The American Scripture

Chapter 998: We are lost




The entire stone pattern of the Taoist family in China has disappeared. This place is like a fog, which makes people unable to see the surroundings. Even with infrared and thermal imaging cameras, nothing is found. Lieutenant General Campbell saw the place through Lieutenant Goodwin's camera, and found nothing at all.

The four evil dragons are gone, even the Chinese is gone. If it weren't for that car, I thought it was my own illusion, as if the Chinese had never appeared before.

"Lieutenant, go and check on the spot to see if there is anything found." Lieutenant Campbell gave a big order to Lieutenant Goodwin, "Transfer the image in real time. We need to conduct further evaluation!" He had a thought. Hope, just hope that these four evil dragons really disappeared like that.

"Okay, General, I promise to complete the task!" As Goodwin turned his head and squeezed his eyes at his companions, he turned off the voice microphone and said to the sergeant and soldiers, "Okay, man Let's go, the general personally gave the order, we are really honored, the general will be proud of us!"

"Pride? God, I'm using my life to test that ghost place. Okay, if we sell our lives to make the general proud? That's great! Let's go, guys, you sign your accident insurance Did you name it? That's two hundred thousand dollars." The sergeant whispered, and then followed Lieutenant Goodwin, greeted the rest of the soldiers toward the place where the stone figure was once laid. .

Advancing in a tactical formation along the way, Lieutenant General Campbell was pleased that his subordinates were well trained. At the same time, I hope they can find some useful clues. Of course, if they encounter those evil dragons unfortunately, then... God bless them. Of course, God bless America!

"Boss, I found nothing. There is nothing here!" The soldiers scattered around looking for clues kept shouting loudly. And report your findings.

"Neither here, they seem to have disappeared suddenly!" Someone also said loudly from the side of the mountain, and there was silence everywhere. At this time, the sky was already bright, and the whole mountain area became bright. But no valuable clues were found. In a word, in Lieutenant Goodwin's heart, he said to General Campbell: "General, we have found nothing. There is nothing here."

"Okay, then... Now you continue to stay there, I will let someone replace you, come back, you have worked hard. Lieutenant. Well done, I will apply for the medal for you!" Lieutenant General Campbell said. Then I closed the screen and closed the communication. Obviously, there is no use going any further. The best way is to be stupid and keep people there until those things reappear.

After dawn, the few helicopters in the base also began to lift off, and a large-scale search of the surrounding mountains and towns will begin. Hope this way. Discover the dragons that seem to have disappeared. You know, a cruel enemy is not terrible, but terrible is cruel. The enemy who is hidden again, no one knows if he will suddenly give you a fatal blow, catch you off guard, and cause you to suffer heavy losses.

"Sergeant, let the soldiers rest. The war room closed the communications, and let us stand on standby, waiting for our replacement. I promise, I will write an application for each of you. I will try to get a medal." Goode Lieutenant Wen smiled at the sergeant, "Of course. As your leader, I will be personally commended by the general."

"Wow--" Someone was whistling. Others laughed loudly, "Lieutenant, I think you should send me a beautiful girl. To be honest, I was dumped by my girlfriend before I joined the army. This is a shame. If you will. , Or give me your girlfriend!"

"Haha—the lieutenant will certainly fulfill your wishes, and when you are trying to show courtesy to his girlfriend, he will kick your ass, maybe it will make your **** burst, and then his girlfriend Come in front of you again and kick your balls. This is the best reward!" The sergeant laughed at the soldier.

Several people were laughing, and suddenly they saw that the car that had been parked at the foot of the mountain suddenly started up, and then slowly turned towards the easy road. As soon as a few people were taken aback, the lieutenant screamed wildly and rushed towards his car. While charging, he raised his rifle and shot towards the sky.

"Damn it, stop him, hurry up!" the lieutenant said loudly, directing the sergeant and three soldiers toward another vehicle, while he took the four soldiers toward the nearest one. The car rushed over. They felt surprised and inexplicable, why did this car move? Who is that man driving? Is it that Chinese?

