The Almighty Princess is Going To Climb the Wall

Chapter 87 Chrysanthemum Explosion

If she had very profound strength, now she would be able to unleash all her might without any reservations or entanglements.

Moreover, profound strength can be regenerated within the body, it just takes a certain amount of time. Under such an unimpeded cycle, when she used up two elemental forces and had three elemental forces left, new elemental forces had already been produced.

"Now that you have absorbed all the fire elements of the Red Flame Beast, let me see how much your fire elements have improved."

Lu Xiaoxiao pulled her mind back excitedly, and was about to happily try her skills, but suddenly she smelled an extreme stench.

"What's the smell? Why is it so bad?" Someone looked at Wuyan with disgust, wondering what kind of plane he was messing with.

"The impurities that have been deposited in your body for many years are discharged, and it will definitely smell bad."

"Ah? I'm smelling?"

Someone hurriedly stretched out his hand and sniffed it lightly, his face, which was thicker than the city wall, finally turned slightly red.


Unable to bear the stench, Lu Xiaoxiao disappeared in a blink of an eye, and the next moment, she threw herself into the lake.

After washing his body over and over again, after washing off the black and thick dirt covering his whole body like grease, he was sure that it was impossible to smell anymore, so he went ashore and took out a new set of clothes to put on.

When she returned to the place where she took the elixir, she saw Wuyan sitting cross-legged and meditating.

Just now she felt that Wuyan was a little weak after absorbing the magic core of the red flame beast. Now it seems that Wuyan must have spent a lot of energy in order to help herself absorb the magic core of the red flame beast.

The power of the elixir had already made her feel unbearable, and coupled with the power of the magic core of the red flame beast, it was absolutely unbearable for her body. But except for the pain of the pill entering her body at the beginning, she found it tolerable at other times, which is enough to show that Wuyan has been using her own strength to escort her during these ten hours.

After all, he is just a soul body that has just been condensed, and the continuous output of soul power must be a big harm to him.

Lu Xiaoxiao felt warm in her heart, and sat quietly beside Wuyan, watching him meditate and recover. Although there were only the two of them in this space, and no one would influence him to meditate here, Lu Xiaoxiao still accompanied him quietly. This is the only thing she can give back to Wuyan.

After Wuyan finished meditating and opened her eyes, Lu Xiaoxiao asked with concern: "Are you okay?"

"It's okay, how long have I been sitting?"

"Three hours."

Lu Xiaoxiao's answer made her faceless and chaotic eyes darken slightly.

"My body smells so good, is it because I absorbed the magic core?" Seeing that Wuyan had stopped talking for some reason, Lu Xiaoxiao asked curiously.

"The human body already has body fragrance, but the more impurities there are, the weaker the body fragrance will be. A body with too many impurities will not only have no body fragrance, but even have body odor."

Lu Xiaoxiao raised her eyebrows slightly, she quite liked the scent on her body.

"I will block the aura of the space, you can try the fire element in your body."

"Okay." Lu Xiaoxiao nodded, mobilized the fire element in her body, and waved a palm towards a five-meter-diameter tree opposite, which must be more than a thousand years old in the outside world.

A huge purple-red fireball with a diameter of one meter blasted towards the tree trunk with a strong temperature at a fast speed. With a loud "boom", the big tree not only collapsed, but was directly blown away by the fireball , fell to a place 20 meters away and burned blazingly, turning into ashes in less than half a cup of tea.

Lu Xiaoxiao looked at her hand excitedly, hardly believing that it was an attack from her body.

You know, she used to be able to shoot fireballs, and there were four of them in one shot. However, let alone knocking such a thick tree into the air, the four fireballs passed by, at most they punched a few holes in such a tree trunk, and then burned it along the way.

But it is impossible to turn such a large tree into ashes. Even if it burns for an hour, it is impossible because the temperature is not enough.

Just like when she went to kill Xia Rumeng and the hidden guard before, she had already poured six barrels of vegetable oil, but she also sent four fireballs at the door, and more than ten fireballs on the window of the back door, totaling It took nearly 20 fireballs to knock Xia Rumeng's main house down.

According to the current strength, only one fireball can directly kill Xia Rumeng and the guard.

In other words, her power has increased by more than 20 times than before, and the temperature of the flame is much higher than before. The core temperature of the previous fireball was at most 200 degrees, but the core temperature of the current fireball is at least 800 degrees. She didn't know the exact temperature, but she could feel that the increase in temperature was definitely four times higher than before.

At this moment, Lu Xiaoxiao felt that her whole body was full of strength.

"I... what level have I reached?" The Red Flame Beast is a fifth-order peak monster. She has absorbed the purest energy from the Red Flame Beast's magic core. Does that mean that she has also reached...

Lu Xiaoxiao was so excited that she almost didn't dare to think about the result of opening the pores all over her body.

After absorbing a magic core, although it hurts for ten hours, it can instantly turn from a rookie with no first-level to a master of fourth-level and fifth-level. This, this, this...

At this moment, Lu Xiaoxiao was already imagining in her mind the scene of Nangong Jin being completely abused by her.

Seeing Wuyan staring at her fireball in a daze, Lu Xiaoxiao chuckled and felt so shy for a moment.

Hey... What about the three thousand years of cultivation that was agreed upon? At this rate, as long as there are three more good things like this, wouldn't she be able to break through to the seventh-order peak?

"Strange, why is the power so low?"

Wuyan's words were like a basin of cold water pouring over Lu Xiaoxiao's heart.

"Low?" How could it be low? Sir, are your eyes bad? It's tall, okay? !

"I thought that after you absorbed the energy of the Red Flame Beast, the fire element would be able to break through at least the second level, but looking at it now, your fire element has only reached the first and fifth level."


Lu Xiaoxiao instantly felt that she was not well.

What about the fifth-order peak? Even if it's not at the peak of Tier 5, there must be a peak of Tier 4, right? Why are you so cheating? She has spent so much time and energy, but her profound strength has only risen to the first and fifth levels.

Can you stop being so cheating? Do you dare not to be so cheating?

Seeing Lu Xiaoxiao's disheveled face, she felt that she would never love her again, Wuyan hurriedly said: "Maybe it's because you didn't absorb it well. can send out some other kinds of profound energy and let me see."

Poor absorption?

Your uncle! Why don't you say that sister's chrysanthemum exploded and pulled out all the energy of the red flame beast?

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