The American Scripture

Chapter 1024: Emma's request

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Since Bits are required to play this role, there must be an exchange of benefits. Unfortunately, in this respect, Bits will never open their mouths. No matter how they tempt him, including sending highly steamed h?c?d, it also makes Bits tight-lipped. However, Gary was anxious on the sidelines. If it were him, he would have surrendered in front of the wine.

However, Zhen Fan is going to attend this press conference because he wants to give bit face and because he is the protagonist, he can't escape. Not only does he want to participate, but even Emma wants to participate because she is the heroine. If it is still possible, bring up those heavyweight male and female supporting roles. In this case, it will be enough to attract the attention of many people.

So Zhen Fan was assigned another task by Bit, which was to call. A few people were nestled in Zhen Fan’s villa, and Bet contacted the mayor to find reporters from famous newspapers or famous websites. This matter was promoted by the mayor, and then Bite vigorously invited many people. Will sell this face.

"Emma, ​​yes, yes, it's me..." Zhen Fan called Emma, ​​just about to say a few words, and then invited Emma to the press conference, but he just said a few words. He hung up the phone, listening to the busy tone of "5√, buzzing" on the phone, Zhen Fan couldn't help but shrugged at Gary, "What's wrong with her? This is a woman!" Then he made another helplessness. Gesture of sigh.

"I know what's going on." Gary pointed at Zhen Fan and shook his head and smiled, "There is such a big thing in Los Angeles, but you don't even call her. If she is you in this movie As for her partner. Of course she won’t mind. The point is... you forgot to remember that you slept with her!"

"This is my problem. But... I always know that she is not dangerous, everything. It's settled with me, there is no danger, I have to call her... Well, this matter is my problem. I admit that my IQ is more advantageous than EQ." Zhen Fan pretended to be helpless and sighed.

"I think your limbs are more developed than your mind." Gary joked, "This is just one condition, another condition is... You invited so many people to participate in your luxury yacht trip, but you only forgot For her existence... If I were a woman. I would definitely be angry..."

"It seems that the problem is really serious now." Zhen Fan nodded quickly, picked up the phone, and planned to call Emma, ​​but was afraid that she would not answer, so he sent a text message, while writing a text message while talking to Emma. Still muttering: "Help me listen, do you feel very sincere... Honey... I assure you. I did not neglect you, but I have never put you in danger. Because the dangers are all It was solved by me. This is the premise that I will not contact you, because you know it, will definitely ignore the danger. Face it with me, I don’t want you to fall into this...your Zhen...well , That's it. I said this..."

"You are really shameless!" Bit sighed, "Yes. There is no more shameless short-term than this, but... I have to say. This is really a great comfort to women. Dude, you are one step closer to the love saint. Congratulations, Zhen!"

"Well, I think this is ironic." Zhen Fan gave Gary and Bit a white look. "You two really sing and play together. I admit that I am a bit... out of place when it comes to women. But... I'm very sincere. Treating them includes the text message I just sent."

"I didn't say you were insincere, I just wanted to tell you that it is not easy to deal with so many women." Bit said to Zhen Fan, "Know that...women are troublesome creatures, only When they are asleep, they will stop fighting. Is this an Irish folklore?"

"No, this is the folk proverb of the Bit? Jackson family. It has been circulated since you!" Gary shook his head at Bit and smiled, "Well, the current view is that women are trouble, so if you want to get rid of trouble, just Don’t provoke women! Of course, people like me don’t look for women. Compared to women, I prefer fine wine."

"Can I see that you are jealous?" Zhen Fan smiled at the two of them, "Because I have so many, and you... Forget it, it may hurt your self-esteem to say it. And... I don't care. How many women are there, but I care if I can make each of them happy!"

"Then did you do it?" Bit blinked at Zhen Fan.

Zhen Fan coughed awkwardly and said, "At least, is Emma, ​​okay, I admit, I haven't done it yet, but I'm trying to do it, I will call Emma now! "

"Happy call, huh, that's great!" Bit hehe smiled, "I can see that you do like this, but you have to make sure you can do it. Happy call... Let's start, you want A single room or go outside to make this call? You won’t feel embarrassed after we hear it!"

"No, I'm calling here now!" Zhen Fan said and shook the phone, "I won't beg her, listen carefully, I won't say anything that makes me feel like I can be a softie , By no means, guys..." As he was talking, suddenly a cell phone rang.

