Seeing the high-ranking colleagues of the heavenly level die like this, the remaining heavenly level masters were shocked and knelt down to the ground one after another. One of them panicked and said: "Madam, please calm down! Madam, please calm down! We really didn't see Beigong Duo'er. have only left for less than two quarters of an hour, and the situation on our side is difficult. Can you not understand?"

When Bei Gongjing heard this, his entire face darkened again.

"What do you mean this seat has left for less than two quarters of an hour? Please explain to me clearly!"

"It's just that you told us not to leave our sentry post just now, but to take good care of our post. also slapped him twice because we all went out after we felt a different atmosphere."

"This seat came from the central area after seeing the signal of the fifth level. When did you come to see you?" Bei Gongjing was about to die of anger. She couldn't figure out why there was another She came and gave the order.

"Ma'am, don't be angry. Although this Lu Chenxiao is not very strong, he is very wise and close to a monster. Our tracking along the way just now is enough to prove how smart he is. He can be mere mysterious at the elementary level. The strength of Tier 1 brought Beigong Duoer here, which shows that he has enough ability. Among other things, the fact that he can hide the aura of the two of them is enough to have the capital to compete with them.

So Madam don't need to be too angry, since we have found the right direction, and the scope of the Shuzong is so wide, they will not be able to escape no matter what. It was only a quarter of an hour away. At our speed, as long as we were looking in the right direction, we could catch up with them within a cup of tea. "

After hearing what this "smart man" said, Bei Gongjing became a little less angry.

"Okay, as long as you can help me find them and eliminate my hatred, I will keep you, a smart person, by my side."

When the "smart man" heard this, his eyes lit up immediately, and he said: "Madam, please rest assured, this subordinate will definitely be able to bring Madam to find them. Whether it's Lu Chenxiao or Beigong Duo'er, none of them will try to escape."

"Okay! Then tell me, where should they go now?"

"According to my subordinates' speculation, they have only one choice, and that is Southeast Road."

Bei Gongjing nodded, this was the same as her guess.

"After all, no one would be so stupid as to escape from Shuzong and jump off the cliff. Even if Lu Chenxiao didn't know the horror of that cliff, Beigong Duo'er would definitely know. And she is the young lady of Shuzong. Well, if Beigong Xing wants Lu Chenxiao to leave with Beigong Duo'er, he must be trying to find a way out for her.

They escaped smoothly the previous way, so they must also feel that the next escape will be smooth. After all, they can hide their aura, and with so many levels, Beigong Duo'er must have some magic weapon to hide her figure. So they will definitely flee towards their lives.

Ma'am, please order that the two roads, Dongnan Road and Northeast Road, within a radius of 500 kilometers, be immediately sealed under martial law, and no one is allowed to enter or exit. This way we can give them a catch in the urn. "

Bei Gongjing nodded and made arrangements immediately.

"For the rest of the way, please trouble Madam and my subordinates to go together. It may take a long time, but my subordinates will definitely find Lu Chenxiao and Beigong Duo'er."

"Then let's go." Bei Gongjing is like an old Buddha. Under the protection of countless heavenly masters, "smart people" lead the way, leading a large group. The martial artist who is a super master flew all the way to the end of the east road.

The "smart man" led the way while carefully observing everything around him.

Suddenly, the "smart man" stopped, causing Bei Gongjing to almost bump into him. He was about to yell at him, but he turned his head and followed the clues that no one could see to the edge of the mountain forest in the northeast. .

After being dazed for a while, he lifted a big stone away with his hands.

After seeing the traces below and to the side, the wise man laughed.

"Ma'am, you see no one has ever gone in here."

After finishing speaking, the wise man drew out the sword at his waist, lifted the fallen leaves, branches and other messy things on the ground, and then thrust the sword into the middle of the ground, and a whole piece of earth and rock was stuck up like a piece of meat.

And the surrounding area of ​​this inserted piece of earth and rock looked like it had been cut open by some hard thing.

Bei Gongjing took a look, a sneering smile appeared on his face, and then he winked at the sky-level high-ranking expert at the side, but before the smart man had time to check carefully, he pushed hard and pushed down tens of meters deep A piece of land was uncovered.


But it was too late for the wise man, that sky-level high-ranking master was like a shovel, he could grab a large piece of land with the internal force behind him, the wise man said two words, hundreds of meters deep in front of him, dozens of meters deep Wide potholes have formed. The land below has also been severely damaged.

"Where are we going to dig?" the sky-level master looked at the wise man and asked.

"Since you are so powerful, you can dig by yourself until you find someone! I didn't let you dig, and you completely destroyed the clues here, so why do you ask me? Go do it yourself. Dig yourself to find it!"

The wise man was so pissed off by this sky-level expert who was eager for quick success, he yelled at him indiscriminately.

The sky-level expert blushed with anger, and shouted: "Who are you scolding? Madam asked me to dig this!"

The wise man's heart trembled when he saw Shang Beigongjing's unkind eyes, and he quickly knelt down and said, "Madam, calm down."

Bei Gongjing hates this kind of person who takes advantage of herself because she is smarter than others, but now she still needs to rely on this person to find Lu Chenxiao and Beigong Duo'er. Although she is dissatisfied with this person, she also He could only bear with it and said, "Continue to find someone."

Smart people have a hard scalp, and want to say, this place has been destroyed like this, how can they find someone?

However, under the pressure of Bei Gongjing, he still had no choice but to go underground aggrievedly and carefully observe the soil quality inside, which wasted enough time to have a cup of tea. He flew up, clasped his fists and said:

"Madam Qi, my subordinates have observed it. Although the direction of this hole extends underground to the northeast, it should only be used by Lu Chenxiao to confuse us. Because judging from the quality of the soil below, they didn't dig too much at all. At a deep distance, the soil quality that has been excavated is actually the same as the soil quality below."

When the heavenly master heard this, he sneered and said, "The soil quality is the same and you still waited so long. Are you doing this on purpose to make a joke, or is it Beigong Duo'er's internal response?"

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