The American Scripture

Chapter 1046: Face slap

No one took Roman Gibson's proposal to Zhen Fan seriously. In fact, Zhen Fan did accomplish a feat. After he pounced on the helicopter, he dragged the people off the helicopter and screamed and fell. ¢£¢£, of course, this person is tied with a safety rope, so they are basically not dangerous to fall, and Zhen Fan directly drives the helicopter on the helicopter, and when he is about to drive the helicopter to escape, he is used by the enemy The rpg shot down.

At the same time he shouted: "Damn, rpg, really lucky." Then when he was trying to avoid the helicopter, the helicopter was hit by the tail and sprayed out black smoke directly, and then the helicopter hovered from a high altitude. Falling, while pursuing, Zhen Fan also used a gun to break the glass of the building, and then jumped from the helicopter into the office in the middle of the building.

"Bang bang bang", the glass of the building below the helicopter was shattered by continuous shooting. Zhen Fan quickly jumped in from the falling helicopter, and rolled on the ground a few times before being driven by several killers on that floor. The gun, dodged, flung his hand, pointed the pistol at the assassins, shot them in succession, and knocked them down.

With a sound of "boom", the sound of a helicopter crashing to the ground came downstairs. At this time, Zhen Fan had already dealt with the killers. He was walking towards the office door and opened the elevator. Then he heard another loud noise outside, this time the sound of a helicopter explosion came over.

"Boom--" The helicopter exploded, and a huge fireball was exploded by a pre-arranged remote-controlled bomb. This ball of fire instantly swallowed the helicopter, and then the sound of police sirens came from the street. Inside the building, the elevator door slowly closed with a "ding". The face of Zhen Fan was gradually covered.

This group of shots used multiple cameras, including the top of the building, the helicopter, the bottom of the building, and the office in the middle of the building. At least two to three cameras are deployed in each place. Under Gary's unified scheduling, these cameras captured the entire process perfectly with long lenses. The angle of each camera is different. But every angle is very surprising, this set of shots can be described as shocking everyone.

"Very perfect, a success!" Bit shouted loudly, and then stopped. This shot may still be edited to present the thrilling scene, but this long shot will not be cut. At this time, under the building, the spectators who had been isolated to a safe area could not help clapping.

It was a perfect witness to a great shot. Everyone couldn't help applauding Zhen Fan's performance. Obviously, this group of people will be the ones who want to see Zhen Fan's movie most. They are all witnesses. I also want to see the effect of this shooting.

"This is a miracle, really, I can't tell how I feel now, it's like... my hormones are rising all the time, and I can't wait to be selected out, and then propose to him in front of the world. "The helicopter carrying Roman Gibson slowly descended, and then she didn't stop her reporting on the way down. "Those who have always wanted to watch Zhen Fan fall to death can give up now. He is...invincible lucky. Son. Maybe it’s not just lucky, he’s a...damn guy who will never get into trouble, but...I like it and I believe you will like it too!"

The helicopter stopped. Roman Gibson also jumped out of the plane and ran forward with his waist hooked, while speaking loudly to the camera carrying the camera. "Hurry up, we have to show up in time when they welcome the hero. Then I will propose to him. This is a very good opportunity. Don't miss it!"

The photographer followed behind breathlessly, running fast, following her rhythm, but the camera was too heavy and he was a little out of breath, but he still heard Roman Gibson's constant urging and couldn't help but whisper. He cursed: "Yd's little bitch, really **** it, just thinking about making a fuss!"

Suddenly Roman Gibson stopped and looked back: "I heard it, man, if you don't keep up, you're dead, I'm the one who speaks, hurry up, you idiot!" "Deng Deng Deng" ran forward. The photographer was dumbfounded, and then reluctantly followed.

The situation is better than people. After all, Roman Gibson is now the pillar of the TV station, so what she said sometimes worked, and he didn't want to touch her at this time.

When Zhen Fan walked out of the building, he saw a large group of people around the door. Seeing Zhen Fan walked out, they all clapped "clap", and some people were whistling. Bit walked up and Zhen Fan came. He gave a big hug, smiled and said to him: "Brother, you made me, really, I will be recorded in Hollywood history for shooting this movie. I think if anyone wants to break through this thrilling shot, I have to invite you over again, won't promise to make this kind of movie again? Man, would you say'no'?

