So after being driven off Asuka by Lu Xiaoxiao, Yan Jiuqing didn't bother to go up, and followed Asuka with a burden, without saying a word.

To be honest, I also got along with Lu Xiaoxiao before, although he was the one who was arresting her at that time, but as Master said, this woman is as unreliable as Ye Jiuqi.

After thousands of years of friendship and getting along with each other, Yan Jiuqing actually likes dealing with people like Ye Jiuqi. So Master sent him to do such a depressing thing, and he did it in the end.

But what about Lu Xiaoxiao at this moment?

He didn't provoke her to provoke her. Isn't it a good thing to get a mysterious guard for nothing? Yelling at him and humiliating him for Mao?

If he will always be by Lu Xiaoxiao's side in this way of getting along in the future, he will definitely not do it to death.


If it is said that a woman can stir up the world when she is bored, and in the end she kills a powerful opponent like a play, then when this woman is too angry to vent her anger, even if you are so bored that you commit suicide, don't go there. provoke her.

This is definitely a very pertinent wisdom.

Yan Jiuqing discovered this shortly after following Lu Xiaoxiao.

He found that it wasn't that Lu Xiaoxiao was difficult to get along with, but that she was really in a bad mood. Not a single word was spoken, not a single smile. Even Yan Jiuqing, who had never been very talkative, felt that after following Lu Xiaoxiao, his mouth was about to shut up if he didn't speak for a long time.

And Master Mao, as a cat of the level of a beast, has always had a strong instinctive perception of dangerous food.

Although Master Cat entered Lu Xiaoxiao's consciousness and entered a space full of aura and boundless energy, Wuyan didn't allow him to see this space, let alone him. So Master Cat doesn't know what happened to Wuyan in the space.

What it knew was that after the Big Dipper Qiankun Sword Master found the fourth sword, the seven evil dragons flew away, and after a while, the woman's small universe changed completely.

The woman's temper was weird enough before, but now it's even more terrifying.

So Master Cat quietly shrank in the space, lowering the sense of existence, and then lowering it. He didn't dare to breathe out, and he didn't dare to speak. It didn't even dare to come out when it was time to eat. Although it wants to eat meat and barbecue, it dare not.

Just like now, when it was getting dark, Lu Xiaoxiao stopped her journey and found a place to camp in a deserted forest far away from the water source.

"There was a creek there just now, why didn't you camp there?"

Seeing Lu Xiaoxiao pitching the tent in silence, he thought that this was the first time in his life that Yan Jiuqing was sleeping with a woman... sleeping together.

Yan Jiuqing, who had never been in love, hadn't had much contact with women, or lived with her, felt a little embarrassed. The mouth that had been tightly shut since leaving the house in the morning finally opened to breathe out the first breath.

Why do we have to sleep together, does he have to ease the atmosphere?

"A place with a stream has a lot of mosquitoes, a lot of wild animals, and a lot of gossip. If you like it, you can just go and sleep there, and don't worry about me."

Yan Jiuqing: "..."

This woman ate explosives, he'd better not mess with her.

After Lu Xiaoxiao pitched the tent, she got in by herself.

In fact, Lu Xiaoxiao didn't want to stop to rest at all, because after the flying beast was tired from flying for a day, she could put it in the space to rest. But because there is a follower of Nanyang Tianzong's law enforcement, although her personal safety is guaranteed, she has to slow down her pace of going to Xuanxuan City.

Looking at the woman who didn't even say hello, Yan Jiuqing stood outside the tent in a daze, slandering in his heart, could it be that he really did something too much to make this woman angry?

"The flamingo eats raw meat. You go to the mountains and catch some wild game for it, and come back to feed it."

Yan Jiuqing: "..."

It seems that this woman really treats him as a servant.

have to! This is better.

This way he doesn't have to get close to her. Just be a competent guard, complete the orders given by the master, and it's not bad to leave when the time comes.

After Yan Jiuqing left, Lu Xiaoxiao fed the flying beast with a large tank of life spring.

After Lu Xiaoxiao fed her the living spring water, the flying beast, which could only be controlled by the beast control technique, became clear in an instant, and looked at Lu Xiaoxiao with enthusiasm.

Lu Xiaoxiao stretched out her hand and touched the flying beast's head: "Follow me, I will call you Huanxi from now on, and Huanxi will be your name. As long as you follow me obediently, I will drink this kind of water for you every day. Instantly restore your physical strength. You understand that, right?!"

In fact, monsters on the Antarctic continent can fully understand human language at level five and above, and can speak at level seven. Not to mention the mysterious monsters in Tianyu.

However, the reason why these mysterious-level flying beasts can be bought and sold at will is because when these flying beasts were taken out of the World of Warcraft Forest, their souls were completely shattered.

After the soul is completely damaged, the consciousness will also be damaged. So when Lu Xiaoxiao talked to the flying beast, the other party could only roughly understand it, and then nodded, but couldn't speak.

However, no matter how severely damaged the soul is, it is no longer possible to communicate, but it is a mysterious monster after all, and has a natural yearning for good things. So at this moment, this big bird called Huanxi happily accepted its master.

Master Cat pouted in the space.

Still happy?

You are entertaining this silly bird!

"Sister, there is movement! We are surrounded by a group of masters."

Suddenly, Master Mao's expression froze slightly, and he immediately told Lu Xiaoxiao what happened to them.

Lu Xiaoxiao raised her eyebrows slightly, she was only at the peak of the human level, and this mountain was so big, she didn't feel any danger at all.

"Can you perceive their strength?"

"Yes! Among them are 1 earth-level first-rank scumbag, 5 mysterious-level little scumbags, and 22 human-level super weak scumbags. When they come later, you can sit at ease. Young master, I can definitely get rid of all these dregs in the time of a cup of tea."

It is a rare opportunity to make meritorious deeds, and Master Cat can't hold back his heart that is about to go crazy.

It has to do meritorious service, it has to make this woman feel good about it, it has to live a normal life, and it has to eat meat!


"You mean I'm just a super weak scum?"

Master Cat: "..."

Is it so hard that it flattered the horse's leg again?

Master Cat blinked, not daring to answer the question.

Seeing that certain stinky cat was too frightened to speak, Lu Xiaoxiao felt a little better, but she was still far away from a normal and peaceful state of mind.


(Some readers have been concerned about the issue of the explosive update, saying that it has been so long that they have not seen the explosive update. Because I was not sure about the time of the explosive update before, but now I have received a notice that the time has been set, so I will tell you here , there is still more than a month before the explosion. In July, I will update the sum of the usual three months in this month. So now I not only have to post articles, but also work overtime every day to save manuscripts. Please wait patiently, absolutely not Breaking my promise!)

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