The Almighty Princess is Going To Climb the Wall

Chapter 921 The God of Abstinence

Dudu shook his head without thinking: "Dad, don't worry, how could I do such a stupid thing? Although the brothers and sisters of the Fairy Palace can look outside at a certain place, that's the only place that can It’s just an outside view. And once I entered the house, I blocked it out, I promise, no one will see you and your mother planting bean sprouts.”

"Okay, let's believe you. I don't think you will be that stupid. But tell me, what did you see? What's on your mind now?"

Although being peeped, Nangong Jin was very angry. But they have all been peeped, so now he is more concerned about whether this matter will cause bad influence and trouble in his son's heart.

"My idea is... I don't want three thousand beauties from the harem in the future."

"Oh? I heard from your mother that three thousand beauties in the harem are your dreams."

Dudu quickly shook his head: "No, no, it's not my dream anymore."


"Because... because Daddy is so powerful, it seemed to be very painful when the seeds were taken out by mother. Daddy, do you feel pain?"

Nangong Jin's eyes twitched. Looking at Dudu's distressed eyes, he really wanted to say: silly boy, that's delicious in the world. What a fool!

But he is a father, he can't say that.

Clearing her throat, Nangong Jin said, "Son, everyone feels differently about this matter. Dad can only tell you that it doesn't hurt when taking the seeds. Although... there is some pain, but It’s only through hard work that you can be a master! We have to pay the price for everything we do, don’t we?”

He wouldn't tell his silly son that pain was accompanied by extreme happiness, and the price was a waste of energy.



"I don't want Sister Bean Sprout anymore."

Nangong Jin: "..."

"If giving birth to a little bean sprout would cause both father and mother such pain, I would rather not have sister bean sprout. Don't worry, I will be filial to you, and when you are old, I will treat you very, very well Yes. I will give you all the filial piety that Sister Bean Sprout should have done."

Nangong Jin was taken aback, and randomly patted Dudu's butt: "Silly boy, your father is a god. Gods don't age. Even if they do, it will be millions of years later."

"It doesn't matter, even if you are not old, you can't stop me from being filial." Dudu said seriously.

"Daddy, you and mother will stop being villains in the future, okay?"

Upon hearing this, Nangong Jin said, "That's not acceptable. Whether it's a human, a god, a demon, or even an animal, or a cell, they live in this world not only to survive, but also to reproduce. Dudu, don't If you have psychological pressure, don’t have psychological shadows. You are still young and you don’t understand many things. When you grow up, you won’t be so afraid of this matter.”

"But I really don't want Sister Bean Sprout. Daddy, you and mother don't want to give birth to Sister Bean Sprout anymore. I really don't want it." Thinking of his father's painful expression, Dudu felt a shadow in his heart, There was also the pressure in my heart, and I began to reject and oppose this matter unconsciously.

Nangong Jin is really one head and two big at the moment. After thinking for a long time, she finally had a flash of inspiration: "You also heard from your master last time that there are many seeds in our men's bodies, and these seeds will be destroyed if we don't get them out. , since they are all produced, they have to be sown regularly, wouldn't it be better if we could produce Sister Bean Sprout?"

Dudu looked at his father, saw him smiling, very warm, even he felt happy, but he couldn't be happy in his heart.

Although he is a precocious child, his mother is unreliable in various ways, and his father will always support his mother unscrupulously, but in his heart, his father and mother have always been the most important people in his life.

He knew that his father was an aloof male god, he didn't like to laugh, and he didn't like to laugh at others. But every time he faces him, as long as he doesn't make mistakes, Dad will never be stingy with his smile and give him everything he wants.

In the hearts of all children, the father is a towering mountain, and it is the same for Dudu. Even because of his father's unique and incomparable identity, in his heart, his father is indestructible and will always be the most powerful person.

Once he saw such a powerful person showing such a painful expression, Dudu's heart ached.

"Son." Nangong Jin hugged Dudu, and patted him on the shoulder comfortingly: "Father is not lying to you, this matter is really not as scary as you think. It is a feeling of pain and happiness, and Happiness is definitely greater than pain. And the relationship between mother and father will gradually sublimate in this most intimate contact, so we can love each other so much, do you understand?"

"Yeah." Dudu nodded, didn't say anything, didn't think any more. But daddy screamed in pain at the end, and that picture was frozen in his heart.

Looking at Nangong Jin, Dudu felt that his eyes were sore. Anyway, it's what dad says, I guess he is really young and doesn't understand.

Seeing that his son had already nodded, Nangong Jin felt that he should be fine. Patting Dudu's head lovingly, he said, "I'm going to invite everyone to eat hot pot today. It's almost time. Let's go out to pick them up."

"Okay." Dudu nodded.

"How is your stay at the private school these two days?"

"Hey... It's hard to describe in one word! Anyway, society is not easy these days."

"What's the matter? It's not easy to get along after only two days? Tell dad why it's not easy to get along?"

Nangong Jin hugged Dudu, and the two of them talked about trivial matters intimately.

It's just that Nangong Jin didn't know that what happened today was a turning point in his feelings for Dudu.

This turning point turned a little love saint who was inspired to have three thousand beauties in the harem, and as time went by, he gradually turned into a magnificent ascetic male god.

At dinner in the evening, I called Mr. Lu, Wen Yao, Nangong Yunfeng, Yan Jiuqing, Ling Mubai, Ling Xiaoran, Fu Xiaobai, Ling Han, Jing Hui, Yilan, Yu Linfeng, Yin Li and others , even Bei Gongzheng, who had been performing very well after surrendering, also called in together. There were two tables set up and it was very lively.

During the meal, Ling Xiaoran talked angrily about the anger Dudu had received in the private school for the past two days, Wen Yao felt distressed, and wanted to rush to the private school to kill Mr. Zou.

He pays him to teach the students, let them learn knowledge and etiquette, and he is treating the next generation of Xuanxuanmen with almost shameless actions like this. The key is that this person is still his "pro-grandson"!

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