"Of course, I only work with you!" Zhen Fan patted him on the shoulder, "Who calls us brothers?"

"Hey, Zhen, just now... You stunned me again, to be honest... You are always so unexpected. Although I know you will succeed, but I didn't expect you to succeed like this. Tonight we will be together Would you like a drink? I hid a bottle of good wine in your room!" Emma suddenly came up, bit her lip in Zhen Fan's ear and said.

"Of course, wine and beautiful women are the delicacy of the world, how could I miss it?" Zhen Fan blinked at Emma. Emma smiled very satisfied and backed away. She couldn't be too enthusiastic. After all, there were so many reporters on the scene that it was too crowded.

As soon as Emma left, there were countless voice recorders, cell phones and cameras facing Zhen Fan. These reporters waited here for so many days to wait for this moment and then interview Zhen Fan.

"Hey, Zhen, I want your exclusive!" Suddenly a voice came out from behind the crowd, and then a tall and **** beauty appeared behind the crowd, but she couldn't get in, just shouting loudly through the crowd Then, "Zhen, and... I am going to announce in front of the people in the world, I want to propose to you, marry me."

When this sound came out, the crowd of hustle and bustle, noisy suddenly fell silent, and then people turned their heads to look at this woman, yes, this woman is Roman Gibson, she turned the microphone, and the crowd couldn't help it. Gave her a way.

She swayed and walked up to Zhen Fan with grace, then looked at Zhen Fan affectionately, and looked up at Zhen Fan's eyes: "I want you to marry me, okay?"

After a brief silence, all of the reporters surrounded the two of them after a short silence. All the reporters surrounded the two of them. They leaned out of the microphones and asked Zhen Fan questions, babbling and asking questions in a mess. .

"Zhen, is what Ms. Roman Gibson said true? How long have you been together?"

"Are you dating in secret? Kristen knows that Roman? Gibson is dating you? Have you broken off your engagement with Kristen? Where is Christine now?"

"Ms. Gibson, have you always been in love? Why did you think of proposing on such an occasion? Did you propose as a third party or as Zhen Fan's true girlfriend?"

...Various questions were raised, and Zhen Fan was shocked, because when Roman Gibson announced the idea, Zhen Fan was filming, and he didn't even notice that Roman Gibson would raise such questions. , So I was stunned for a while, couldn't help but look at Roman Gibson, frowning.

At this time, the studio hall of the local television station in Los Angeles suddenly became noisy. With the oath of Roman Gibson, everyone on the TV station was stunned. Unexpectedly, Roman Gibson would actually implement this crazy plan. The director couldn't help but cursed: "It's really shit, this **** really did that, it's really shameless!"

"Too courageous, but it is also really shocking, guys, this woman... is really scheming, no wonder it's getting more and more popular. What a good idea, son of a bitch, why can't I do it? This host?" Some female staff were also a little jealous.

"Hey, all work, broadcast this to me intact, don’t miss it. Damn it, it’s time to have the professionalism of Ms. Gibson, you will be like She is as red as she is, so how can she be more generous?" At this time, a fat middle-aged man walked in and said to everyone, "Everyone has started to work, and today's ratings are bursting. After get off work, I will treat you. Please. , Let everyone know that this is our exclusive!"

The middle-aged man patted his **** as he said, and walked out towards the door. Surprising screams and whistles came from the studio after the case. Yes, the boss invited him.

But the reporters at the scene are still waiting for Zhen Fan's response. They especially want to know how Zhen Fan will respond to such a marriage proposal, want to watch the excitement, want to catch the most interesting news, it is now.

"Okay, okay, Miss Roman Gibson, I know, I have received your proposal, but it is like receiving an email. I will take a look first. If I can handle it alone, I It will be dealt with immediately. Of course, if I can’t deal with it alone, such as the current problem, I think I’ll discuss it with Christine, and then give you a final answer, although it may not be as you want, but I also admire your courage. After all...doing something that you know can’t succeed is a test of people’s wisdom,’re still halfway successful. Because you will succeed in making the headlines of the entertainment version, and of course you will fail. Half, that is, the answer to Christine and I must be... Is this woman crazy?" (To be continued...) u

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