Following Nangong Jin's footsteps, Lu Xiaoxiao had already rushed in when the other party had just arrived at the study.

Inside, Feichen and Feihua were kneeling in the center, and when they saw Lu Xiaoxiao coming in, their eyes were full of grievances.

"I can give you 6.6 million taels of gold, but you have to give me what you just said."


"You... don't return the things to me, then you will never get the gold!" Lu Xiaoxiao didn't expect Nangong Jin to be so despicable, blatantly threatening her, she even exchanged it with gold, but he didn't even give it back. Is there any trade like this?

"Anything you want." Nangong Jin also seemed to be determined, and said: "This king said, if you don't see the 6.6 million gold at this time tomorrow, what you have in your hands will be lost."

"Nangong Jin, do you dare to be more despicable? You want 6.6 million taels of gold and I have already promised you, but you don't return that thing to me. What if you threaten me with that thing again in the future?"

Hearing this, Nangong Jin snorted coldly, but his facial expression remained unchanged for thousands of years.

"Princess, do you dare to be more shameless? You still don't admit that you stole the 6.6 million gold, and you are so clever at stealing it. If the king returns the things to you, in case you don't want to buy it tomorrow What should I do if I steal the king's things again immediately?"

"I didn't steal your money in the first place. How can I admit it? I promised to give you 6.6 million. What else do you want?"

Joke, what thief would admit to being a thief? How could it be possible to plead guilty in a few words without being caught?

"Princess, you really don't cry when you see the coffin. In this world, there is something called fingerprints. Everyone's fingerprints are different. Feihua and Feichen's tokens should only have their fingerprints and the two shopkeepers' fingerprints." , Wangfei, would you like me to take out the token and have a pair with you, to see if there are any fingerprints of the princess on it?"

shrimp? Such backward ancient times actually have fingerprints? She inherited Lu Xiaoxiao's memory, so why didn't she know that there was such a thing as fingerprints in this extremely backward ancient times?

Nima is cheating! If she had known earlier, she would have committed the crime wearing gloves.

Seeing someone's face turned green, Nangong Jin didn't bother to argue with her, and said, "Princess, go out, you don't have any credibility with this king. You only have two choices, either hand over 6.6 million taels of gold, then Let it go, or wait for that thing to flow out."

Seeing Lu Xiaoxiao glaring at him angrily, Nangong Jin didn't want to say anything, and said, "Go out, I don't want to see you for the time being."

You don't want to see my old lady, and my old lady doesn't want to see you! Zhou Paipi!

Lu Xiaoxiao glared at Nangong Jin and went out without giving the golden ticket in her sleeve.

It's not that she doesn't want to give it, but after being caught and now in front of so many people, she's embarrassed, okay?

The National People's Congress has a big face, and she really doesn't want to be silly and obediently hand back the stolen things in the next second after she said so many words confidently one second. In that case, what face would she have in this palace in the future?

Even if you want to pay back the money, you have to pay it back quietly.


After Lu Xiaoxiao left, Nangong Jin looked at Fei Chen and Fei Hua who were kneeling on the ground and asked, "What else do you have to say?"

"The subordinate is willing to suffer any punishment!"

Today, they really confessed. The concubine is really too powerful, she clearly has no internal energy fluctuations, but they are not rivals at all.

Today, from stalking, to chasing people, and then to losing the purse, they tried their best to figure out how they died in the hands of the princess. If the incident was re-enacted, they would still follow the way of the princess.

So they died willingly and rightly today. Facing the princess, they would rather go to the Shenwu Mountains to practice and face monsters than to be her secret guards.

"Since I know I'm wrong, let's go the old way. Go to the Shenwu Mountains and stay there. When will I collect 30 magic cores of the third-level high-level monsters and 2 magic cores of the fourth-level monsters? When will I come back and report."


Humans are less powerful than monsters, so a warrior of each level can only destroy monsters lower than his own level. As Fei Chen and Fei Hua, the peak martial artists, the most they could destroy were third-level and intermediate monsters.

But this time, the Lord asked them to hunt and kill the third-level advanced monsters, and even the fourth-level monsters. In other words, they had to break through the barriers of King Wu that hadn't been broken for many years, or even reach the third level of King Wu before they could complete the task.

Even so, Feichen and Feihua gladly accepted the order, and left like flying away. Nangong Jin even felt that they walked briskly when they left.

Nangong Jin frowned slightly, he also knew that Fei Chen and Fei Hua were wronged. They were not Lu Xiaoxiao's opponents in the first place, plus Lu Xiaoxiao must have some kind of cheating treasure on him, even he couldn't detect her aura last time, so if this woman deliberately concealed her whereabouts, Fei Chen and Fei Hua would definitely There is no way to complete the task.

If it weren't for this, if he made such a big mistake and didn't collect a hundred magic cores, he would never let these two people come back.

Of course, the one who experienced with Fei Chen and Fei Hua was the shopkeeper who wanted to learn Lu Xiaoxiao's disguise.

The reason why Nangong Jin punished them today was that through this incident, he discovered an internal flaw. Now there are more and more people following him. Once a small mistake occurs in a certain person, it may cause a huge loss to the overall situation.

It seems that if the industry is too big, there will be mistakes in management. This incident with Lu Xiaoxiao reminded him that it was time to rectify the internal order.

"Report to the lord, the phantom has come to return."

"Let him in."


After Ling Han finished speaking, a ghostly figure stood out from a dark corner without warning, as if he had been standing in the dark corner of this room all along.

The phantom was shrouded in a black robe and even wore black gloves on her hands, making her look eerie.

"My lord, my subordinates have already investigated what you asked to investigate."

The phantom and the voice are as eerie and terrifying as his whole person covered under the black robe. If you listen to his hoarse, ghostly voice at night, you will probably be so frightened that you cannot sleep.

However, he was respectful to Nangong Jin, and his slender figure stood upright.

"Say." Nangong Jin's thin lips parted lightly, and a desire to find out appeared on his charming face for the first time.


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