Although they could do everything they could to deal with the enemy, at this moment, everyone was so ashamed by Lu Xiaoxiao that they were speechless.

Look at Little Barton, his extremely pure milky white body also turned pink in embarrassment at this moment amidst Lu Xiaoxiao's cry.

Old man Lu has been fighting on the battlefield all year round, his face is bronzed, and at this moment, his old face is blushing under the shouts of his precious granddaughter.

The bronzed skin was pink, and that color was in contrast to Tu Tu's reddish black when he was shy back then.

"Grandpa, you poked at the wrong place, making you fuck, fuck! Is the chrysanthemum located at the base of the thigh? Oh, you old man, why are you so shy!"

"Xiaoshuang, what did you do? Didn't you tell him to kick his balls? If you're embarrassed to kick him, pick up a pebble and throw it there!"

"Bifan, you act very well on the surface. Whether it's poking the chrysanthemum or kicking the brother, you are very accurate. Grandpa, Xiaoshuang, you have to learn from Bifan."

Originally, Bifan didn't have a red face, but at this moment, Lu Xiaoxiao called her red.

"Little Barton, you're not human, why are you so red? Hurry up and shoot herbs into their chrysanthemums as quickly as possible!"

While injecting medicinal herbs into the chrysanthemums of those masters, Little Barton took time to cover his face.

Awow~ It's still a child, it's shy!

"Don't hug your face, hurry up and hurry up and inject everyone with herbs!"

"Hmph, I want to see, when they fight with us, do they go to the toilet first, or while they are beating, or just wipe their necks! Hehe——"

No one in the space spoke, only Lu Xiaoxiao's voice kept giving orders.

It was clear that the laughter was already obscene, but her facial expression was so serious and bewildered.

Fortunately, the group of people standing outside at this moment can only roughly guess some of the situation. Fortunately, only Nangong Jin, who has super self-control and endurance, can hear Lu Xiaoxiao laughing unscrupulously in the space. Spray, people from the six major forces will immediately find out that something is wrong.

Hua Qingtian finally couldn't help but spat out a mouthful of old blood.


He yelled countless times, but his people seemed to be unable to hear his yells at all, and they fought like a raging fire, either you or me were killed.

In just a quarter of an hour, Wu Zong and Wu Sheng had been beaten to death and fell down, and many supreme level masters were also injured.

When the casualties became more and more serious, Hua Qingtian finally realized what was wrong, and shouted: "Don't fight, don't fight anymore, it's Lu Xiaoxiao, it's Lu Xiaoxiao!"

"Did you hear that? It's Lu Xiaoxiao who's messing with you!"

Don't ask Hua Qingtian how he knew, he guessed, even if he couldn't guess, he had to say so.

Because Lu Xiaoxiao has a weird space that can hold people, who knows what kind of function this space has?

Although he doesn't know the masters of various sects, everyone is not really stupid to such an extent. The enemy is currently, there is still time to kill each other. Is this cheating, cheating or cheating?

However, it has already been beaten like this, no matter how much Hua Qingtian yells at the top of his throat, it is useless.

A group of unrivaled masters continued to fight to the death, and only a few Hua family masters broke away from this battle.

Hua Qingtian finally understood now that as long as he didn't do anything, it would be almost impossible to stop these people from killing the enemy.

However, he was injured in the move against Nangong Jin, and he hasn't recovered yet.

"Give it to me, catch Lu Xiaoxiao and we'll win."

Hua Qingtian understood now that any procrastination would be the demise of his own combat power.

Such a long delay not only failed to get Lu Xiaoxiao's space and treasure, but also caused them a heavy loss.

So I didn't want to say a word anymore. After throwing a pill into his mouth, Hua Qingtian finally got up and fought with Nangong Jin in an instant.

Several other worship-level elders of the Hua family also climbed up one after another, and attacked Lu Xiaoxiao.

Before the people arrived, Tu Tu sent the three supreme beings flying with a swish of the dragon's tail.

Several other masters were also stopped by Lu Yunxiao, Lu Chenxiao and Lu Zexiao when they approached Lu Xiaoxiao.

Two human-level masters and one master above the supreme peak, how can a few masters of the supreme peak break through their defenses?

Finally, a belated war broke out in an instant.

The martial artists below the Wu Kings of the five major forces retreated one after another. During the dialogue between the masters and the ancestors, they also understood that they were just a wave of cannon fodder.

Rather than dying for a family without kinship and a cold-blooded sect, it would be better to eat that Sangong pill.

Better to die than to live.

With so many masters pressing on their heads, it is difficult to have a bright future in this life. It is better to live an ordinary life, relaxed and stress-free.

More than 200,000 warriors swarmed out, and the monsters let them leave the central part of the battlefield after receiving the orders of the divine beasts.

Hundreds of Lu Xiaoxiao's younger brothers and sisters exuded faint blue light, suspended in the air beyond the beast, covering the whole world, resolutely forbidding anyone to break through the encirclement of the beast.

In the chaotic world, someone finally felt that something was wrong, they all stopped and tried to persuade them to fight. Finally, the scuffle stopped.

But this scuffle was not stopped by everyone on their own initiative. Instead, it was stopped by huge farts.

Following the loud bangs of foul-smelling farts, the stomachs of the masters began to growl violently, and everyone was horrified to find that they wanted to shit! And desperately want to pull! Now, at this moment, immediately, must pull!

But looking around, hundreds of thousands of monsters are looking at them, there are hundreds of martial arts masters around the monsters, and there are 4 million troops around the martial arts masters...

The masters were so angry that their faces turned green instantly.

Do you have to break through the siege of hundreds of thousands of monsters and hundreds of martial arts masters if you want to shit? Where should they go to have diarrhea? !


The sound in the stomach became more and more intense, and the overwhelming feeling in the intestines became more and more intense. Everyone covered their stomachs with pain in their faces. Finally, they couldn't hold back, pulled their faces down, and fell directly from the sky to the ground.

Anyway, there are hundreds of thousands of monsters covering them, so let's pull them first!

The millions of soldiers who were still watching the show suddenly found that the masters who danced wildly in this world suddenly disappeared. When they were wondering what these masters did when they fell to the ground, the monsters heard a dragon chant, and they were very obedient and neat. Get out of the way.

In this scuffle, Wu Zong was almost dead, and there were more than a hundred Wu Sheng and dozens of Supremes left, but the total number was less than 200.

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