The American Scripture

Chapter 1027: 3 women

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Mana was almost stunned. She had thought about the scene of meeting Zhen Fan again, but she didn't expect to meet under such circumstances. ∽↗∽↗, so when she saw Zhen Fan, she screamed, then opened her arms and shouted: "Zhen, Zhen, Zhen, I miss you so much!" Zhen stood up when she said that. Where to hug.

"Haha, I didn't expect to see you here." Zhen Fan hugged Mana, patted her on the shoulder lightly, and then said to Su Pan, "Meeting is fate, we will go to a Chinese restaurant later. Let's have a meal!" He let go of Mana and sat down, motioning for Mana to also sit down.

Mana sat down next to Zhen Fan. As soon as she was about to speak, she heard the door being pushed open. A woman's voice called out: "Hey, Zhen, we have just left for less than ten minutes, my God, your way of picking up girls is really good. It's so superb, you are such a magical man." It was Ko Luo who had just entered.

As soon as Ke Luo came in, he saw a girl sitting next to Zhen Fan, and couldn't help but complain. Emma is much more generous than Koloco. She put the very beautifully packaged bag on another table and smiled at Zhen Fan: "This is...?"

"Suphan, a Thai, is one of Zhen Fan’s best friends." Suphan quickly stood up. He had to keep a low profile in front of Zhen Fan and Zhen Fan’s friends, no matter how prestigious or prestigious he is in Thailand. Have a face. He knows that everything he owns is based on the h?c?d agent given by Zhen Fan.

"Hello. I'm Zhen's friend. I just came out shopping today. Alright?" The last sentence was to Zhen Fan. She also lost a very good-looking posture, which is very elegant as an actor anytime and anywhere. The posture and temperament are definitely incomparable to the daughter Mana trained by the local tyrant like Su Pan.

Mana looked at Emma's figure very enviously, as well as the elegant temperament and beauty that looked like she was born with her. She looked a little bit ashamed. She looked at it a few more times, and then exclaimed in surprise: " You... Are you... Emma Waters? Ah... what a coincidence."

"Of course, I am. Are you also Zhen Fan's friend?" Emma cast her eyes on Mana. Looking up and down, the girl's natural innocence is also very moving. Although it's still just a girl's xinxing, this xinxing is also a very attractive thing.

"Yeah, yeah, Zhen is very good, he is very powerful!" Mana hugged one of Zhen Fan's arms. He leaned his head on Zhen Fan's shoulder. Zhen Fan smiled, but did not stop her from doing this. Because this girl is really innocent. People can't refuse this kind of natural and frank performance.

Korok quit, snorted, and said to Zhen Fan: "Okay. We still want to buy clothes now, should we go with Emma?"

"Of course!" Zhen Fan stood up and patted Mana's hand lightly, "It's nice to meet you. You can come to my house as guests!" Of course, this sentence may be a kind word. Suphan thought that this was an opportunity to get closer to Zhen Fan, and nodded immediately.

"Definitely, we must go."

"Why don't we go shopping together now?" Mana suddenly took Zhen Fan's arm and stood up.

"No. We still have a lot of things to buy!" Kolo, not to be outdone, stared at Mana.

Mana also snorted and said, "Isn't it just buying things? We buy things too. We went out today to buy things. It's all under martial law. Of course we have to buy it!

"Yes, yes, Mr. Zhen. Let's go shopping together, and these bags, I will pay for them all, as a little bit of my heart, the meeting ceremony!" Su Pan also quickly stood up, and then waved to the waiter over there. "I'll check it out, I'll check it out." Then he walked outside, for fear that someone would rob him in front of him.

"Sir, do you also include the handmade bags of the two ladies?" The waiter nodded and smiled at Suphan, "If you are a foreigner, we have some discounts! Please!"

"It's okay, no discount is okay." Su Pan's practice is completely local tyrants, but when he brushed away nearly 100,000 US dollars, he still had a toothache, but he still spent it very willingly.

"Huh, soil buns!" Ko Luo wrinkled his nose, not at all grateful for Supan's paying her the bill, but was a little unhappy. After all, the money for the bag was nothing to her, and she gave it back Called the Mana Girl Opportunity, I felt reluctant in my heart.

"Forget it, you are too unconfident about yourself!" Emma whispered in her ear, "You are more beautiful than that girl, and your relationship with Zhen Fan is better than hers, right? She hasn't seen Zhen in a year, but you can meet with Zhen often, so if you are still not confident, I really don't know how to say hello!"

