The American Scripture

Chapter 1011: U.S. military food

Bob Sperry's face flushed, because Zhen Fan's words were full of sarcasm. ¤The vertex novel, .. so he said to General Campbell, "General, request to shoot." He looked straight at General Campbell, burning with a raging flame, yes, he couldn't just give up.

"Mr. Zhen?" General Campbell turned his head and looked at Zhen Fan. He was asking for Zhen Fan's opinion.

"I have no opinion, but... do you really care about winning or losing?" Zhen Fan looked at the sergeant Bob Sperry and smiled, "Actually, you don't need to fight. Do you think you are sure to beat me? And... …Whether you win or not, you are a loser, if you compare with me!"

"I want to compare!" Bob Sperry turned to look at Zhen Fan, "I must compare!" As he said, he looked at General Campbell and nodded, he picked up an m4 rifle, and then simply checked After a while, and some debugging, the new gun must be adjusted first, otherwise, the bullet will be very outrageous.

General Campbell looked at Zhen Fan and smiled: "He is very impulsive, but... you have also challenged his dignity as the number one shooter, so... he must challenge, no matter if he can beat you, otherwise he won't have to play here in the future. Now. Because it is related to the honor of the soldier, God bless him."

Zhen Fan laughed and looked at General Campbell and said: "Just now you didn't say that God bless me. It seems that you are really unfair." Zhen Fan laughed, not caring, and stood by to watch the excitement. He doesn't talk about this as a match or a challenge at all, because no matter what the result is, there is no loss for him.

Some soldiers also came to watch, and others were betting. Many unsuspecting soldiers are pressing Bob Sperry to win. The people on Zhen Fan's side naturally pressed Zhen Fan to win because they thought. No one is more bullish than Zhen Fan. Such results can be achieved with ordinary rifles.

"Bang!" A shot hit the bullseye. The first shot will hit the bullseye. It is also very good. Because it is a new gun after all, although it has been adjusted, there is no test gun, which already shows that he is very, very familiar with this gun. After hitting the bullseye, Bob's confidence immediately rose. Then he took a glance, holding his breath, everyone staring at him.

"Bang!" The second shot, and the bullet passed through the hole. Suddenly the cheers of the sergeants sounded on the field. The bullet went through. This shot also showed that he was indeed extraordinary. All the soldiers rejoiced, after all, they didn't want to lose the game.

Only Bob knows how difficult the shot he was just now. In fact, he was not completely sure, at least 30% of the luck in this shot. Real talent and learning only account for 70%. This is 70%, which is a very dangerous number among snipers. Just like a span, if you cross over, you are excellent, if you can't cross over, you are just doing nothing.

Take a deep breath. Bob feels sweat is coming out of his palms. This time it stopped for several minutes. When the surroundings gradually calmed down, he adjusted his breathing slowly. Aiming, and decisively pulling the trigger, a "bang!" shot went off.

The gunfire was a bit crisp, in an open place. The bullet passed through the bullet hole again. Bob saw the result after the target was reported. With a cold sweat on his back, he cares about the game this time, it's about his status and dignity. See this result. A wave of confidence slowly rose in his heart.

It seems that today's luck is good, and God is on his side. Bob took another deep breath. I suppressed the emotion that I was gradually getting excited. Slowly calmed down the little commotion in my heart. Regulating emotions is very important. He cannot receive interference from the outside world.

And his companions are going crazy. I am afraid that only Bob Sperry can do this with the m4 rifle. Many people are applauding enthusiastically. They rejoiced for Bob Sperry. But I didn’t know that Bob Sperry attributed his success to God’s blessing.

Aiming again. He just fired two shots. It can be the same as Zhen Fan. But he didn't want the same, he had to increase the difficulty in the last shot, so as to win Zhen Fan. Otherwise, but he hit the same result, he still lost, because Zhen Fan designed the speed much faster than him.

With a "bang!" The bullet flew out, and then passed through the bullet hole. Everyone cheered, but saw the target passing by. Bob's smile suddenly froze. Because a small gap was obviously torn off around the bullet hole. It was this small gap that made Bob's heart quickly cool down and become cold.

"No need to compare!" Bob suddenly put down his rifle, and said somewhat sullenly.

