The Almighty Princess is Going To Climb the Wall

Chapter 813 The Lord God Is Really...Fresh

He had long forgotten what he wanted to do with his father and mother.

Nangong Jin and Lu Xiaoxiao looked dumbfounded at Dudu who turned to leave. They clearly saw tears in Dudu's eyes when he left.

The two petrified for a long time, and finally they were separated at an hour of merging, that is, after two hours.

After separation, the three of them sat on the bed and continued to petrify.

"Let me see." Nangong Jin crawled to Lu Xiaoxiao's side and lifted her dress. On the white bed sheet, because I was too emotional and exercised too intensely just now, a small piece of my aunt's blood was stained on the bed sheet...

Then, there was silence again.

"This kid is angry, what should I do?" Wuyan asked.

Lu Xiaoxiao scratched her head in embarrassment, and said irresponsibly: "You made him angry, you clean it up."

Nangong Jin was dumbfounded, a handsome guy and a man showed the same pitiful eyes one after another, and pitifully called out to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Lady!"

"Okay, okay, then we will go and enlighten him together."


After leaving the barrier, Dudu returned to his own space sadly, Ling Xiaoran was shocked when he saw him coming back sullenly, even his eyes were red.

It was the first time he saw Dudu so sad.

Lingjia text always liked Dudu and was tight, but after she found out that Dudu's father turned out to be the main god of the Antarctic continent, she regarded herself as the future daughter-in-law of the main god in her heart.

Seeing that Dudu was wronged, he hurried to care.

"Brother Xiaoli, are you crying? What's wrong with you? Are you unhappy? Tell Xiaowen who made you unhappy? I won't play with him anymore."

Dudu glanced sadly at Xiaowen, then at Master again, and said resentfully: "Master, my mother was bullied by my father."

After all, Dudu couldn't bear it any longer, threw himself into Ling Xiaoran's arms aggrieved, and burst into tears.

Ling Xiaoran hugged Dudu directly, let him lean in his arms, hugged him with one hand, wiped his tears with the other hand, and asked unhurriedly: "What's the matter? You slowly Tell Master."

Anyone who knew both of them knew how kind the Lord God was to Lu Xiaoxiao. Don't talk about bullying Lu Xiaoxiao, with Lu Xiaoxiao's personality, it would be good if she didn't bully the Lord God.

Dudu finished crying, shrugged his small shoulders, his eyes were swollen like walnuts, gasped and said: "I went to find my father and mother just now, but it turned out that my father set up an enchantment. He set it up before. I couldn't even pass through the barrier, but this time, I didn't know why, but it hurt like this.

I broke through the barrier suddenly, and my father and mother were at a loss. After I went in, I found out why my father and mother had to set up an enchantment outside their house. "

"Why?" Ling Xiaoran was curious.

"Because my father has violent tendencies!" Dudu came to this conclusion with certainty and then said: "He set up the barrier to prevent us from seeing him abusing mother. He beat mother, put mother's mouth They were all swollen from the beating. My mother's eyes were full of tears, and there were a lot of papers for blowing her nose on the ground.

Mother must have cried a lot and was in pain. The paper on the ground was full of sticky snot. Also, my mother was beaten and bled! woo woo woo..."

Later, Dudu felt more and more that he was a very unfortunate child, and cried sadly again.

"Brother Xiaoli, woo woo woo...don't cry! Seeing you sad makes me sad too, woo woo woo..."

Ling Jiawen, who was listening to Dudu angrily saying that his father beat his mother, also burst into tears.

After hearing this, Ling Xiaoran was completely stunned.

Not to mention that he worships the Lord God, worships the Lord God, so he fully believes in the Lord God. As long as Lu Xiaoxiao is there on weekdays, the main god's eyes are always glued to her, the kind of eyes that can't be picked off, Ling Xiaoran dares to give ten thousand guarantees in his heart, Lu Xiaoxiao will never be bullied by the main god .

Not to mention it made her bleed.

"Where were your mother and father when you went in?"

"Bed******* in their bedroom."

Ling Xiaoran was taken aback, sweated profusely, and asked: "Then the blood you saw was also on the bed sheet? It's not that your mother has a wound on her body, is it?"

Dudu shrugged his shoulders and sobbed and nodded: "Yes."

Ling Xiaoran's eyes twitched slightly, and he asked again: "You said that your father slapped your mother's mouth to swell, so did you see that your mother's face was red, and did you have any palm prints?"

Dudu thought about it and shook his head: "There is no palm print, but Niangqin's mouth is really swollen, and the face around the mouth is red and swollen."

At this moment, Ling Xiaoran's entire facial nerves began to twitch uncontrollably.

The main god is really... full of blood!

On their way from Dongyangtian to Nanyangtian, the Lord God asked Lu Xiaoxiao to go back to the space to rest every day. Then there is always such an hour, the whole space is suspended in the air and completely motionless.

Then, an hour later, the space moved towards Nanyang Tian under a huge energy trend.

Adults know what these two are doing all this hour.

But everyone is an adult after all, it is good to understand this kind of thing, and no one will specifically mention it.

Who knew that Dudu would bump into her today. Moreover, he specially found a time for Lu Xiaoxiao to break in when she was having her menstruation.

It's really unexpected that the main god is so hot-blooded, even during Lu Xiaoxiao's menstrual period.

In this situation, there is almost no need to think about it, as soon as Dudu explained the situation, Ling Xiaoran knew what was going on with the couple.

It must be that the Lord God needed it very much, but Lu Xiaoxiao had menstruation, so the Lord God asked Lu Xiaoxiao to solve it for him with his mouth.

Thinking of a long, long time ago, his wife also took the initiative to ask him to solve the problem with her mouth because she couldn't bear to see him suffer. Every time after finishing work, seeing his wife's red and swollen lips and the tears all over her face caused by the irritation, Ling Xiaoran felt a little pain in his heart.

At that time, it seemed that every day was endless, and every moment was needed...

But after his wife died, the thoughts in this regard faded instantly and disappeared quickly.

Thousands of years have passed, no matter how good a woman he meets during the period, in his heart, the woman who has left him is always the best.

Now all the impulses and needs have long been sealed in my heart with the departure of that woman.

"Master, do you also feel sorry for my mother?"

Seeing Ling Xiaoran's slightly sad face, Dudu asked.

Recovering from the remembrance, Ling Xiaoran put Dudu on the ground, sat on the ground himself, and enlightened him: "Dudu, your mother is not pitiful, she and your father are in love."

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