The Almighty Princess is Going To Climb the Wall

Chapter 914 Distorted Psychologically Distorted Life

Just now that she is only over three years old, she can already attract the favor of a girl like Chai Qingqing who is excellent in all aspects. Given time, I still don't know what kind of Yushu Linfeng will be.

Thinking about myself, the girl I admired since I was a child stayed away from him because he was a good-for-nothing, and married a wild boy who was not as good as their family. Because he couldn't cultivate, he was only in his early 40s and already showed the appearance of being old and weak, and his health was still not good.

But that wild boy who used to live under the eaves of their house is now a master of the supreme level. Because he can reach the supreme level at a young age, he was favored by the head of a medium-sized sect and focused on training him.

He went home to visit his relatives a month ago, and happened to meet both of them and his parents.

Those two people looked like young people in their teens or twenties, but he seemed to be older than their father.

So he hates the poor, hates the poor from the bottom of his heart. These people can't give them any chance to turn over at all. As long as they have the opportunity, once they turn over, they will trample you under your feet.

At this moment, when Mr. Zou saw Dudu, it was as if he saw the poor boy who boarded in their house back then. Although poor, it has great potential, which makes people feel uncomfortable no matter how they look at it.

"Master Zou, why do you say that my moral character is not correct? You asked me to write a poem, and I wrote it well, but you didn't believe it, and then you immediately asked me to write another poem, and I wrote it again, but you still didn't believe it." , and said that my moral character is not good. Master Zou, does the Second Elder know that you defend Duan Geng so much?"


"Yesterday you disliked me. It was clear that Duan Geng bullied me, but you went to the second elder to complain that I bullied him. After the second elder set things right, you bullied me again because of him today. Mr. Zou felt that my parents It's just that there is no one in power in Xuanxuanmen, so I don't even deserve the minimum human rights?"

"When did the old man say that you are not worthy of human rights?"

"You asked me to write a poem and I wrote it, and then you said I plagiarized, asked me to write another one, and I wrote it again. In the end, you not only said I copied you, but also said that my character was not correct.

Now you want me to write the third poem, will you not only say that I am plagiarized and that my character is not correct, but also that I am a shameless villain and an unscrupulous thief after I compose it?

Hehe, if this is the case, I don't think I need the teacher to give me a score. Anyone who is not blind can see how well this poem is written. If you don't want to rate me anyway, then don't rate it. Do you think I care about your rating? "

Mr. Zou sneered: "You can be proud of my grades, and you can be arrogant. After all, there is nothing you can do about it. But Lu Li, a tree can be straightened when it is bent when it is young, and it can grow into a tree later. It’s a towering tree, but if you let it bend like this when you were young and grow up to break it, I’m afraid it will never be straightened.”

"Master, let's save these words to children like Duan Geng. My mother has always said that I am a good boy, so whether I bend or not is out of Master's control."

It was the first time that Dudu was questioned about his character. Although he did use ancient poems, Mr. Zou went too far.

Whether it's useless or not, only he knows about it. Apart from his father and mother, there is no other person in this world who knows, so Mr. Zou's treatment of him is completely aimed at him.

However, when Mr. Zou thought of that wild child who used to live under the fence but now snatched the woman he liked and lived a life with her that only envied mandarin ducks but not immortals, he collapsed and hated. Hate those who are poor but have backbone and talent.

"Duan Geng and the others are sometimes a little mischievous, but at least they didn't plagiarize, steal, or make low-level mistakes in character."

"The master is saying that I plagiarized? Stealed? I made a low-level mistake in character? Does the master have evidence for saying this? If there is no evidence, you are slandering, and you will be sentenced for slandering!"

"Hehe, did you tell your wife about the sentence? Lu Li, even if your wife and I do not have a high teaching level, at least I know that, let alone your age, even at my age, I would not be able to compose such a good poem. , you are a three-year-old child, how can you write such a good poem?"

Dudu sneered: "Then why don't you say that you are so old that you are not even a warrior, but many children here already have the strength of a warrior or even a warrior?"

"You..." Dudu directly poked Mr. Zou on the most painful spot, and Mr. Zou was so angry that he couldn't speak.

"What me? You think you are very powerful, so if you can't do it, we can't do it? But the fact is here, if you can't do it, many of us can do it. For example, you are so big You are too old to write poems like mine, and you are too old, but you are not as good as the Xiaowen and martial arts around me."


"Look, you can't even do things like being calm and reasonable. In fact, you are an extremely ordinary person, but why should you use your ordinary to the bottom of a frog's standard to measure a genius?"

Dudu's words, a large group of people in the space heard it and immediately cheered for it. But at this moment, Dudu automatically shields the noise in the space, so usually only people in the space can see him. Except at night, he usually doesn't look at his own space.

Indeed, one is the Antarctic Emperor of Heaven, the biological son of the main god of the Antarctic Continent, and the other is an ordinary master of the Antarctic Continent. Is there any comparison between the two?

It's funny even to compare them!

"Okay, okay, you said that I am a frog in a well, and you are a genius, right? The old man is going to see how talented you are today! Lu Li, after a while, the old man will write a word on it, and let the other class A classmate writes a word, as long as you can put the two words together to make a poem for me, whether it is a doggerel or a poem like yours, I will give you full marks How? Do you dare to fight?"

Dudu laughed: "Do you think your rating is valuable? Do you think I care about your rating?"

"What? Don't you dare?"

"Of course I dare, but I think Mr. Zou, your character is really not very good. You are insidious, petty, stingy, and vengeful. For a person like you, I don't care about your rating at all. But since you don't give up, it's okay if you don't admit it. You are a frog in a well, if you have to try again, then try.”


After Master Zou agreed, he said to Chai Qingqing: "Qingqing, come up, come to Master, and then you write a word here, noun, any noun is fine."

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