"It is said that good people will win in the end. Why are the Hua family so bad, but they won in the end? I am so unwilling!"

Nangong Yunlang gritted his teeth, desperately swallowing the blood that welled up in his mouth, and tightly held Anyang Mantong's hand.

Seeing Nangong Yunlang's concern for her, Anyang Mantong smiled slightly, wiped away her tears and gently lay on Nangong Yunlang's body.

"Don't worry, I'm not afraid. I'm also very happy to die with you. Uncle Huang and Xiaoxiao haven't come back. As long as they don't die, the Hua family will definitely end well. Even if we can't see it, I still believe it." The Hua family will definitely not end well."

Nangong Yunlang nodded lightly, lay quietly on the ground, and accompanied Anyang Mantong through the last moments of his life.

Suddenly, the house began to shake slightly.

Soon, the frequency of the jitters began to increase continuously.

After that, the whole house began to shake, and there was a dull roar in the distance.

There was no shouting, no fighting, only the sound of the ground trembling.

This kind of roaring sound that can cause the world to resonate, as Nangong Yunlang who grew up in the dynasty and has also been to the barracks, he feels that it can no longer be described by thousands of troops and horses. .

Staring blankly at the wobbly tower, as if it was about to bomb the roof of the tower, Nangong Yunlang wondered how many war horses would it take to cause the ground to shake like this?

Million horses?

No, at least tens of millions of horses are needed!

Hmm... It is impossible for thousands of war horses to shake down the house and smash him to death.

That is 100 million war horses! Or, a billion...

Where did Nanzhao get so many war horses?

As he was dying, Nangong Yunlang stared blankly at the ceiling, and began to count the number of horses in his mind, without even hearing Anyang Mantong's excited shouts.

Suddenly, Anyang Mantong screamed, and Nangong Yunlang turned his head, only to see a bulging object more than half a meter long blocking his sight.

what is this? so round...

The bulging thing turned around, and there was a furry thing on it, and it was lifted up again.

Oh, it turned out that the thing just now was an eyeball, and the thing that was set down and raised up was the eyelashes of that huge eyeball.


Nangong Yunlang's thinking came to an end here for the time being.

He felt that he was dead, and his body became lighter, and then he was spinning for a while, and then he was confused for a while.

That's what death feels like. Other than a little nausea, nothing major. sleep!

Opening his eyes again, Nangong Yunlang was awakened alive.

The ground was shaking violently, making him want to vomit. There are all kinds of screams around and in the air, making it impossible for him to die properly.

Nangong Yunlang had a strong urge to scold his mother.

He opened his eyes and blinked, the sky and the ground were full of all kinds of unnecessarily huge birds and beasts.

The smallest beasts are about the same height as humans.

Did he die in the primeval forest?

Hades Palace was built in the primeval forest?

A pair of hands suddenly rested on his pulse, feeling the other's body temperature, Nangong Yunlang turned his head suspiciously.

A face like an exile appeared in front of him.

Could this be the fairy brother of his family?

Look at Brother Immortal again, his Anyang Mantong is a woman who lacks a chord in her brain, your man hasn't gone to the Palace of the King of Hades yet, shouldn't you look at your man first, and then look at the ones flying in the sky and those running on the ground? ?

At this moment, Nangong Yunlang finally came to his senses.

He is not dead!

And he won't die!

Because he felt that his internal organs were miraculously repairing themselves.

After being shocked, Nangong Yunlang, looking at the Chaocheng city that was almost destroyed by the giant beast, belatedly said his first words after being injured: "Grass! Monster!"

His words successfully attracted Anyang Mantong's attention.

"Yun Lang, you've come back to life! That's great! Xiaoxiao's words really mean what she said. She said that if you can come back to life, you will definitely come back to life! Prince, is he really alright?"

Before Nangong Yunlang could say a word, Anyang Mantong had already looked towards Nangong Yunfeng.

Nangong Yunfeng put away his worries, and nodded with a smile like a spring breeze: "It's all right. But if you want to be fully recovered, you have to wait another two hours."

"It's okay, it's okay, we can just hide and watch a good show!"

After all, for fear of missing any fight, he turned his head away again.

Nangong Yunlang was about to get angry and hypocritical, but suddenly the top of his head went dark, a huge flying bird more than ten meters long suddenly swooped down, and took a Wu Zong who was rushing towards them after seeing them. The wings fluttered to the ground, and before anyone could get up, he caught him in one bite with lightning speed and flew into the air.

Then Wu Zong only had time to scream, and was torn into two by this super flying beast of unknown species that looked half like a vulture and half like a wolf.

"What happened to the reversal? Who can tell me?" Nangong Yunlang lay on the ground and yelled.


However, no one wanted to talk back to him at such an exciting time.

Suddenly, dark clouds billowed between the sky and the earth, and the black air filled the air. At this moment, the sun and the blue sky were covered by the billowing dark clouds, as if a monster was about to come to the world.

The black air intersected with the dark clouds, and the originally sunny day turned into night in an instant, and strips of silver lightning flashed from time to time in the thick and oppressive clouds.

At this moment, everyone felt that the end of the world was coming.

"Crack——" There was a loud noise.

A bolt of lightning struck down horizontally, directly striking a novice Martial Saint who was standing below watching the spectacle, but who hadn't recovered from what happened.

The martial arts master was struck by lightning before he could react, and fell to the ground like a torn bag, and he didn't know if he was dead or not.

Everyone was stunned by this weird scene, even Hua Qingtian, who was a middle-level human, looked solemn at the moment

Nangong Yunlang himself didn't want to talk anymore, he stood up silently.

Sitting and watching has a wider field of view than squatting!

At this moment, the clouds have become pitch black, and the only light between the sky and the earth is the lightning that lights up between the clouds from time to time.

Every bolt of lightning that strikes down horizontally will kill many people who came out of nowhere.

"The backup of the five forces has arrived?"


Nangong Yunlang, who had just wandered around the Palace of the Underworld, was once again ignored by his beloved woman and his fairy-like brother.

It's not that they don't want to answer, but that such a spectacle has completely attracted their attention.

They never heard what Nangong Yunlang said!

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