When Koro heard this, he nodded thoughtfully: "Well, you still make sense, let's go together and see who is better. I believe that as long as Zhen is not blind, you can tell the difference!" Turning around talking proudly, and flicking his hair, he floated in front of Zhen Fan.

So three women and two men wandered around on Wilshire Avenue, and this time let Suphan pay the bill together. In total, it cost nearly two hundred thousand dollars. But this is still affordable for Suphan. It's nothing. Now he can obtain a net profit of 20-30 million US dollars as an agent for h?c?d in Thailand. Although it is not as high as Li Xingguo's profit in China, it is also very amazing.

Two cars drove on the highway. Especially on the road around the mountain, Mana leaned her body out of the skylight and kept waving and shouting loudly. Obviously, this girl is really excited. This is one of the wealthy areas in the United States. The top wealthy people can buy here, and the villas here are also very luxurious, and the scenery is very good. You can see those luxurious villas from a distance on the highway.

"What a nouveau riche!" Ke Luo hummed in the back seat again, she was a little dissatisfied. I finally stayed in the villa by myself. I didn't expect Zhen Fan to invite the father and daughter over again. Moreover, the girl was really familiar with Zhen Fan. It was really uncomfortable.

Arrived at Zhen Fan's villa. After stopping the car and getting out of the car, Supan sniffed vigorously, and then laughed at Zhen Fan: "It's so comfortable, it feels so good, it seems more comfortable than in that villa!" The villa in question refers to the villa he gave to Zhen Fan in Thailand.

"It's really comfortable, Zhen, I like you here, can I take some more time? I don't want to go to the hotel anymore, I really don't like the atmosphere there, okay? It's the first time someone came here... …" Mana would really make excuses, at least that's what Kolo thinks.

"Please come in!" Zhen Fan waved, smiled at Mana, and then led the father and daughter into the lobby of the villa. Mana is looking around, it is better than their villa in Thailand, although the decoration is not very luxurious, but it is very comfortable, let people see everything goes well.

"Please sit down!" Before Zhen Fan said, Emma stood up. She smiled and asked Suphan and Mana to sit down. Suphan nodded flatteredly, and got to the sofa opposite Zhen Fan. At that time, Mana did not sit down, jumped to the back door of the hall, looked at the lawn and woods outside, and made exaggerated expressions of surprise from time to time.

"It's a waste not to be an actor!" Ke Luo snorted, and sat beside Zhen Fan angrily. Taking out the phone and fiddling with it, she didn't care about Zhen Fan and Su Pan's chat. Because Suphan mainly talks about the wine business with Zhen Fan in Thailand, she is more concerned about the girl. So while playing on the phone, she peeked at the girl.

"Coffee or tea?" Emma walked to Suphan and said to him.

"Coffee, I want coffee! Thank you." Suphan said to Emma quickly. Obviously, he was a little flattered with Emma's enthusiasm.

Emma nodded, then smiled at Zhen Fan: "I'll make you a cup of coffee." Then she walked to Mana's face and said: "Are you Mana? Go sit there, I will give Come over and make a cup of coffee!" He patted her arm lightly, and then walked to the kitchen.

This alive is the attitude of the hostess. Kolo suddenly grew his mouth in surprise, and then reacted, admiring Emma is like a five-body cast. This is the wisdom of women fighting for favor. Just now I felt that fighting against that girl was simply the most inferior strategy.

Not only Colo was Mana was also very sensitive to the difference between Emma, ​​so she was a little at a loss at the posture of a hostess like Emma, ​​so Emma told her What, she didn't know how to react, so she just sat aside and didn't dare to get too close to Zhen Fan.

After the coffee was served, Emma has always been very kind, really like a warm hostess. Suphan nodded again and again, and said to Zhen Fan, "Madam is really virtuous!" He didn't know that Zhen Fan's fiancee was Christine, but the hostess now looks like Emma, ​​and Zhen Fan No objection was expressed. So he decided to please Emma before talking.

Mana seems to want to find a breakthrough, but under the current situation, she obviously has not found a suitable method. Kolo on the side was very happy. She and Emma are on the same line, so seeing Mana embarrassed, she also looked very happy, and even stopped playing with her mobile phone, and said to Suphan and them: "I'll help you get the cake! I baked it myself! "

Well, there are cakes, it’s just that Zhen Fan’s baking is not the cake, but what does it matter? Anyway, they said they baked it by themselves, so do the father and daughter have to go and inspect it? Kolo smiled triumphantly. (A great activity for pie-dropping in the sky, cool mobile phone waiting for you! Pay attention to ~/public account (WeChat add friend-add official account-enter dd), participate now! Everyone has a prize, now follow dd WeChat immediately Official account!) (To be continued..) u

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