The Almighty Princess is Going To Climb the Wall

Chapter 606 Is there any benefit?

Ling Mubai felt the strong wind that had blown him away before, and suddenly used all his strength to catch it.

But even if he has become a top master above the peak of the demigod's sky level, he still has no resistance to the real god.

Hearing only a muffled "boom", Ling Mubai was still blown away by the strong wind and fell to the ground.

This Gang Feng is very strong, but it only has driving force but no attack power. Every time it blows him to the ground, this Gang Feng is happy.

"Who? Who is it? Do you know to respect the elderly and love the young?! Have you bombarded me twice, okay? I don't kill you, what are you excited? My old man!"

Ling Mubai sat on the ground alone and began to cry while cursing.

Lu Xiaoxiao's eyes twitched wildly, and she spoke to Nangong Yunfeng in a voice transmission: "Yunfeng, why don't better not follow him, why do I think there is something wrong with his mind?"

Yan Jiuqing sent a secret voice to the two: "Ling Mubai's wife is said to have been murdered by the owner of the Ice and Snow Palace. The owner of the Ice and Snow Palace failed to love Ling Mubai, so he planned to kill his wife." .

And the lord of Yunxiao Palace also loves the lord of Ice and Snow Palace, Ling Mubai went to kill people alone, but Yunxiao Palace stepped in, Ling Mubai had no way to fight two with one, so he could only stay dormant.

Originally, he was also a decent person, but after he failed in revenge and came back seriously injured, his whole person changed completely. But this is just the appearance, in his bones, he is still a serious and good person. "

"Then do you think Yunfeng can be his apprentice?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked.

"Of course!" Yan Jiuqing affirmed without hesitation: "Although Ling Mubai looks very unreliable on the surface, and now he has become more and more ostentatious as he gets older, but what he is ostentatious is all The forces of the Yunxiao Palace and the Ice and Snow Palace are bullying the weak. Now that you have entanglements with the Ice and Snow Palace and the Yunxiao Palace, it is the best thing to let him stand on your side."

"Xiaoxiao, Ling Mubai also has an ethereal physique, I think following him will help my strength improve faster."

"Okay, then...then you should be more careful when you get along with him."

"I know."

After finishing speaking, Nangong Yunfeng walked up to Ling Mubai, bent down to help Ling Mubai who was crying and fussing, and said, "Master, pay attention to your image, you are also a legendary master!"

Ling Mubai seemed to have partnered with Nangong Yunfeng for a long time. As soon as Nangong Yunfeng's voice fell, Ling Mubai immediately raised his head, puffed out his chest, retracted his abdomen, pouted his buttocks, and then hummed at Lu Xiaoxiao.


After a few people waited in the square for less than an hour, the mayor rushed over in a hurry.

"Brother Wuji, one of the villagers of Second missing.

Yan Wuji raised the corners of his lips slightly, and said, "What kind of person is this missing villager?"

"It was one of the witnesses who asked the old man to arrest Mr. Fu. After finding out that he was missing, the old man asked the other two witnesses if they had been together all the time, but the two said no, they met more than a quarter of an hour ago He arrived, and then he brought those two people over there. When I went there, I happened to find Mr. Fu, so they yelled loudly, which happened to be heard by the old man."

The mayor was taken aback suddenly: "Actually, the old man was also called here by him."

"It seems that this person is not only a cruel criminal, but also a fool with brain problems." Lu Xiaoxiao concluded.

How can someone kill someone and invite other people to the scene of the crime? Isn't there no silver three hundred taels here? Is he trying to prove that he is honest?

"Since the mayor already knows it's him, let's immediately order him to be hunted down. We still have something to do, so let's go first."

"But..." Hearing that Lu Xiaoxiao and his party were leaving, the mayor showed a look of embarrassment.

"What else?"

"Hehe, it's like this..." The mayor rubbed his hands together, glanced at the depressed cat sitting next to Lu Xiaoxiao with a bead of blood on his face, and looked at Nangong Yunfeng, his eyes kept flickering. Ling Mubai, who pretended to be a star, said:

"The entire Yinshan Mountain is a huge natural formation. There is a forbidden area that our Yinshan villagers can only guard, but they must not go beyond half a step. There were countless people who entered the forbidden area, but in the end, only those who were above the heavenly level Only the top experts can come out. Brother Ling is the top powerhouse in the world, and I think this white cat uncle is also a rare high-level monster, so I would like to ask everyone to do me a favor for the villagers of Yinshan, and help us catch the sinner who killed the blind date ,May I?"

Ling Mubai was about to nod his head, but Nangong Yunfeng gave him a wink, Ling Mubai blinked, chuckled, and said nothing. Because Ling Mubai received a secret voice from Nangong Yunfeng saying: "Master, don't talk yet, let Xiaoxiao make the decision."

Yan Jiuqing kept Ling Mubai silent because he hadn't shown his strength, and the mayor looked at Master Mao again.

"Hmph!" Master Cat twisted his neck and looked to the side, ignoring him at all. The mayor or something has nothing to do with it.

Finally, the mayor turned his attention to Lu Xiaoxiao, who had the lowest martial arts here. Only at this time did he realize that Lu Xiaoxiao was actually the core of this group of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon masters.


"My surname is Xiao."

"Miss Xiao, it is true that the old man was too reckless to arrest the wrong person before and offended Mr. Fu. Please also please Mrs. Xiao, please don't argue with us. Although all the villagers in my Yinshan Mountain practice martial arts, the strong There are not many. We also ask Miss Xiao to help us transfer the prisoner out, we are very grateful."

Lu Xiaoxiao asked, "How grateful are you?"

Mayor: "..." How much gratitude is there for this? Is this woman directly asking for benefits from him? The mayor was dumbfounded.

"Xiao...what does Miss Xiao want?" Thinking that Ling Mubai's apprentices built the entire Lingtian Palace just now, the mayor's heart thumped violently.

"What is your Yin Mountain rich in?"

"Yin Mountain is rich in weapons."

Lu Xiaoxiao nodded: "Okay, let's use weapons. Take me to see your Yinshan weapons first."

"..." The mayor froze for a moment, shouldn't he go and catch the criminals first and then get the benefits? But thinking that they had kidnapped someone before, the mayor was still very kind, and nodded very straightforwardly: "Okay, Miss Xiao, everyone, please!"

Open a super-large warehouse, all kinds of weapons are dazzling.


This section is Lu Xiaoxiao's family history, so don't miss it. Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a reward, if you don’t have a monthly pass, please ask for a recommendation ticket, anyway, if you don’t vote, the vote will be wasted! If you like this book, please help to contribute to it, because my recommendation tickets and monthly tickets are so rare...

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