The American Scripture

Chapter 1000: Be a hero like you

Unconsciously wrote a thousand chapters. Brothers have supported me all the way. It is not easy. Banxian will continue to work hard. Thank you brothers for subscribing, rewarding, monthly pass, recommendation, etc.

The two people sat on the back ping and chatted. There was no servant at home, only Yi Fei poured tea and refilled cups for the two. Since the appearance of the evil dragon, Mia hasn't let her servant Linda, her family and Elsa come to work. But Bit Jackson and Gary were not in the villa at this time. Since Zhen Fan came back, they didn’t want to stay in the villa anymore. They said they were going to breathe. God knows that the streets are still under martial law at this time. What can be revealed gas? And when Zhen Fan went home, Mia and others knew that the matter was over, and resumed the pace of life of going to the clinic to work. Even though the streets are still under martial law, it does not prevent them from going to the clinic, and even the city government encourages some hospitals. And the staff of the clinic continue to work to deal with unexpected events that may occur.

Drinking tea is Zhen Fan's style, and General von Kasser is used to drinking coffee, but after drinking tea, he thinks the tea is delicious, and after drinking three cups like Zhen Fan, he changed the tea.

"You didn't come here to see me specifically today?" After changing the tea, Zhen Fan picked up the cup, took a sip, and asked General von Kasser, "If something is wrong, you'd better say it straight, I can treat you as a friend. .Don't bend me around."

General von Kasser laughed as soon as he heard it, and said: "I know I can't hide it from you, of course...I came here for one thing, four dragons. I heard the news. The four dragons disappeared. The weirdness disappeared. I also watched the video, that person is not you. It is also weird to get the beam of light. But I always think something is wrong. So just come over and see if you have any different opinions."

"What do you want me to say?" Zhen Fan couldn't help laughing. "Do you represent the military or the individual?"

"It depends on how you answer. If you say that everything has nothing to do with you, you don't know about it. Then I represent the military's point of view. They all know that I have something to do with you, so... you know Yes, even if I retired, let me take a look!" General von Kasser laughed without hiding anything, "If I represent myself, I hope you can tell me what the truth is. But ...My report is for the military!"

Zhen Fan laughed as soon as he heard it, then nodded and said, "That's right, you can see that you are indeed my friend. To be honest... General, when I was in the 51st District, I had a different impression of you. Not too good. But after we got along for a while, especially in the small town of Lecce, my opinion of you changed a lot. This is the main reason why we can be friends. Not because you are a general, but because Because you had a good appetite for me then."

"So... the truth is..." General von Kasai smiled, then looked at Zhen Fan, looking at him expectantly. "Remember, a friend is asking you now, as a private person."

Zhen Fan did not answer him immediately, but flipped his palm. Suddenly four pieces of paper-cutting appeared in his hands. He took these four paper-cuts and looked at General von Kasai with a smile: "If you see this. You should feel that there is something very familiar. taste?"

General von Kasser looked at it carefully, and then said: "This...this is... the paper-cuts of the four dragons. Where are they?" He looked at Zhen Fan with some anxiety.

"This will kill them!" Zhen Fan said, suddenly throwing one of the pieces of paper into the air. The pieces of paper floated slowly in the air. The strange thing is that it did not fall on the ground, but slowly floated into the air. In General von Kasai’s surprised eyes, the paper became bigger and bigger, and finally the whole paper seemed to cover the sky of the villa.

"Oh -" a scream came out from the sky above the villa, and the piece of paper suddenly stirred up. The thin piece of paper turned into a huge dragon in the blink of an eye. Flies up with a bang. When it flew up, he looked down and saw Zhen Fan, and immediately let out a loud "Ooooo" sound in horror. Flew towards the sky, trying to escape this terrifying guy.

But its spirit has been sealed by Zhen Fan. Even if it wants to fly, it doesn't dare to fly, nor can it fly. With a "flutter", its wings fell from the air without being in the air, "Boom! He fell on the lawn with a sound, and immediately shook the ground, causing the teacups of both of them to almost fall off the table.

The dragon looked at Zhen Fan pitifully, his eyes full of pleading. Obviously, it has been tortured and scared by Zhen Fan, especially looking at the remaining three paper-cut pieces of paper in Zhen Fan's hand. Its wisdom is very high, knowing that they are its three brothers, and it does not want to change. To be like that, it feels really... can only mean that it can't be said in words, and... it feels really bad! It's suffocating.

" the four dragons you mentioned?" General von Kasser was taken a big jump by the falling dragon, and then he took a few steps back. The instep chair stumbled and almost fell. Up. Although very embarrassed, he didn't mind at all, he just looked at the dragon and Zhen Fan repeatedly, and stammered.

