The Almighty Princess is Going To Climb the Wall

Chapter 76 Show off your brother-in-law's happiness!

Jumping to another branch, Lu Xiaoxiao immediately retreated, using the power of the earth element to make all the branches, trunks, and roots around her move.

Although Demon Wolf knew about humans, he didn't understand Lu Xiaoxiao's style of play at all.

When the big tree they were standing on suddenly turned to attack them, the demon wolves became chaotic in an instant.

Lu Xiaoxiao's eyes lit up, and she chased and beat those demon wolves fiercely. Taking advantage of the chaos, she used the dagger in her hand to end another demon wolf's life.

The demon wolf on the ground was about to jump up and attack, but suddenly a spike-like thing rose up from the good ground. The fleshy pads of the paws were the tenderest meat, and they were suddenly poked by the spikes growing from the ground, approaching Lu Xiaoxiao The demon wolves wailed in an instant, staring at Lu Xiaoxiao with puzzlement and anger in their eyes.

At this moment, the magic wolves felt like they were being tricked by Lu Xiaoxiao.

There are more and more demonic wolves around, and originally only felt the aura of a dozen or so monsters, but during this period of battle, this aura has become more and more.

After these demon wolves found out that Lu Xiaoxiao was lying to her father, and retreated to a place 20 meters away from her, Lu Xiaoxiao realized that in such a short time, with her as the center, everywhere she could see was densely packed with magic wolf.


"There are so many demon wolves, even if there are not one thousand, there are eight hundred, right? Wuyan, are you sure you want to continue to close the space? What if I die? You will be lost!"

"Except for the two you killed, there are a total of 1248 demon wolves here. You can fight them slowly. Although their intelligence is not as good as that of humans, they are still quite smart. Fighting against them can increase your combat effectiveness at the same level. .”

Lu Xiaoxiao sighed depressedly and asked suddenly: "Wuyan, are you unlucky? Have you calculated your luck?"

"..." Faced with Lu Xiaoxiao's divine question, she was silent.

"You said that I am such a lucky person, why has my fortune plummeted since you took shape? I am inexplicably bitten by that dead-faced paralyzed person every day, and I still owe a huge debt. Now run to the Warcraft Mountains Gathering medicine, I was besieged by demon wolves for no reason. You said that I didn’t dig their ancestral graves, so why do they hate me so much? This is unscientific!”

Anyway, these demon wolves surrounded her and hadn't launched an attack yet, as if they wanted to scare her to death with their eyes. So Lu Xiaoxiao simply stood there and chatted with Wuyan, and recovered her strength by the way.

"Although you didn't dig their ancestral graves, you provoked the wolf queen. The wolf king has only one wolf queen in his life, and the wolf queen's weight in the wolf pack is even higher than the wolf king. You provoke the wolf queen, the wolf king finds It's normal for you to fight, it has nothing to do with my fortune."

"Shrimp? When did I provoke the wolf queen? I'm not crazy yet!"

Just when Lu Xiaoxiao refused to admit it, there was a sudden commotion among the wolves, and a wave of demon wolves directly opposite suddenly stepped aside, and a tall, mighty and majestic demon wolf followed by a drowning dog, slowly came The middle.

Lu Xiaoxiao looked at the drowning dog standing proudly next to the wolf king, and realized that this drowning dog was also a demonic wolf, and it was the demonic wolf she had just met by the lake.

Damn! He also said that it has nothing to do with his fortune. How could she provoke a wolf queen if she didn't have a penny of male-female relationship?

"Wow——" Although the wolf queen stood on the ground and was shorter than Lu Xiaoxiao, Lu Xiaoxiao could feel its condescending aura. It was a kind of arrogance, a kind of contempt, a kind of contempt, and a kind of... showing off.


After the wolf queen howled, thousands of demon wolves also howled in the next moment, and the deafening sound suppressed Lu Xiaoxiao's momentum.

Feeling the aura of her own wolf pack, the wolf queen once again became arrogant, and looked at Lu Xiaoxiao with incomparably embarrassing eyes.

The wolf king next to the wolf queen didn't do anything, and didn't howl. He just stood there quietly supporting his own female wolf. This is its best protection for its own female wolf and the best blow to its enemy, Lu Xiaoxiao.

Under Lu Xiaoxiao's stunned gaze, the wolf queen somehow read that the other party looked at her with a sense of envy, so she coquettishly pushed her head against the wolf king, and the wolf king raised his hand as if he ruled the world He fondled the wet head of the wolf's back with his paw.

"Wow——" The wolf queen received the caress of the wolf king, and he still caressed her in front of the enemy. This made the wolf queen feel better, and there was another wolf howl, and then she looked at Lu Xiaoxiao.

"Wow——" the pack of wolves howled after the wolves again, as if they were going to crush Lu Xiaoxiao to death with arrogance.

Facing the wolf queen's aggressive and cool aura, Lu Xiaoxiao sweated to death.

You like to share your happiness so much, does your mother know? Is it really okay for you to show affection to a human like this?

Is the queen wolf amazing? She also has a very powerful Uncle Wuyan as her backing, okay? Aww——

Lu Xiaoxiao was howling in her heart, she hoped that her bold confession could soften the heart of a certain uncle, and then open up the space. As long as they can enter and leave the space at will, these demon wolves are completely scum, can they be killed in seconds, okay?

In her heart, although Wuyan is indifferent, she is different from Nangong Jin's paralyzed face. She believes that Wuyan can definitely stand by her side in times of crisis and protect her from wind and rain.

"Don't dream." The faceless voice sounded again, and said with great shock: "You either have the ability to escape by yourself, or you will fight to the death with these demon wolves. As long as you are not seriously injured, don't even think about going back to the space. Too dependent Space is not a good thing for your growth."

At this moment, looking at the drowned wolf queen, Lu Xiaoxiao felt that her life was extremely hard.

Even the wolf queen is protected by the wolf king. She is a woman with a husband and a strong protective umbrella in the space, but she can only handle everything by herself.

At this moment, Lu Xiaoxiao felt that she was really self-willed. She could clearly rely on her face to eat and wait to die in the Seventh Prince's Mansion, but she wanted to rely on her talent and herself.

Looking at the wolf queen's incomparably sullen eyes, at this moment Lu Xiaoxiao felt envy, jealousy and hatred in her heart.

Suddenly, Lu Xiaoxiao's figure exploded, and driven by the wind element, she rushed towards the wolf queen who caused trouble at the fastest speed.

Show your brother-in-law show! How amazing are you to have a male wolf?

My old lady will beat you up today! It was you who hit! I want to see if the wolf king wants you when I beat you to disfigurement!

Seeing Lu Xiaoxiao rushing towards him, the wolf queen made a moaning sound, as if being bullied and begging for protection.

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