Fortunately, the car did not drive far, because Lieutenant Goodwin fired a warning shot, so after driving a short distance, the car driven by Lieutenant Goodwin stopped ahead. Goodwin got out of the car quickly, then under the cover of the car, raised his gun at the cab of the car and shouted loudly: "Come out, man, if I don't come out, I can open fire. Hurry up, Don't dawdle."

At the same time, the car driven by the sergeant blocked the car from behind. At this time, a white man in his thirties wearing pajamas got out of the car. He raised his hands, looked at Lieutenant Goodwin and them with some horror, and stammered: "Sorry... guys, what happened? I don't know what I'm doing...really, I don't know me. Where... I just want to drive this car back, that's it..."

"Why are you here? Why did this car come here?" Goodwin walked over cautiously, and then the other soldiers raised their guns at the thirty-something white man, "Tell me, you What's your name? Dude!" Lieutenant Goodwin turned the middle-aged man to a god, and let him hold the hood of the car with both hands. I searched his body, found a revolver, and then pulled the pistol out.

"I...I can explain it!" The white man stammered when he saw his gun had been found out, "I can explain this, I have a gun license. Because...everyone Knowing that there is Godzilla, the streets are chaotic. I just bought a gun to defend myself. That's it, sir!"

"What's your name?" Lieutenant Goodwin asked. "You'd better tell me honestly, we will find you, and see... your driver's license, oh... it's Mr. Cliff Ouman, I live in Apartment No. 369, 6363 Wischel Avenue, Los Angeles. I see, guys, immediately contact the command and pass this driver's license picture." Lieutenant Goodwin said, handing the driver's license to the sergeant.

The sergeant immediately opened the communication and contacted the war room. The news spread to the war room. General Campbell also knew about the situation immediately. He immediately gave the order and found out soon. This person did live there, and this The car is indeed his car.

"Ask him, why are you here? What purpose do you have!" General Campbell turned on the camera again, looked at the man's face, and frowned. Obviously, all kinds of information show that this person is just an ordinary person. There is nothing special.

In fact, it was true. The man panicked. He almost looked at Lieutenant Goodwin and them pleadingly, and said: "I don't know, sir, I don't know why I am here. At night, I I also checked one side of my house, and reached a large cabinet at the door. Then I settled my child, and then I went to bed. I put the gun on the side of my bed, and my wife slept in mine. By my side... God, I don't know why I am here. When I woke up, I was lying in the car, and I was dressed like this and lying in the cab..."

"Damn, don't you know what you are doing?" The sergeant looked suspiciously at him, "Make up a better reason, man, this reason is utterly bad. Do you treat us as idiots? Don’t tell me, you still had a night with your wife, and then when you woke up, it turned out that you shot while holding the steering wheel!"

"Haha—" The soldiers laughed. The few in the war room couldn't help laughing.

"General, I think this guy may be telling the truth!" The colonel also looked at the screen and said to Lieutenant General Campbell, "All his information is true, I should be that The man who picked up his car was a ghost, and... we are almost certain that the beam of light was also made by him. We can't find any information about this person, as if it came out of thin air. So... …I have a guess, General!"

"Then say it!" General Campbell nodded to the colonel.

"After the events of last night, we have seen absurd things that we haven't seen in decades, but they really happened. So... this car is real, but the one who drove last night Chinese people should be able to go through disguise. Let’s not talk about how amazing Hollywood makeup skills are. With such a big move last night, we should think about... what happened to this man, indeed. I was spoofed!" The colonel told General Campbell what he had analyzed, "All this is done by the disguised Chinese."

General Campbell did not speak immediately, instead he hugged his arms and groaned. After a while, he turned his head and said, "How was the monitoring of Fan? Zhen's family last night? Zhen... was she at home?"

This question was asked, but there was no immediate answer. Instead, Colonel Stanton looked ashamed, looked at Lieutenant General Campbell very embarrassedly and said: "I'm sorry...General, this matter...I think I might have messed up. ..." (to be continued)








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