Suddenly the whole shooting range was quiet. Everyone looked at Bob incredible. Bob shook his head, and then said to Zhen Fan: "You are right, you won. If this is a battlefield, it doesn't matter what I said, because I might be shot in the head by you. I was blown up. The head sniper...whatever he said, it was just some nonsense." He said he saluted Zhen Fan and turned and left.

"Go and talk to him!" General Campbell said to the captain beside him, "He is yours, don't let him just let him go. Let's go...find him and let his fighting spirit burn again!"

"Yes, general!" The captain nodded, gave Zhen Fan a complicated look, turned and left, and walked in the direction where the sergeant had left. At the same time, the soldiers around were slowly dispersing. Since they have already lost, staying here again is not suitable.

"If you serve in the Navy, I promise you will be the best!" Lieutenant General Campbell looked at Zhen Fan and said with a smile, "Let's go here, let's visit our cafeteria next."

Just now, people like Zhen Fan had no interest in shooting, so they put their guns away, put them on the shelf next to them, boarded the car again, and started to move towards another place. This place is a huge dining room, divided into several dining areas. Each area is divided into several places.

The food is very rich, including appetizers such as salmon biscuits and prawns; the main dish is roast beef, followed by various vegetable salads and cakes, as well as dessert walnut pie, fruit dipped chocolate and so on. Look, it's almost time for dinner. Lieutenant General Campbell invited Zhen Fan and the others to have a daily meal of the US military.

Robles is very interested, but other people are not interested, but they are not repelled, because these things seem more ordinary, and many of them have long been fed up with the craftsmanship of Mia and Zhen Fan, so There are no big surprises, except for someone with a serious military complex like Robles.

Zhen Fan and the others are like those soldiers, sitting on a cassette table for dinner. A cassette seat can sit four people face to face. Zhen Fan sat with General Campbell, along with Robes and Bit Jackson. While eating, the taste is okay, and Zhen Fan is not too picky.

After eating, he directly boarded the car and went to the port. General Campbell personally sent Zhen Fan to the yacht. Then he waved goodbye and watched the yacht leave. This was a sigh of relief. He is testing an attitude of Zhen Fan. If Zhen Fan accepts all these arrangements she has arranged, it means that Zhen Fan may reconcile with herself.

In fact it is the same. All this is based on Mr. President's intervention in the time of this investigation. If General Campbell wants to go further in the future and become Secretary of Defense, he must be nominated by Mr. President. And Mr. President obviously, between him and Zhen Fan, he values ​​Zhen Fan more. So he decided to have a good relationship with Zhen Fan.

It is nothing to accompany Zhen Fan and the others in person. If it were not for Zhen Fan to decline, he would send a warship to **** Zhen Fan's yacht. And he also knew from this incident that Zhen Fan was indeed related to the disappearance of the four evil dragons. This is also the reason why he kept a mind.

After leaving the military base, it was almost evening. The people on the yacht seemed unsatisfied, especially Robles. He basically didn't shoot with the sniper rifle, so he deeply felt sorry. In fact, he also wanted to experience life in the barracks more. But Johnny was not as enthusiastic as he was, so when he talked about it again, Johnny smiled and said, "Why don't you make a military movie yourself? Steven Spielberg is the favorite to do this. Kind of movie, you can cooperate with him!"

"They always look down on me, thinking I can't do anything except play a playboy. I really feel very upset about this! This feeling is really bad!" Robles actually sighed and said~ Then looked at Bit, then looked at Zhen Fan and smiled, "Why don't we invest in a military movie ourselves?"

"I'm not interested!" Bit simply refused.

"Don't look at me, I won't come up with a dollar for the investment money." Zhen Fan also shrugged, leaving this guy far away, really a bit unreliable, remembering what is what.

"You are all... bad guys!" Robles snorted, then walked to the hall on the first floor of the yacht and went to play with the people there. No man wants to care about him, so there are so many beauties here, there will always be one or two who are willing to deal with him. Besides, he is also a hot Hollywood star with a very personal character.

At night, the yacht continued to sail, and Maguire Nixon personally appeared in the cockpit, directing the crew to sail. This is to be on the safe side, because this yacht actually has high-tech things like automatic sailing. But Maguire believes more in his sailing experience.

The hall was brightly lit. There was a temporary small band here. Christine himself sang lyrical songs on the stage. The waitress walked through the crowd with wine. In the small dance party, people danced and the atmosphere was very warm. . (To be continued...)

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