The American Scripture

Chapter 1030: luxurious

The banquet of the Saudi prince gave Zhen Fan a thorough understanding of what luxury is, and also felt the invincible aura of these people who treat money inappropriately. It's amazing, this feeling was known from the beginning of the team that picked them up. A super luxurious extended courtesy car, the door opens from bottom to top, like a pair of giant wings, as soon as it enters, the luxurious atmosphere rushes toward the face.

The top-level decoration, and comfortable seats that are more luxurious than the first-class cabin, the chair can be turned, and an active bar can be pulled to the side at will. There are three rows of wine on the bar. And it is also Zhen Fan's h?c?d top-notch highly steamed wine. This kind of wine Zhenfan is limited, there are only a few hundred bottles in the world. I did not expect that there are five bottles here. This is just a car. God knows how many bottles he has hidden in his home.

"I knew that the prince must be different," Bit said to Zhen Fan with emotion, "It's really luxurious. This is the first time I've gotten in such a car. It feels really... Very cool!"

"Can you not be so excited?" Zhen Fan gave a white look. "Well, you are also a top Hollywood director. Don't show such an earthy look, okay?"

"Okay, but... I promise, whoever comes in here will behave very dirty, God, he is the Saudi prince, the richest man in the world, well... I admit, I did. Some have passed. But... to be honest, I really want to get such a car, if...±▼, w≤ww. I am as rich as him!" Bit also admitted, nodded, and then started from the activity Draw a bottle of wine from the bar, officially the most luxurious h?c?d steamed wine. Then came to a glass and took a sip. He sighed, "It's been a long time since I drank this kind of wine. I don't understand. Why don't you make this kind of wine on a large scale? This is really a great loss in the world!"

"Really?" Zhen Fan smiled, and then shook his head, "Sorry, because it's rare, it looks precious! So...I don't plan to brew it on a large scale, and it's also very troublesome to brew this kind of wine. It can only be this way. I can only guarantee a little bit of brewing every year, not a lot."

"To the prince, cheers!" Bit raised his glass. He gestured to Zhen Fan, and then ate it again.

"Okay, for the prince!" Zhen Fan also raised his wine glass, drank a mouthful, and said with a sigh, "As you said, if you have money, you should customize a car like this."

The car did not drive to any villa, nor did it drive to the beach. Instead, I stopped at an airport, which is not very big, but very luxurious, just like the luxury of a car. Very luxurious kind. The car door opened, and the accompanying waiter respectfully asked Zhen Fan to get off the car. Then walked towards the lobby of the airport.

Although it is an airport, this small airport does not have a single passenger. Although there are a lot of service staff. And the dressing is very neat, if you pay special attention. You can also see the logo of their cuffs, which are customized products designed by the top international fashion designer Ralph Simon.

Ok. This is rich. Bit is obviously a person who knows the goods, which is much better than Zhen Fan. So walked into this waiting hall. Under the guidance of the waiter, he entered a glass-like room filled with magic of light and shadow, which looked as luxurious as ever.

In this glass room, a tall, thin man in his thirties with a typical Middle Eastern beard was sitting there, accompanied by a few blonde beauties, and a few local women. Some are pouring wine for him, and some are holding cigars to light him up. Obviously, you don't need to guess that this person is Saudi Prince Abu Khalid.

Seeing Zhen Fan and Bit coming in, Abu Khalid stood up and put it away without looking. A woman stretched out his hand and took his cup. He swung his other hand and gave the cigar. Being picked up by a beautiful woman, the beautiful woman leaned forward to take a sip, and then let out a light smoke. It's very natural to do it, and it seems that I don't do such things less often.

"Don't smoke in front of the guests, you know? Get out of here!" The woman hurriedly bowed and left nervously.

"Welcome, distinguished guests!" Abu Khalid turned around with a smile on his face, and then walked over to Zhen Fan and Bit with open arms, "Very welcome, my friend from America!"

"Nice to meet you, Prince!" Bit opened his arms and walked towards Abu Khalid. The two gave a gentle hug, and the Saudi prince was still more enthusiastic. After embracing Bit, Abu Khalid opened his arms towards Zhen Fan and laughed: "I have heard of you a long time ago and I have seen you on TV and in movies, but I have never seen the real , Now I see it, God is so generous to me!"

"Nice to meet you, Prince!" Zhen Fan gave him a polite hug and then let go.

