Ye Jingxin was still a little angry at the beginning, but Yang Gang's lips pressed and kissed for a while, and the person softened into a puddle of water, and let it go.

Ye Jingxin threw himself in.

As a result, Yang Gang retreated halfway.

Ye Jingxin looked confused, and asked in a dumb voice, "What's wrong?"

Yang Gang pressed her waist and pressed against himself.

This time, it was completely pasted together.

Ye Jingxin: "..."

She hurriedly moved back and said considerately: "No kiss, no kiss, it's okay."

Yang Gang said: "I am very relevant now. "

Ye Jingxin is simple, but it is not so miserable that Yang Gang sells two sentences, it is really like that.

Ye Jingxin hugged Yang Gang and said, "You bear with me, it's not long, the National Day will come soon."

Yang Gang: "..."This

girl shouldn't think that when she goes home to meet her parents on National Day, she will get engaged immediately, right?

The venue has to be ordered, the dress has to be ordered, and there are so many things.

Invite someone to watch the ceremony.

You can't tell someone today to come tomorrow, can you?

Yang Gang sighed.

When he doesn't have a girlfriend, he sleeps quite well with a pillow every day.

It's just....

After hugging this gentle person in his arms, where can he still hold the pillow?

Ye Jingxin heard Yang Gang sigh, hugged him and rubbed him, "Good girl!" Bear with me.

Yang Gang: "..."

Bear with this word.

It's so hard!

Yang Gang grabbed Ye Jingxin's hand, "Touch it, just touch it." "

two days on the weekend.

Yang Gang was used to sleeping with two people.

Ye Jingxin's resolute opposition from the beginning slowly turned into half-pushing.

Yang Gang was convinced of one thing.

Women are made of water.

Even if it was originally a block of ice, as long as it was warmed enough, it could slowly melt into water.

After returning to school, Yang Gang was still idle, and Ye Jingxin was busy as usual.

Yang Gang may have looked too idle, and Song Hang, who was the squad leader, wanted to send him a task.

"Yang Gang, can you put on a show for our class's performance?"

Yang Gang: "..."Zhang

Cheng looked funny, "Squad leader, if you don't shout Brother Gang, why is Brother Gang covering you?"

Song Hang: "..."

After a while, Song Hang on the bed leaned over and looked at Yang Gang on the chair, and said with difficulty: "Brother Gang, can you do me this favor?"

Yang Gang: "..."Song

Hang suddenly became anxious, "I begged you like this, should you not agree?" "

[There is a new mission.] 【

Bedroom Harmony: Participate in the welcome party and solve Song Hang's urgent needs. 【

Reward: Angel Aura*1, Merit +1.】 Yang

Gang was a little interested in what this angelic aura was.

He looked up at Song Hang and asked, "Is it okay to do any show?"

Hearing Yang Gang agree, Song Hang immediately said, "Do you have an idea now?"

Yang Gang glanced at Zhang Cheng, "Is it okay to perform sandbags?"

Zhang Cheng noticed Yang Gang's eyes and covered his chest in fright, "Brother Gang!" A soldier can be humiliated, but not killed! My parents are just my precious son! Our Zhang family can't be wiped out!

Song Hang also said: "The welcome party is festive, you beat people on stage, isn't it appropriate?"

Yang Gang laughed, "Just kidding, don't hit the sandbag, kick the plank?"

Song Hang nodded, "Yes!"

Zhang Cheng stroked his chest, "Brother Gang, don't make such a joke!" I almost scared you to death!

Yang Gang looked at Zhang Cheng, "What kind of quality development points do you have to participate in the show, do you want to help me lift the plank?"

Zhang Cheng suddenly became vigilant, "Brother Gang, why do you keep arresting me?" I praised Ye Xiaohua last time, you won't hold a grudge until now, right?

Yang Gang said: "Can you not be so small?" In public, can I dare to kill you? After

a while, he asked, "Are you sure you won't kick people?" "

That quality development score, he is still quite greedy.

Yang Gang said: "Practice tomorrow, if you are abolished by me, I will find someone else."

Zhang Cheng: "..."This

is still insecure!"

It was difficult to ride a tiger, Zhang Cheng looked up at Song Hang, "If I am injured, it will be considered a work injury, right?" The medical expenses are paid out of the class fee, right?

Song Hang saw that the big stone in his heart was solved, and immediately nodded and said, "Don't worry!" If you are brave, you will be righteous, and the funeral expenses will be paid out of the class fee.

The corners of Zhang Cheng's mouth twitched, "You guys are really worse than the other, I feel like I'll die in this dormitory sooner or later." No

matter how much Zhang Cheng forced Lai Lai, this matter was still settled.

The next day, Song Hang bought a wooden plank, Yang Gang and Zhang Cheng tried it in the open space downstairs of the dormitory building, Zhang Cheng was sure that he was 100% safe, and his hanging heart finally fell.

This performance is mainly due to Yang Gang's efforts, and the two discussed the plot design.

First the tiles, then the red bricks, and finally the wooden planks.

In order to save class fees, the two completed the drill under the supervision of Song Hang, and waited for the arrival of the welcome party.

Compared with other classes, they have to save more trouble and save more trouble than other classes who practice for more than half a month at a party.

The orientation party is on Friday night.

When Yang Gang drew lots, his hand was called that one hot.

Drew the first show.

Zhang Cheng jumped up excitedly, "Brother Gang is awesome!" "

For the sake of quality development, this kind of thing is performed, and early death is overborn.

The orientation party was lively.

When they first entered the university, most people were still passionate, and the orientation party started at six o'clock, and some people began to line up at five o'clock.

Yang Gang: They have a performance, enter through the back door, and sit in the back row to eat.

Ye Jingxin is wearing a fairy white dress today, her chest is like a piece of white and almost transparent leaves as thin as cicada wings stacked together, the special material can't see the white lining inside, but the skin is more and more white, the collarbone is more and more exquisite, the neck is more and more slender, and the whole body exudes the breath of a fairy.

The fairy nibbled on the bread that Yang had just bought.

"Take the lead, nervous, aren't you?"

"Your boyfriend hasn't seen any big winds and waves, it's just a small scene, don't be nervous."

Ye Jingxin remembered Yang Gang's public confession and laughed lightly.


In front of many people, he collapsed in front of him without falling, talking and laughing, and being content.

When fairies eat, they are also prone to leaving residues on their lips.

Yang Gang reached out to wipe the breadcrumbs from the corner of Ye Jingxin's mouth.

Seeing Yang Gang stretching out his hand, Ye Jingxin instinctively stretched out his tongue and licked the corners of his mouth.

The fingertips were wet and soft, Yang Gang looked up at Ye Jingxin, "You did it on purpose, right?"

Ye Jingxin: "..."

It's really not.

But she said no, Yang Gang definitely didn't believe it.

She held up the bread: "You have a bite too?"

Yang Gang took a bite, and then he ate it.

Yang Gang took the last bite of bread and asked, "Really don't eat it?"

Ye Jingxin said: "This skirt can't hide any meat at all, I can't eat it."

Yang Gang stuffed the last bite of bread into his mouth, unscrewed the yogurt and handed it to Ye Jingxin, "Don't eat bread, drink some milk."

Ye Jingxin nodded and took the yogurt.

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