The Almighty Princess is Going To Climb the Wall

Chapter 620 Ultimate Edition Cold Salad Dead Dog

"There are five Gu worms left, the old man will try one and the other four will be tested by your maid."

After all, Bei Gongzheng pricked his finger and sent blood into it. Lan Ruobing appointed a Gu worm and asked Bei Gongzheng to drip his own blood on it. As a result, as soon as the blood went down, the Gu worm let out a piercing scream, and then the whole worm body began to emit white smoke.

This drop of blood was like a bottle of powerful corrosive agent, and soon pierced the body of the Gu worm, and the Gu worm completely turned into white powder in the screams and struggles of pain.

Afterwards, Lan Ruobing randomly called four court ladies to try, and the result was exactly the same as Bei Gongzheng's blood dripping.

Soon, of the original six Gu worms in the glazed cup, only the Gu worms that were stained with Lan Ruobing's blood remained.

"Miss Lan, you have also seen that only your blood is what the Gu worm needs, and it is the motivation for it to survive. The blood of other people, including the old man's blood, will not work. Now you must believe it."

"Hmph! This means that it is precisely because my blood can excite Gu worms, so whenever I touch him, he will suffer."

Bei Gongzheng: "..." Bei Gongzheng was also drunk for Lan Ruobing who had no common knowledge of voodoo.

"Miss Lan, before you say this, check the situation of this Gu worm."

I saw that the big and fat Gu worm just now, after nourishing Lan Ruobing's blood, not only became motionless, but also the whole figure was shrinking. The Gu worm, which was almost one-third the size of the little finger, began to shrink rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, becoming only one-tenth the size of the nail of the little finger, and it remained motionless.

"Dead?" Lan Ruobing asked.

"Of course it didn't die. This Gu worm just returned to the normal size of a sub-Gu."

"What's the meaning?"

"The reason why he said he must get you within a year is because he got the blood essence in your body. Only your blood essence can truly nourish these Heart-biting Gus, allowing them to stay safely in his body.

If he is not nourished by your body for a long time, these Heart-biting Gus will grow up. Although they can rely on absorbing his blood essence as food, this will only make the Heart-biting Gus grow up, but it will not make them grow up. Become stronger.

Generally speaking, judging from the experiment just now, these heart-biting Gus are correct, they are indeed able to settle down because of your blood, and to complete their upgrade in his body. "

"What will happen after the upgrade?" Lan Ruobing continued to ask.

"As you can see. After upgrading, all the sub-gu will become smaller. They become so small that they will not cause substantial damage to Ah Da's body. It's just that after upgrading, although their bodies have become smaller , but once Ah Da betrays you, their ability to counterattack will become even stronger, and the time Ah Da needs you next time will change from one year to half a year. This is the true meaning of the puppet war."

Lan Ruobing frowned: "The time that Ada needs me is getting shorter and shorter. How short will it be in the end?"

"Every day, every hour, every moment, even every minute and every second. But the old man suggested that when he needs you every day, you can kill him."

Upon hearing this, Lan Ruobing asked with a hint of reluctance, "Kill it? Why?"

"Because in the end, you can't be with him every minute. And in the end, unless you are stained with your blood essence every moment, you can't do nothing but him."

"Then he will die after all!" Lan Ruobing was dissatisfied with this answer.

"He was already dead, and the old man controlled his body and soul with spells and Gu. Miss Lan, it's no big deal to like pets, but he is just a pet after all. I am as close as a brother to the palace lord, I also watched the palace lord work hard to defend this huge Yunxiao Palace.

Although the Tian family is an affiliated family of the Lan family, over the years, the Tian family has prospered and is almost surpassing the Lan family. The palace lord only has one daughter, the young lady. Does the young lady really want to make this Yunxiao Palace a heavenly home? "

"Who said I'm going to marry Tianlei? What on earth are you going to say?" Lan Ruobing's eyes flashed full of impatience.

"Hehehe, I know that Miss Lan really doesn't like that kid from the Tian family. Miss Lan, it's not easy for the Lan family to conquer the country, and there is only one person who can help you defend the country of Yunxiao Palace."

Lan Ruobing snorted coldly: "It seems that Master Beigong has a very good relationship with the Holy See of Guangming now, but I don't know when Master Beigong will call Lei Sheng brothers and sisters. Fortunately, Miss Ben didn't call you uncle, otherwise you would suddenly be from uncle It's really hard to change your mouth after becoming a brother of the same generation."

Bei Gongzheng's complexion changed: "Miss Lan, are you making fun of this old man?"

"Hehe, dare not dare. Since Master Beigong has seen Ada's situation, please hurry up and find a way. Miss Ben's patience is not very good."


Lu Xiaoxiao has been waiting by Wuyan's side, seeing that he was shivering, she quickly put a quilt on him.

Covered with a quilt, Wuyan was still shivering, Lu Xiaoxiao had no choice but to pull out a woman from the Hua family from the seal of space, and brought her to Wuyan's side.

This woman was one of those orphans and widows rescued by Lu Xiaoxiao when she passed through Huacheng after doing bad things in the Hua family. Now they live quietly in the space, farming, weaving, cooking, and become the first residents of this space.

"Sister Wu, help me touch his hands and body, are they cold?"

Although she didn't know why Lu Xiaoxiao didn't touch it herself, but seeing her in such a hurry, she bravely touched Wuyan's hands and neck.

"It's very cold. Miss, his body is like a block of ice, that's not acceptable!"

Lu Xiaoxiao casually summoned a stove, and then put two thick quilts on Wuyan's body. Gradually, Wuyan's body began to warm up.

After sending Sister Wu back to where she was supposed to be, Lu Xiaoxiao kept guarding in the space for an unknown amount of time, until an exasperated voice sounded from outside the space.

"Where are people? What the hell! Where are people?"

The Balrog felt that today was really a day.

Three people came in to rob him, two seriously injured him, and one even ran away.

Then how could he kill this woman to break the heart of the man in white clothes?

The flames of the Balrog floated in the night sky, no matter how you looked at it, it looked like a ball of will-o'-the-wisp.

But behind the terrifying will-o'-the-wisp like the Balrog, Lu Xiaoxiao stood silently with a gloomy expression on her face.

"You brought the three of us in here?"

Lu Xiaoxiao's voice suddenly sounded from behind the Balrog, scaring the Balrog so much that his hair exploded. No, it exploded!

I saw the gentle flame of the Balrog suddenly stand upside down, and then cut through the void with a "whoosh" and disappeared.

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