Both Bit and Gary were looking for their mobile phones, and Zhen Fan shook their mobile phones triumphantly at them and said, "Look, guys, Emma is calling!" "Hey, honey, I'm sorry, I think I should make it clear, I..."

"I forgive you!" Emma's voice came over there.

"What?" Zhen Fan was taken aback, and then subconsciously asked, and then gave a dry cough, glanced at the Bit and Gary, who was staring at him intently, and coughed twice and said, "You forgive me Oh, my god, I don’t know what to say, I wanted to say this too. Okay. I accept your apology, and I forgive you. Okay, if you have time. You can now. Come here! Goodbye!"

"Forgive me?" Emma immediately stood up, "Damn, wait, I'll go see what he is doing now!" Emma hurriedly cleaned up from Gary before driving. Went toward Zhen Fan's villa.

"Look, this is how women do it. They are not troublesome. Bit and Gary. You should find a woman for yourself who can make you feel happy. Of course it makes her feel happy." After Zhen Fan hung up, He shook his cell phone at Bit and Gary.

"Okay. Emma is a fool!" Gary snorted. "I can see it through. If a woman falls in love with a man, she will become a fool. Poor Emma, ​​she has to take some mental medicine. Up."

"Also...Angelina, Kolo, call them." Bit shrugged, then walked aside, and started calling the mayor and some reporters.

Kolo's performance is exactly the same as Emma. It is estimated that the two women have discussed it. First he was very angry because he was ignored, and then he forgave Zhen Fan because he now knew that he was wrong. God knows when Zhen Fan admitted wrong. Women will find their own steps.

Emma arrived earlier than Colo, and when she got out of the car, she rushed into the hall. Then he stared at the three men in the room. Every time his eyes turned to a man, the man pointed his finger at Zhen Fan. Bit still smiled and said: "He said you have apologized. So he intends to forgive you! It now... indeed forgave him, aha"

"I remain neutral!" Gary raised his hands and laughed.

"Listen to me. Emma!" Zhen Fan could not sit still, raised his hands to Emma and said in a gesture of surrender, "I can explain, let's go outside and say, okay? This is us Outsiders shouldn't get involved in the family affairs of the two. Come here, Emma...look at..."

"For God's sake? You don't believe in God!" Emma looked at Zhen Fan's nervous gestures, couldn't help but laughed with a "poof", and then said to Bit, "Director Jackson, my How about the performance? Your famous saying, regard life as a stage and yourself as an actor, and you are making a new movie every day."

"You lied to me." The bit who was making a call covered the phone's microphone, pointed at Emma, ​​and smiled, "I didn't expect you to let this guy off so easily. It's so cheap for him. !"

"It's okay, I know his situation, so I can put myself in the position for his sake. By the way, you told them about our relationship?" This sentence was to Zhen Fan, and he tilted his head to look at Zhen. Where.

"Does this still need to be explained by us? They knew it a long time ago. They knew it when we made the first movie "Island Rescue". So... don't expect us to hide from the world, even Christine ......Perhaps I also know!" Zhen Fan stretched out his hands helplessly at Emma.

"Well, this matter...actually nothing. Anyway, you have so many women, who cares!" Emma snorted as she said, and went straight to the wine cabinet next to her. , Poured a glass of wine, and then sat comfortably beside Zhen Fan, casually throwing away the shoes under her feet, and the whole person curled up beside Zhen Fan's shoulders.

"Okay, let me talk about our arrangements for tomorrow!" At this time, Bit put down his phone, turned around and said to Zhen Fan and Emma, ​​"Tomorrow’s press conference has been set at the Hilton Hotel. Just be responsible for being there. The city government’s gang will help us, including reporters. I contacted some reporters. These are some of the big-name entertainment reporters that we must contact to promote the film. The government contact is responsible for social news. The interviewer is not in line with ours!"

"Let's talk, what do we need to do!" Emma took a sip, unwilling to move her head from Zhen Fan's shoulder, squinted her eyes and talked, and then a pair of white tender feet were still facing Zhen Fan. .

"It's just like attending a general movie conference." Bit said, "You are the heroes and heroines, you can't be absent!" (A pie-in-the-sky event, a cool mobile phone is waiting for you! Pay attention ~ dot/public Account (you can add a friend on WeChat and add an official account to enter), join right away! Everyone has a prize, now follow the WeChat official account immediately!



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