"Let's enjoy our lunch!" Abu Khalid smiled at Zhen Fan, and then made a sign of please to him. A few beautiful waiters led out of this glass-like waiting plane. There is a huge plane parked outside. White, looks very beautiful and huge.

Abu Khalid walked ahead and personally led the way. And Zhen Fan and Bit walked behind, separated some distance. Bit enviously looked at the plane and said to Zhen Fan: "The most expensive private jet in the world, the Airbus A380, is a giant in the sky. It can fly 12,875 kilometers at a time. Eight hundred seats, but all of them have been demolished. I have heard of these. The total area is the size of three tennis courts. It's really... I like this plane! "It seems that Bit is really against Saudi Prince Abu Khalid. Have done an investigation.

"Welcome to my palace in the sky!" Walking to the gangway of the plane, to the entrance of the boarding cabin, he stood on the inside of the door and smiled at Zhen Fan and Bit and patted his palms gently, "Please come in, I Dear guest, first come and visit my palace in the sky. Please, come here!"

As soon as he entered the plane, Zhen Fan was shocked by the luxury of the Saudi prince. This was not the first time he was shocked, but despite this, he was surprised again this time.

"This is my meeting room!" Abu Khalid opened his arms and walked over to the meeting table, looking at Zhen Fan and Bit, and said with a smug smile, "This is where I am most proud!" After sliding the desktop, the entire desktop suddenly lit up. It turns out that this is a huge electronic screen, just like a huge ipad, on which you can surf the Internet and even work at will, very simple!

"Very...convenient!" Bi Fei nodded, "I like it very much. Just like in a science fiction movie, only Hollywood screenwriters can think of it!" Indeed, this design is much ahead of its time, compared to the current one. As far as office facilities are concerned, there is nothing wrong with saying that it is science fiction.

"Come here, guys, this is my concert hall. It’s a very professional shooting. Just imagine how wonderful it is that we can listen to music in the air." Abu Khalid himself acted as the narrator, and did not want to follow. , But every place has a special person to look after him, so as soon as my prince came in, he hurried over to meet him.

"There is nothing about you here, I will personally explain it to my distinguished guests!" Prince Abu Khalid said to these waiters, and then snapped his fingers, "Music!" This is voice induction control. , The music with the world's top liveness is flowing in the space, as if you are in a music box, and the music wraps everyone in like flowing water.

"If you have money..." Bit couldn't go on talking halfway through. If he had money, he shouldn't waste it so much. He would rather go to make a movie.

"Come here, guys!" Abu Khalid suddenly snapped his fingers, and then the music stopped, the electronic automatic door opened, and there was a huge entertainment hall. As soon as they walked in, they felt the ground. The difference is that the ground is just a huge electronic screen. You can see the scenery of the ground when the plane is flying over. It's like standing in the air and flying in the wind, and the tower is directly in the air as if there is no stepping on it.

"My friends, I hope you like it here!" Abu Khalid laughed loudly, "We can take the stairs or the elevator! Friends, please follow me!" As he walked to the spiral staircase Then up. Then enter the upper floor, which is the prince’s living area, pass through the marble Turkish bath, and then enter the huge dining room dedicated to the prince to entertain long dining table in the restaurant, On both sides are leather sofa seats like first-class cabins, and the front main seat is a huge chair like a throne.

"Welcome, my friend, please come and sit down!" The Saudi prince guided Zhen Fan and Bit to the edge of the seat, and then waved them to sit down. There are three people, Saudi Prince Abu Khalid sitting in the main seat, while Zhen Fan and Bit are sitting on both sides of the first row.

"Papa" the Saudi prince patted his hands gently, and soon some waiters did not know where they came out, and then they started serving dishes. The typical Western-style dishes, but there is a roasted whole lamb on the table. Very fresh and tender. In addition, the wine served was the most expensive steamed h?c?d of Zhen Fan. The tableware were all silverware, and the plates were wrapped with gold trim. It was a luxurious lunch.

During lunch, the three people began to talk. The Saudi prince is very talkative. He knows everything about Zhen Fan. All of this is available on the Internet, which shows that he has really used some thoughts. He also respects Bit. After all, Bit is a hot director in Hollywood, and the two series of movies of "The Lord of the Rings" and "The Hobbit" can earn billions of dollars!


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