The Almighty Princess is Going To Climb the Wall

Chapter 622 Tianlei, my favorite!

Although the Balrog was the instigator who brought them into the space, after all, the three of them were unharmed. It stands to reason that she shouldn't have such a face.

Nangong Yunfeng could guess the reason why Lu Xiaoxiao's entire face turned dark with his toes.

"Uncle... what's wrong?"

"In a coma." Lu Xiaoxiao looked like a wronged cat, she curled her mouth and almost shed tears again.

"How did you fall into a coma? How long did it take?"

"Just when this thing entered my big formation."

Lu Xiaoxiao's answer surprised the Balrog, and he yelled in horror, "It's none of my business! I didn't do anything bad! I didn't do it, I really didn't do anything!"

"Shut up!" Lu Xiaoxiao lifted the Balrog's tail, and threw him to the ground again with a "snap" like throwing a cake.

Balrog once again spit out a mouthful of fire.

Nangong Yunfeng and Fu Xiaobai's eyebrows twitched faintly.

So rough!

"Could it be that woman from Cloud Firmament Palace wanted to get close to the Emperor's Uncle again, and that's why the Emperor's Uncle hugged you?"

Lu Xiaoxiao nodded, thinking about Wuyan's comatose face, she gritted her teeth and said: "When the spell on him is lifted, I will definitely cut this woman into pieces. I will let her die!"

Nangong Yunfeng sighed and patted her on the shoulder.

This kind of thing is indeed very angry, even if it is persuaded, it is useless. So Nangong Yunfeng nodded and said: "Let's kill her well together! Don't worry, Uncle Huang is probably in too much pain now, and he should be able to wake up after a while."

Hearing Nangong Yunfeng's consolation, Fu Xiaobai stood and stretched out his hand, his brows twitching faintly again. If it wasn't for the fact that he had been dealing with Prince Nangong for a long time, it would be impossible for him to say such a thing like a banished fairy.

It was only for the young master that he would do this.

At this moment, the three of Balrog and Lu Xiaoxiao are absolutely of one mind.

From the conversation between the three of them, he knew that the reason why the woman who was carrying him was in a bad mood was not because of him, but because of the eldest lady of Yunxiao Palace. As for him, he was just unlucky and vented.

"Female...goddess, I have already brought you to meet your friends, can you let me go?" Balrog blinked pitifully, looking as pitiful as he could be.

"No, I can't let him go. Look at the 430,000 graves here, all of which were created by him. He killed 430,000 warriors who had no grievances with him. If he is allowed to leave, more innocent people will die .”

"Goddess, I won't! I won't! I swear I won't!" The Balrog was so frightened by Nangong Yunfeng's words that he wanted to stare at him to scare him, but he thought that someone could absorb his energy. Shut up for a moment and didn't dare to speak.

Lu Xiaoxiao was still thinking about whether to let him go or not.

When she releases someone, she doesn't look at whether the other party has murdered or not, but depends entirely on her preferences.

The Balrog has been dog-legged for so long, it's not impossible to let it go.

The 430,000 people who died didn't have any male-female relationship with her, so she couldn't control it.

Her life is very simple, she has to protect her own person desperately, and no one can hurt her, otherwise she will die forever. For the rest, to be honest, in this world where the strong prey on the weak, those high-ranking warriors didn't take their lives seriously at all, so why did she want to avenge these people?

Think about Ji Yunbing of the Ice and Snow Palace, just because he has a crush on Nangong Yunfeng, so he wants to rob people in the street. She said a few words for Nangong Yunfeng, and Ji Yunbing sent someone to follow her for a whole day, and then sent someone to kill her.

Think about Lan Ruobing of Yunxiao Palace, just because she fell in love with her Jiajin, she didn't care about Jin's life or death, made him a puppet, and tortured him.

Tianyu, under the rule of the seven evil dragons, has long lost human rights and humanity. Human life is not as good as that of animals, and masters can trample on those with lower strength than themselves at will, so Balrog killed 430,000 people, which can only show that he is a master, and nothing else can be explained.

However, just when Lu Xiaoxiao decided to leave the problem with the Balrog, Fu Xiaobai, who had been silent all this time, spoke in vain.

"My lord, the fire poison on his body has a poisonous spirit. I can greatly increase my strength by absorbing his spiritual energy."


The Balrog looked at Fu Xiaobai's scheming at this critical moment, and couldn't say anything depressed.

After seeing 430,000 fierce ghosts, Nangong Yunfeng had already become murderous, and said: "Although I haven't studied the "Star Absorbing Dafa", he has pure energy. After entering my body, I can completely absorb him. energy of."

Fuck! !

The Balrog looked at Nangong Yunfeng again, he was not feeling well. Shouted in fright:

"Goddess, spare my life! Female Bodhisattva, spare my life! I will never kill anyone again! I will never do bad things again! I will be the servant of the goddess from now on, and I will serve the goddess wherever she goes!"

Lu Xiaoxiao is a protector, and she can't make a judgment with a just statement, but she can definitely make a judgment about her own affairs.

Sure enough, Fu Xiaobai and Nangong Yunfeng slipped, Lu Xiaoxiao looked at the Balrog with a sneer and asked, "Do you dare to say that you can get out of Yinshan Mountain?"

Such a ruthless person as the Balrog, every time he framed people into the formation and killed them one by one. Obviously, he is a person who lives in the Yin Mountain and cannot leave the Yin Mountain for half a step. Otherwise, how could these 430,000 people have all died in Yinshan? Based on his character, he should have gone out to commit crimes and died a long time ago.

Sure enough, Lu Xiaoxiao's question silenced the Balrog.

His soul was shaken in the shadowy mountains, once he was too far away from the soul, he would immediately disappear.

Before the Balrog could speak, Lu Xiaoxiao made the final decision.

After shocking the Balrog into a deep coma with one punch, he said: "It just so happens that he is a top-level powerhouse at the earth level, and I can't absorb his energy. But his flame is extremely pure and can enhance my fire attribute.

In this way, Xiaobai, you first absorb all his fire poison, and then Yunfeng, you absorb his energy, and I will absorb the rest of his firepower. "

In a word, the three of them made a happy decision in an instant.

Thus, the Balrog, who had been hovering over the Yin Mountains for thousands of years and killed 430,000 masters, was divided among Lu Xiaoxiao, Nangong Yunfeng and Fu Xiaobai.

After Fu Xiaobai absorbed the poisonous spirit of the Balrog, his entire face was flushed red, and it looked like he was about to advance.

When it was Nangong Yunfeng's turn, he paused.

"What's wrong?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked.

"In Tianyu, advancing will trigger thunder, I'm afraid..."

"Don't be afraid, this is not a problem at all." As for Lei Jie, Lu Xiaoxiao is the favorite.

"Space likes thunder calamity the most, so even if it triggers the sky thunder, as long as I cover you with spiritual energy, the sky thunder will be completely drawn into the space, and it can also shake the seal in the space."

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