered on them and emitted a foul smell were?

This shameless Nangong Xing!

The typical one is a super villain!

No wonder even a gentleman like Nangong Jin doesn't want to see him!

The majestic emperor of a country even ordered his soldiers to throw feces and urine at them masters! ! !

This is the rhythm of trampling on the soles of his feet the dignity of his Hua family master!

Xi Jin saw that Hua Qingtian didn't care about them, so he immediately surrounded them, regardless of whether it was useful or not, anyway, behind them was the most powerful attack.

The hearts of the masters of the Hua family were even more uncomfortable than eating a pile of shit.

After entering Chaocheng, the masters of the Hua family discovered that there are no ordinary people here? Except for the soldiers whose faces were covered in dirt and looked exactly the same, there was not even a single hair!

There was nothing on the ground except the 4 million Nanzhao and Western Jin soldiers who were flooded like locusts. They couldn't find the emperors and generals of the dynasty, and they couldn't find the disciples of the younger generation left by the aristocratic families. Hua Qingtian couldn't help being depressed at this moment.

With a dark face, he was about to let the masters of the Hua family, who had been using their internal energy to float in the air and protect their bodies with true qi, to retreat, when they suddenly became chaotic towards the back of the city.

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