The Almighty Princess is Going To Climb the Wall

Chapter 632 My Xiaoxiao has a conscience!

"No..." Just as she was about to say nothing, Lu Xiaoxiao's mind instantly cleared up, and she said, "Jin isn't here, isn't it good for us to do this?"

Nangong Jin who was soaking in the bathtub was almost moved to tears.

At this time, I finally thought of him. But thinking of him, he was already very happy.

"It's okay, forget that he has the same five senses as me? I mean what he means, and he likes it too."

After hearing Wuyan's words, Lu Xiaoxiao's eyes also became blurred.


"Really." Wuyan replied without thinking.

The current Wuyan actually doesn't know what he is talking about.

I never thought that doing such a thing with my wife would be such a wonderful feeling!

A certain place that was already sore due to friction was stuffed into the sky again, and the sympathy struck again, Lu Xiaoxiao regained consciousness again, and once again pressed her right hand against Wuyan's chest.

With thick and uneven panting, Wuyan took advantage of this gap to kiss every part of Lu Xiaoxiao's body, and asked inarticulately, "Xiaoxiao, what's wrong?"

"But...but I think our first time should be with Jin."

At this moment, Nangong Jin, who was soaked in the pool and had already lost her breath, felt dry mouth and tongue for a while. She reached out to hug the little wife who had been pressing on him all the time, but when she stretched out her hand, what she kept was air.

Nangong Jin felt uncomfortable for a while, and synchronized with the cheating Wuyan Miao, they reached an instant agreement.

Wuyan said: "Your first time was directly dedicated to Jin, and I was not there at that time. So the second time, it is directly dedicated to me, not to mention that Jin and I have exactly the same feelings now, yours Every kiss, every beauty, Jin can feel it. He wants it too."

"Really?" Thinking of Jin who is still imprisoned in Yunxiao Palace, Lu Xiaoxiao's heart softened even more.

"Really. Jin can feel it if he loves me."

Facing Wuyan's words, Lu Xiaoxiao went limp again, and obediently followed Wuyan, letting him take her to ride the wind and waves in the rough sea.

Lan Ruobing, who thought Nangong Jin had wet his pants, had been waiting in the dark prison for Nangong Jin to take a shower. But after waiting for an hour, he was still taking a bath. He was urged to urge him twice, but he was always listless.

In the end, Lan Ruobing thought that Nangong Jin had just woken up from a coma, her health was not very good, she needed to recover from her injuries, and it was not suitable for her to have any skin-to-skin relationship, so she let Nangong Jin go.

Without Lan Ruobing, Nangong Jin, who was in handcuffs, completely regained her freedom. After another extreme, ask again.

Lu Xiaoxiao was going to be driven crazy.

She already knew that she said the wrong thing, she admitted that her male artifact is doing well, he is not a little loach, okay?

But at least two hours at a time, they have been exercising crazily for four hours, okay? Please give me some time to rest!

However, Wuyan directly said to her, "There are only three things to do", and then he couldn't help but throw himself into the next round of fighting before resting for a cup of tea.

Before, she was always worried about the real first time with her male god, would the other party be indifferent? Will it change from King Kong to little loach in an instant like when the two merged for the first time?

Now she doesn't have to worry about this problem anymore, but she is worried that Wuyan's power is so strong, whether she will be spoiled...

Finally, after nearly seven hours of hard work, the third round ended.

At this moment, Lu Xiaoxiao has completely turned into a puddle of mud stuck to the bed*****, and she doesn't want to move anymore.

very tired!

Although she is already a master at the earth level, she swears that it has nothing to do with whether it is at the earth level or at the sky level.

Because it's impossible for you to get up your profound strength at such a time!

So more than seven hours of non-stop energy-consuming exercise made Lu Xiaoxiao feel unprecedentedly tired and in pain.

Every ebb and flow is accompanied by all the excitement of life, but after the excitement, there will be a burst of burning pain there.

Seeing Wuyan kissing every corner of her body again, Lu Xiaoxiao was afraid that he would propose to come again.

Knowing that she has no immunity to her male god.

She loves him!

Even if she really didn't want to move, she didn't even want to move a finger. If Wuyan looked at her with hopeful and pleading eyes, she couldn't refuse.

She knew that she had completely fallen for this man.

But she is happy, she is proud, she is willing!

But fortunately, Wuyan stood up silently, with her absolutely perfect body naked, and her hip-length long hair standing up.

Looking at Wuyan's wide shoulders, narrow waist, breasts, and long legs facing her at this moment, this perfect figure seems to be only in comic books, and it is extremely detailed and beautiful comic books seen.

If it wasn't for the fact that she couldn't move at this moment, otherwise she would pounce on him and eat him without Wuyan opening her mouth.

Feeling his little wife's desire to swallow him up at this moment, a faint but extremely sweet smile rose from the corners of her faceless lips.

Turning around, he didn't hide at all that the brother under him who was still standing proudly, who had always stuck to his post and never stood guard, but never gave up when he faced his boss, walked barefoot to Lu Xiaoxiao's side again.

"What are you holding?"

Lu Xiaoxiao was about to stand up, but was kissed back by Wuyan's overwhelming kiss.

"Lie down obediently, I will give you some medicine to avoid pain."

"It's okay, how can I be so delicate! And just take a Mingxi Pill."

"No." Wuyan shook her head resolutely.

This is his beloved younger sister, and he wants to take care of his younger sister like he takes care of Xiaoxiao. Women are for pampering and pain, and of course younger sisters should also be pampered.

Although Ming Xidan can eliminate redness and swelling immediately after taking it, how can this compare with the medicine he prepared by hand?

This is an unopened ointment that he had refined before, and it finally came in handy today.

He must make his sister the most beautiful flower in the world.

If Lu Xiaoxiao knew the goal in Wuyan's heart at this moment, she would definitely spit out a mouthful of old blood.

this goal...

It is so great, so sublime!

Gently, carefully, and lovingly applied the ointment to her sister's red and swollen area, Lu Xiaoxiao instantly felt a soft coolness soaking through her whole body. Under the nourishment of this peculiar ointment, even the whole body seemed much lighter. The pain below disappeared instantly.

"What kind of medicine is this?"

"Yulu ointment, I was afraid to use it before, and I made it by hand in advance."

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