Outside Nangong Jin's study, the carriage had already parked, waiting for the master to drive him at any time. Seeing Lu Xiaoxiao coming, Ling Han invited her in very politely.

Lu Xiaoxiao nodded slightly, Ling Han was the most pleasing person in this palace. Except for Ling Han, she dislikes everyone in this ruined palace.

"Is Dudu okay? Why are you here?"

Lu Xiaoxiao glanced at Nangong Jin, this dead-faced paralyzed man was too concerned about Dudu, the first thing she asked was actually Dudu. The eunuch man is indeed so sad that there is no lower limit!

"Dudu is fine. I'm here to ask you for leave." Lu Xiaoxiao's answer was concise and to the point.

"Ask for leave? What are you going to do?"

Seeing Nangong Jin's headache on her face, Lu Xiaoxiao quit: "I asked for leave for a legitimate reason, why do I want to do something wrong? Have I ever done something wrong?"

You have to make a lot of moths every day, okay? !

Facing a woman without self-awareness, this time, Nangong Jin wisely chose not to argue with her. Otherwise, this woman will soon go off topic with him again.

"Tell me about your leave."

"I'm going to ask for leave for ten days, and I won't go back home for ten days."

Nangong Jin frowned: "Are you not going home to eat or not to go home to sleep?"

"Don't come back to sleep."


"why not?"

"Why do you say?" Nangong Jin looked at Lu Xiaoxiao unreasonably: "Which married woman will not go home for ten days? Do you think of a palace as an inn? Besides, you have a child who is not yet full moon. As a mother , do you have the heart to watch your child live outside because of you?"

"Darling, if it wasn't for paying off the debt, do you think I would be running around like this?"

"This king said that if you don't want to travel, you don't have to travel. This king has recognized you and Dudu. You can always live in the Seventh Prince's Mansion and be your seventh princess. No one will drive you away."

"Thank you, I'm still young, and I don't want to bury myself here for the rest of my life."

"Lu Xiaoxiao, can you not be so selfish? The child has only been born for a few days, and you take him out every day. In such a cold day, the child will suffer from frostbite! Even if you want to pay off the debt, you can wait until the child is older. Think of a way to repay it slowly, and the king has not limited the time for you to repay the debt, so why are you taking your newborn child out to run around?"

Although the eunuch man is sad, his behavior and words of caring about Dudu are not hypocritical at all. Lu Xiaoxiao lowered her anger and explained carefully:

"Thank you for your kindness. You don't have to worry about this. Dudu will never be cold or hungry if you follow me. As a mother, how could I wrong my child? As for the debt, I still want to pay it off early. It doesn't feel good to live under the fence!"

Her space is many times better than his palace. Dudu is in the space, the temperature is suitable, the aura is extremely abundant, and with Bifan's care, she can not only enter the space to feed the baby at any time when the baby is hungry, In the cellar of the space, she also used a lot of highly airtight aseptic bags to pack a lot of breast milk that Dudu couldn't drink. How could he be frozen and hungry?

Before contacting him, he entered Lu Xiaoxiao's room, one moment he was sure that there was no one in it, the next moment Lu Xiaoxiao appeared in the room with two maids and a baby, and then Feichen and Feihua failed to track him inexplicably, Then yesterday Xia Rumeng and Feilong were attacked by fireballs for no reason...

At this moment, Nangong Jin was almost certain that there must be something similar to a space ring on Lu Xiaoxiao's body. But this space is ten thousand times more useful than a space ring, because it can accommodate living people!

But even in Tianyu, he has never seen anything that can hold a living person...

Nangong Jin looked at Lu Xiaoxiao, this woman had too many secrets, she was almost catching up with him.

"Tomorrow the Empress Dowager and the Empress invite you into the palace to enjoy the plum blossoms."

Nangong Jin's nonsensical words directly made Lu Xiaoxiao furious: "Appreciate plum blossoms? Are you full? What's so good about plum blossoms? They look at plum blossoms in the palace every day, don't they bother you?"

Appreciating Lu Xiaoxiao's fried hair, Nangong Jin felt inexplicably relieved.

"I dont go!"

Lu Xiaoxiao was so sad and angry that she didn't want to waste time on those rouge girls in the palace fighting against her. What she wants is strength and power. When she has big enough fists, let alone the queen mother and empress, even the emperor and the three magic stick sects can't do anything to her.

"This is Yizhi. It arrived at the mansion yesterday, but I forgot to show it to you."

After all, Nangong Jin took out Minghuang's Yizhi from a pile of booklets, and threw it directly into Lu Xiaoxiao's arms.

Lu Xiaoxiao frowned. As long as she doesn't cut things like the royal family, she won't just throw Yizhi like garbage. Uncle Seventh Emperor really has an unprecedented status in Nanzhao Kingdom as rumored.

Thinking of this, Lu Xiaoxiao smiled obsequiously at Nangong Jin: "My lord, can you ask for a leave of absence for my concubine? Just say that my concubine's aunt is here and she can't get out of bed in pain. Too much blood will affect the queen mother And the Queen's Ankang, will the concubine visit them after a while?"

At this moment, Nangong Jin not only understood what a big aunt is, but he also probably understood what it meant when Lu Xiaoxiao scolded his big uncle for coming last time.

Seeing that Nangong Jin didn't refuse her immediately, Lu Xiaoxiao's eyes lit up, and she hurriedly continued to cheer up and said, "My lord, please please. You are very strict in Nanzhao. If you say I am uncomfortable, the queen mother and queen will not treat you How about it, right? We are a family, and you must help me in this matter, right?"

For this extremely philistine woman who calls him by his first name when she asks him for nothing, calls herself "sister", "mother", "I", and calls him prince when she asks him for something, and calls herself "concubine", Nangong Jin is already used to her behavior. Shameless.

However, it was the first time he had heard of the "family" she had just mentioned, and when he thought of his son Dudu, he felt inexplicably refreshed.

"It's not impossible to ask the king to help you with this favor and postpone the meeting."

Lu Xiaoxiao's eyes lit up, and she said in a very doggy manner: "Your lord, feel free to ask for any conditions, as long as they are not excessive, the concubine will definitely find a way to fulfill them."

"Your servant girl has suddenly changed from an intermediate martial artist to a master who is close to the intermediate martial king. The princess must have some heaven-defying elixir?"

"What did the prince say? Why can't I understand?" Lu Xiaoxiao looked at Nangong Jin vigilantly, deeply regretting that she forgot to help Xiaoshuang and Bifan hide their strength.

Seeing Lu Xiaoxiao's anti-thief look in his eyes, Nan Gongjin said: "Princess, don't worry, I won't tell you that you have such a heaven-defying pill. one.

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