So in the face of harassment, Hua Qing was dying, and couldn't help shouting angrily in the fierce fight.

"It doesn't matter if the cat is black or white, the cat that can catch mice is a good cat. Our purpose today is to kill you, an old bastard, to eliminate harm for the people. You don't care what method I use. You are so stupid that you can't think Everyone is a fool, right?"

Hua Qingtian: "..."

The three Lu family brothers: "..."


So, if you call Hua Qingtian a mouse, who is a cat? yourself? Butcher? Or your Nangong Jin?

"You old man, why did you drop your pants?" Just as everyone was silently slandering, Lu Xiaoxiao acted rashly again.


After finishing speaking, Hua Qingtian and Nangong Jin separated, and Hua Qingtian was injured again.

Looking at his intact pants, Hua Qing's eyes almost fell out due to the weather. Because he found out that he had been fooled. And because of being fooled, Nangong Jin was beaten solidly.

"Lu Xiaoxiao, even if you don't have the elegance of a princess, you are still a woman, right?! How can you say such shameless words to a man?"

Hua Qingtian was furious. He always thought that he was shameless enough, but in front of Lu Xiaoxiao, he was ashamed of himself and willing to bow down.

Such an accusation should not be too mentally retarded for a person like Lu Xiaoxiao.

Facing the accusation, Lu Xiaoxiao curled her lips and said, "Are you a man? I thought you were an old man."

"Elders are also divided into men and women!" Hua Qingtian almost shouted: "Even if you are an old man, shouldn't you respect the old and love the young?"

Oh shit! What kind of bastard is Lu Zhenting? After all, he is also a great marshal. How could he teach such a rude and shameless granddaughter?

(Lu Zhenting: You're the only one, your whole family is a ****! My Xiaoxiao is the cutest and most innocent child in the world!)

Hua Qingtian was also drunk, and was so angry that he began to preach five things and four beauties to Lu Xiaoxiao, an impolite brat.

However, Lu Xiaoxiao curled her lips again: "Okay, then I was wrong."

Hua Qingtian: "..." I can't believe it, you actually apologized to me?

"You are not an old man. You are all old monsters who have lived for two to three thousand years. You can be regarded as ancients at most. There is no distinction between male and female old monsters."

Nangong Jin: "..."

Everyone: "..."

Lu Zhenting stroked his beard and brewed a cup of good tea unique to the space. While tasting the tea, he nodded slightly in appreciation, um, well said!

Hua Qingtian: "..." Count him as a jerk! When he didn't say it!

After a round of weird sophistry, Hua Qingtian turned his anger into strength, and once again fought with Nangong Jin, and the two merged into a streak of light again.

It's just that the streamer this time is very strange. Both of them are human-level, so they should be both black, but this time there is a touch of white in the streamer.

Soon, there was another touch of gold in the black and a touch of black and white light.

The Beidou Qiankun Sword was born!

"Hua Qingtian actually possesses a heaven-level elixir!"

Gong Lichen's voice resounded heavily, in order to avoid causing a stir, he returned to his usual enchanting appearance when he came out this time. However, at this moment, there was a deep worry about Nangong Jin between the enchanting brows.

"What kind of heaven-level elixir? Can it improve strength?"

"This kind of elixir is a rare item in Tianyu, but it can increase a person's strength by a whole level in a short period of time. The pale white light you see is that Hua Qingtian is currently upgrading.

The human level is a black light, but once you break through the human level and enter the mysterious level, no matter if you are at the earth level or the sky level, the light on your body will be white. At the prefecture level, the radiance and strength of the body can be hidden at will. "

"So...he's about to become Xuan-level now?"


"Wuyan, do you have a question?"

The reason why Lu Xiaoxiao is not nervous is precisely because she has space, and at this moment her space is covered with the space in the distance, Wuyan is also there, ready to go, always paying attention, once Nangong Jin loses, he will He merged with Nangong Jin for the first time.

As long as she fuses with Nangong Jin, Wuyan can freely enter and exit the space.

With the upgrading of the space, the time for the two to fit together has changed from a cup of tea to a quarter of an hour. So what she needs to make sure now is that after they are combined, their true strength can break through to the Xuan level.

"No problem, don't worry. Don't say that he is promoted to the middle level of Xuan level, even if he is promoted to the elementary level of Tian level, I have nothing to fear."

"But you only have a quarter of an hour to fit together to deal with him!"

"I can instantly kill!"

Well, she knew that her cold, faceless uncle was the best!

"Then... when will you fit together?"

"I have the Beidou Qiankun Sword, and I can leapfrog challenges. So I want to see where the bottom line of my strength is."

"Be careful not to get hurt."

It was so fast that she could hardly see clearly. He glanced worriedly at Wuyan who had been staring at the battle, and said nothing.

She was afraid that if she spoke, Wuyan's heart would be distracted, and the injury would only happen in an instant.

During the fight, the black and white color finally completely turned into white, and the three streamers of one black, one white and one gold formed a beautiful streamer in the air, but it was astonishingly quiet. In the entire air, there was only the whirring sound of internal forces coming and going, and there was no sound of weapons clashing.

Lu Xiaoxiao watched the fight with all her strength. When Nangong Jin fell into the lower position one after another, Lu Xiaoxiao became anxious and threw a yellow object at Hua Qingtian.

"Then your girl—"

There was another muffled snort during the fight, and Nangong Jin, who had already fallen into inferior position, slashed Hua Qingtian with the sword energy of the Beidou Qiankun Sword.

The Big Dipper Qiankun Sword is the most powerful magical weapon in the world. It is said that it is a treasure left by the Lord God that can open the sky above and open the earth below. Even Tu Tu fell on the Beidou Qiankun Sword back then, and was hit on the head by the sword several times, directly turning from a mighty raptor into a stupid and cute one.

After being slashed by it, one can imagine how serious Hua Qingtian's injuries are at this moment.

Hua Qingtian had never been injured so badly before. Immediately, he summoned his inner strength and wrapped the wound with true energy. The red-eyed man pulled his hands, and just fell into his arms. He breathed a sigh of relief. Hua Yixiang, who Nuo Nuo called him "Father", was torn in half by her own father in the disbelief of everyone!

What Hua Qingtian did even shocked Lu Xiaoxiao slightly.

Hua Yixiang, a silly young lady from an aristocratic family, has no effect on her now, and now even her younger brothers and sisters have been upgraded to martial arts masters. resources.

Originally a rookie at the first level of Wuwang, after doing such a long time of beating the sandbag, not only did he not die, but became the third level of Wuwang. If we continue to feed her, it is estimated that this Hua Yixiang can become a master of Wuzong.

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