However, every time he saw the uncle cat's uncut eyes, the mayor swallowed his words again.

The Yin Mountain stretches continuously, covering tens of thousands of square miles, and the restricted area directly occupies half of this area.

Outside the forbidden area is the village where the villagers of Yinshan live, and there are sporadic lights everywhere. After entering the forbidden area, it is completely blackened.

However, this did not affect the line of sight of the group of five people and Master Cat. Everyone was moving very fast. After walking for two hours, they have already entered the hinterland edge of Yinshan Mountain.

Lu Xiaoxiao looked at Ling Mubai and asked, "Senior Ling, have you been to the forbidden area of ​​Yinshan Mountain before?"

"Come in." Ling Mubai nodded.

He has such a boring life, he has already visited all the places that can be explored in Tianyu.

"What exactly is in this forbidden area? Why is it a forbidden area? Is the forbidden area really just a large formation?"

"I went in and visited every mountain here, every piece of land, and then went out again. Yinshan Mountain is indeed a natural big formation, but when my old man came in, the big formation was afraid of me and didn't open. I came three times in total , how they got in and how they got out. The last time I lived here for a month, I didn’t think there was anything here?!”

Lu Xiaoxiao: "..."

Seeing that Lu Xiaoxiao was speechless to him, Ling Mubai quickly explained: "Little aunt, don't think that my old man is framing you, what I'm telling is the truth. I've been to this Yinshan Mountain a few times, and each time the least The time is ten days, but apart from discovering that it is a mountain range that is always in darkness and has extremely rich mineral deposits, at most I feel that this mountain range is a bit more cloudy. Probably too many people died, other Yes, I really didn't find anything."

"Jiuqing, what about you?" Lu Xiaoxiao spoke in a secret voice.

"Like him, I have also come in to investigate many times, but I found nothing. When I went in, I never even activated the big formation. But when you and Nangong Yunfeng go in later, be more careful. Don't get lost with us.

Last time I came with a few law enforcement members. They were with me all the time, but after walking for more than a day, they relaxed their vigilance. When I was about 100 meters away from me, I found their The breath suddenly disappeared. "

Lu Xiaoxiao was startled: "Then they came out?"



Lu Xiaoxiao hurriedly sent the secret message of this matter to Nangong Yunfeng and Fu Xiaobai, telling them to follow Yan Jiuqing or Ling Mubai closely and not to get separated.

There is Wuyan in her space, she doesn't have to be afraid of anything, but if Nangong Yunfeng and Fu Xiaobai accidentally place orders, it will be troublesome.

Although Ling Mubai, the master, appeared very dramatic and abrupt, but it could be seen that Ling Mubai was very satisfied with his disciple, who was always by Nangong Yunfeng's side.

"Have you found any traces of that fugitive?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked.

Ling Mubai shook his head: "Although this place is useless to warriors above the heavenly level, it is a place that can shield the consciousness. Unless this person is very close to us, we won't be able to feel it."

Yan Jiuqing signaled with his eyes that Ling Mubai was right.

"Did you ask about the prisoner's breath?" Lu Xiaoxiao looked at Master Mao.

Master Cat gave Lu Xiaoxiao a depressed look: "Sister, I'm a cat, not a dog."

Lu Xiaoxiao: "..." Alright! It is indeed difficult for the strong.

Not long after she left, Wuyan reminded Lu Xiaoxiao that the mountain she was going to climb was full of mineral deposits.

In order to make magical weapons for the Fengyuntang killer who followed them to Tianyu and her 300 siblings, the mines in the space have been almost developed. After all, this is a new space. Whether it is mineral deposits, humans, or beasts, it needs a certain amount of time for development and reproduction to complete.

If you can move some of the mines of Yinshan to the space and bury it to let it grow slowly, they will no longer have to worry about making magical weapons in the future.

After all, based on the fact that a hundred kilograms of steel can only produce a few drops of molten iron, it would take too much material to make a sword. Although every sword has a sword spirit, it does consume too much raw material.

"Well, I want to shush, I will let the little pig accompany me, you can wait for me over there first."

After finishing speaking, Lu Xiaoxiao led Master Cat to the secret place.

Lu Xiaoxiao was peeing, and Yan Jiuqing and Nangong Yunfeng couldn't tell her not to pee, so they could only tell her to be careful.

"Little pig? That sky-level cat is actually a pig?" Ling Mubai's concerns are never on the same plane as those of others.

Followed proudly behind Lu Xiaoxiao, Master Cat, who didn't want to make a fool of the two top masters above the peak of the sky, suddenly staggered.

Turning his head away, he gave Ling Mubai a "meow".

A wave rose up and struck, Ling Mubai quickly blocked it with his hands.

Fortunately, this air wave was different from the air wave that lifted him up twice, so it wouldn't knock him to the ground.

After the bad-tempered big white cat, no, the big white pig left, Ling Mubai asked Nangong Yunfeng in a low voice: "My dear student, the real body of that cat just now is really a pig? Cultivated to the heavenly level? Awow, tell me, what kind of pig is that? Where did you find it?

My old man really wants to have a heavenly pig. From now on, the old man, I will ride a pig to the streets, and those who want to laugh at my old man, I will let my pig spray them with salt water! "

The corners of Nangong Yunfeng and Yan Jiuqing's brows twitched wildly: How boring is this old man's life? !

Coming to the back, Lu Xiaoxiao immediately took out the dagger that Nangong Jin gave her.

This dagger was small and cute, and it was covered in fiery red. Nangong Jin named it Dancing Star, and Lu Xiaoxiao called it Xiao Wu directly.

"Xiao Wu, dig it for me! There are mines under this mountain, you just need to dig to the mines."

Xiao Wu's small body suddenly burst into fiery red light twice, like a cute girl nodding her head.

Jin told her that Xiao Wu was the most painstaking dagger made by the sword spirit of Beidou Qiankun Sword in history. This dagger was born with a mature weapon spirit, so Xiao Wu could understand Lu Xiaoxiao's words.

It was originally just a dagger as long as a man's palm, but it extended forward to more than three meters in an instant, and then Lu Xiaoxiao slashed down. The hard mountain, compressed by gravity, and countless times denser than ordinary mountains, was like foam. Generally dug up by fire.

Lu Xiaoxiao drew a circle around the mountain, and then a cylindrical rock with a width of 50 centimeters and a length of 3 meters was pried out. Lu Xiaoxiao didn't even bother to remove the stone, it was automatically taken into the space by Wuyan.

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