"Yes, these are the four dragons, and I can also tell you that the Chinese is me, but... in order to prevent people from knowing my whereabouts and to cause unnecessary trouble, I had to change it. Your appearance. Maybe you will know me again!" Zhen Fanha smiled, then moved the chair and let General von Kasai sit down again.

"Can it be turned into paper-cutting again?" Von Casser was still very jealous of this big guy, so he looked at Zhen Fan and said tentatively.

"Of course... why not?" Zhen Fan suddenly waved. In the horrified eyes, it wanted to struggle, but it watched as its body slowly became smaller, and then slowly became smaller. It is very thin, and it can penetrate through its body as soon as the sun shines. Any struggle is useless.

The last piece of paper was floating in the air, and under Zhen Fan's gentle beckoning, the piece of paper fell into Zhen Fan's hand again. Zhen Fan put the paper away. Turning over the hand, the paper disappeared out of thin air from Zhen Fan's hand. Re-entered the mustard space. In the ring space. The paper-cutting of the four dragons suddenly changed, and slowly their bodies returned to the original. Being able to fly in the space of mustard seeds is a new change that surprises the four dragons, but they just cannot break out of this space. No matter how they toss it is the same.

If Zhen Fan wants the four dragons to keep their original abilities, he must fully release them, and also use the Taoist mentality to temper their mood, then here is the best. Because in the mustard space, Zhen Fan is the master here. So just when the four dragons happily celebrated that they could recover their real bodies and fly again. Suddenly from the depths of the air, a big hand, a huge hand, a hand much larger than the body of the four dragons, pinched the neck of one of the dragons, making it unable to struggle at all. Can only make a whine.

"Listen, I know you understand what I'm saying." Suddenly there was a thunderous voice in the sky, "If you stay in it with peace of mind and accept Taoism's influence, I can guarantee you will see the sun again. . If you resist blindly. If you don’t think about my grace not to kill, then I will definitely keep you imprisoned here forever."

As he said, that huge hand suddenly closed, and the dragon suddenly flew down slowly. Falling on a rock, it was a little shaky, it was obvious that it had been pinched and dizzy. After finally falling. I couldn't move for a long time.

The other three dragons didn't dare to move, and stayed there obediently. Listening to the reprimand of the voice in the air, waited for the voice to disappear for a long time. They reacted, looked at each other in horror, and couldn't help but dared not go wild anymore. Just stay here obediently, and wait some day this devil will show mercy.

Dealing with the four dragons was just a moment of Zhen Fan's time, and it was all done in the Mind Power and Mustard Space, so General Feng Kasai did not notice anything unusual about Zhen Fan. However, after Zhen Fan showed the ending of the four evil dragons, General von Kasai breathed a sigh of relief.

"I knew that the problem could be solved so easily, and I should have found you in the morning." General von Kasser said with emotion. Obviously he was still immersed in extreme shock. These are the four evil dragons, so they were easily captured by Zhen Fan, knowing that killing is much easier than capturing.

"You know, I will let myself stand on the cusp of the storm. I don't want people all over the world to look at me with a strange look, and your government and the Ministry of National Defense will also guard me like the enemy. So... …You know, I won’t let myself be surrounded by others, I need my own life, you know?" Zhen Fan looked at General von Kasai, "Can you think of a way to remove me from this matter? Pick it out?"

What Zhen Fan said makes sense. General von Kasser also knew that Zhen Fan was a warning to himself. The reason why he told himself this was that he might not be afraid to say it, but when it was time to turn his face with him, he might also be pushed towards him. The opposition between its own government and the Ministry of Defense. This is definitely not a wise choice.

" I just said that we are talking about this as friends." General von Kaser said sincerely, "If you trust me so much, how could I fail you? What about your trust?"

The two talked for a while, and then General von Kasser stood up and left. When he left, he hugged Zhen Fan and said, "Thank you very much, not because you helped the US team solve the big problem, but... You have saved a lot of ordinary people, which is why I thank you. Those big people...I don't care about their promotion or trouble."

Watching General von Kasai leave, Zhen Fan returned to his lawn. The appearance of the evil dragon just now will not be known to people, because Zhen Fan’s feng shui array here can definitely trap him, but not What makes people discover, even satellites and any other modern reconnaissance instruments will not work.

"He's gone! You are not afraid of him..." At this time, Yi Fei came over with Maria and Claire. Yi Fei was pushing the pram with his son dancing in the car. The two children looked at Zhen Fan with their eyes full of stars. Yes, the performance of Zhen Fan just now made the two children absolutely admired.

"Dad--" Maria's chest was rising and falling quickly, "I...I want to be a hero like you!" (To be continued...) R1292

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