"Don't worry, I'm here." Wuyan's voice came at the right time, instantly soothing Lu Xiaoxiao's nervous heart.

With or without Yan, with or without Yan to rely on, she is indeed not afraid of anything.

Anyway, there was no use of profound energy, so Lu Xiaoxiao simply relaxed her body and let this force bring her down.

I don't know how long it has been down, but Lu Xiaoxiao can finally feel the bottom of the black hole. However, the next moment, just feeling the bottom, the ground can already be seen clearly with the naked eye.

this speed...

If someone fell from the top, even if they were not killed by the things inside, they would probably be killed by the fall!

Anyway, this problem is not something Lu Xiaoxiao can worry about, because when she was about to land, Wuyan sucked her into the space, caught her in her arms, and then controlled the space to land safely.

Leaving Wuyan's embrace, Lu Xiaoxiao reappeared in the black hole.

As Wuyan said, where is a hole here? It is clearly a space that cannot be seen at a glance.

Suddenly, a hoarse scream came from the top of Lu Xiaoxiao's head. Looking up, she saw a stream of white light clawing at the air, but no matter how hard it tried, it was attracted by an inexplicable force until Hidden to the end of the front, disappeared.

"What is that?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked.

"That is the soul of man."

"Soul? Why can I see the soul?" Usually she can't see these dirty things.

"The soul exists in the form of energy, and its attribute is yin. Now you have entered a place of the most yin and evil. The yin here is strong enough, so you can see the soul in it."

It is indeed evil enough. Such a large space is actually much darker than Yinshan Mountain. Even a master who has reached the earth level, her eyesight is no longer troubled by the darkness, but in this black cave, she still sees things very blurry.

"My lord, it's full of poisonous flowers and weeds that are hard to find outside." Fu Xiaobai in the space really didn't know how to laugh. This Yin mountain is completely his paradise.

"Okay, I'll step on it for you!" Although she knew that Yan Jiuqing and the others were inside, Lu Xiaoxiao was not too worried. Because Yan Jiuqing and the others are big figures of demigods, even if the things in it are very powerful, at least they will have no problem saving their lives.

On the balance, Lu Xiaoxiao decided not to waste these good things. After all, it is really easy to get lost, and she might not be able to find it next time.

Ever since, Lu Xiaoxiao used the earth profound power to uproot the things Fu Xiaobai was interested in one by one, and transported them to the area specially prepared for him in the space. Now there are little Button and Dudu who are not afraid of poison in this area, and no one dares to go in.

It's just a pity that Button is not here. Otherwise, these things will be reproduced by thousands of times and ten thousand times immediately.

Looking at the poisonous flowers and weeds all over the mountains and plains that were placed away in a short while, Fu Xiaobai felt that he had really made a fortune.

Although the space is good, it is new, and there is not a lot of poisonous flowers and weeds for him.

He has long despised those poisonous things in Antarctica.

And here, these things should not be too poisonous. As long as these different types of poisons all over the mountains and plains are stimulated by Barton in large quantities, Fu Xiaobai is confident that by consuming these poisonous substances, the poison in his body will be great!

In other words, after absorbing the toxins of these poisons tens of millions of times, his body will become saturated. From now on, he will be poisonous, and the poison will be him.

The toxins in his body can never be exhausted relying on the circulation of internal force in his body!

When I first came in, my eyesight hadn't fully adapted. I could see nearby things, but things within a few hundred meters were blurry. Lu Xiaoxiao couldn't tell how many flowers and plants were planted here, anyway, they were all Fu Xiaobai's favorite, so she just had a thought, a burst of earth profound force, and she took pictures of the flowers and plants in this place. All the bills were collected, not even a dog hair was left on this land.

After sweeping the flowers and plants, Lu Xiaoxiao was about to fly towards the places where the souls were imprisoned under Wuyan's signal, but unexpectedly, a cloud of Yin Qi floated over from behind without a sound.

Suddenly there was a scream, Lu Xiaoxiao turned around, and all she saw was a beam of white light entering Nangong Yunfeng's hands, and then disappeared.

"How is the taste?"

The faceless question made Lu Xiaoxiao shudder.

Nangong Yunfeng smiled slightly, felt the true energy in his body and said, "It's not bad, although it's a bit cloudy, but it's very pure energy."

"It doesn't matter. You have an ethereal physique, and you are born to get rid of these unnecessary things and absorb what you need. Although these souls are very dark and dead, they are genuine energy bodies, which are most suitable for you to absorb directly. Here There should be a lot of ghosts, you have seen it, just absorb it."

"Thank you, Uncle Huang, for reminding me, I understand."

After listening to the conversation between the uncle and nephew, Lu Xiaoxiao's eyes lit up and said, "I can also absorb the energy of these souls, right?"

Wuyan and Nangong Yunfeng looked at a certain woman who was almost insane because she wanted something for nothing at the same time, with different expressions.

"Yunfeng can absorb the energy of these souls because of his ethereal physique, but you can't."

"Why can't I? My brother and I have all learned the method of absorbing stars. When I was at the human level, I asked Yan Jiuqing to defeat a few human-level warriors for me to absorb energy. Since these souls are all energy Why can't I absorb it?"

While speaking, suddenly there was a flash of swords and swords in front of him, and Lu Xiaoxiao used Lei Xuanli to strike out with a palm.

The soul suddenly made a "Zi Zi Zi" sound like an electric shock, Lu Xiaoxiao took the opportunity to inhale with her hand, and the soul was sucked in by her.

However, just when she exerted force, the soul hit by her thunder profound force made a muffled "bang" sound, dissipated into a little white light, and completely disappeared into the black hole space.

"How is it possible? How could this be?" Lu Xiaoxiao was extremely depressed, and looked at Wuyan with 10,000 points of damage.

At this moment, after sensing that the two companions had been killed, a dozen or so ghosts in the form of human figures suddenly emerged from a distance.

"Fixed." Wuyan said, and a dozen or so souls whose strength was at least human level were completely frozen.

Under Wuyan's gesture, Lu Xiaoxiao came to one of the souls and directly performed the star-absorbing method.

However, after the hand that circulated the profound energy touched the body of the soul, Lu Xiaoxiao felt that the touch of the soul became hardened as soon as the profound energy was activated, as if it was blocked by something.

The next moment, there was another muffled sound, and the soul turned into dots of white light again.

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