The American Scripture

Chapter 1048: Celebration reception

Christine took the jade pendant that Zoe handed over, looked at it, and then smiled: "I know, there are many secrets in it. ~ Novel, is it Elizabeth and Wendy? I know he was at Duke University. At that time, I gave you a jade pendant." Christine looked at Zoe proudly, "There is nothing I don't know."

Zoe was a little frustrated, but still shrugged his shoulders and expressed an indifferent attitude: "He sent a lot of jade pendants and jade rings out. Sometimes I think if he loses his winery, loses him. He’s star status, and even lost all his money, then... he has at least one skill. I can open a jade sculpture shop with him. At least we won’t be unemployed!"

"Well, let's try it tonight!" Christine nodded, "Now... can I talk to them? Right here?"

"Of course, you can touch the jade pendant with your hand, clockwise three times, counterclockwise three times, then you can let them out. Of course...don’t think of them as souls, because they can’t be like us. In addition to the human form, they actually have human thoughts and emotions. In other words, they are still the same, at least in character and habits. Are you ready?" Zoe looked at Christine.

"I'm better than you, Zoe!" Christine stood up and walked gently to the other side of the yacht. There was no one here, everyone was playing on the shore. Then he touched the jade pendant according to Zoe's method, but he didn't respond at all, so Christine looked around.

"Here we are, Christine!" Suddenly a gloomy woman's voice came from behind her. She was immediately taken aback. She doesn't have Mia's skill, so naturally she can't feel the presence of Elizabeth and Wendy. Besides, now Elizabeth and Wendy have become stronger and stronger.

"Okay. You scared me!" Kristen rolled his eyes and patted his chest. Said to two women. Wendy is wearing a white long skirt, and Elizabeth is wearing a black long skirt. The two existed as if they were black and white.

"This is just a joke, Christine!" Wendy smiled suddenly, her voice was normal, just like a normal person's voice, "It seems that Zoe gave you the jade pendant, uh, what can we do? Do you help? Usually this time, we do some things that are not convenient for you."

Christine listened. Just a little apologetic said: "Of course, of course, I know that this matter may be a bit unnatural, but... if you don't want to participate, I won't force it, you know... you are my friends, even... Wendy, Zhen knows you before knowing me."

"That's for sure." Wendy smiled. Then she clapped her hands and said, "Let's talk, let's talk, what the **** is it? This seems to be what we should do. And I also helped Zhen do a lot!" Elizabeth also shrugged beside her. Actions. It seems to be taken for granted.

"Well, that's it, I'll let you teach this woman a lesson!" Christine said. Take out his mobile phone, and then pulled out a photo. The person in this photo is Roman Gibson. Then I also explained the reason for the trouble to find this woman.

"What a bitch!" Elizabeth couldn't help cursing, "To be honest. I don't need you to tell me, I want to teach her... By the way, did Zhen sleep with her?"

"Probably not, I know Zhen's. He should not be interested in such a woman, but... I am also not interested in a man like Zhen. Although he is my master, it has nothing to do with the relationship between men and women. Elizabeth snorted and continued.

"Okay, I'm interested, so please, don't let that woman have a wishful thinking, damn, when did I start worrying about my marriage? Okay, just scare her, don't kill her, I know you , Wendy, you have a previous conviction, you have killed someone, so...this time the situation will be different." Christine said to the two of them, "That's it, how long will it take? Do we need to go to Los Angeles?"

"Of course, do you think we are people like Zhen?" Elizabeth gave Christine a look. "When will you arrive in Los Angeles, we will come out, no problem. We already know this woman and we nailed her. It won't make her life easier, at least there will be a period of difficult time."

"Better like this!" Christine nodded, then fetched the phone and dialed a number, "Hey, Maguire, can you book me a ticket to Los Angeles tonight."

Zoe raised his finger at her, and Christine immediately changed his words and said, "It's two, I'm with Zoe." After speaking, he hung up the phone and opened his hand to Zoe, "Why do you want to be with me? go together?"

"Because I am also very upset, that's it, that's the problem!" Zoe also smiled, "But... don't you plan to ask Zhen's opinion?"

"Let him go to hell!" Christine snorted.

The night in Los Angeles is brightly lit, like stars. In fact, after the last catastrophe, everything has returned to calm, especially the coverage of Zhen Fan’s filming, from live TV to online reports, and then to all types of newspapers. It’s easy. Distracted people's attention. It also pulls people out of grief and panic smoothly. Such words are indeed conducive to calming people's hearts.

So... Zhen Fan's news can easily dominate the headlines and easily become a hot spot. And people easily forget all that, and then start a feasting life. From time to time, drunk men and women swayed or sang crooked songs on the street, and from time to time there were police cars with sirens galloping away from the street.

"Let's welcome the arrival of our hero Miss Roman Gibson with the warmest applause." A strong man's voice rang in the office of the mobile building, and then he heard applause like a rainstorm, an employee of a local television station in Los Angeles We are still in the office.

They should have left work today, but in order to meet Roman Gibson who returned triumphantly from Riyadh, the boss asked them to stay. The reason is simple. It is for Roman Gibson, the hero of the TV station, and the company will vacate the large office as a venue for the reception.

If it is a reception, it is actually the people in the office gather for themselves, and then the few bottles of wine come out and each drink two glasses. It can be said to be as shabby as it is. Roman Gibson was sprayed with the confetti sprayed in the air, but she smiled triumphantly, especially the boss also deliberately said a few words against her ear. Although there are more clichés in the sense of encouragement, it shows to everyone that the boss seems to value her very much.

"This **** never makes us feel better every time. Look, she can now get a raise and promotion, but we have to sacrifice our rest time to stay with her here, watching her disgusting face there. Smiling as if crawling out of a grave, what a damn!" A young female employee cursed at another female employee.

"Be quiet, don't let that **** hear you!"

Hearing this sentence, both of them were silent. Indeed, if Roman Gibson heard it, with the intimacy she showed with her boss here, she might let herself go. So many people dare not say anything, most of them smiled falsely to deal with Roman Gibson.

After half an hour, this simple celebration was over, people left one after another, and in the end only Roman Gibson was left in the office. She cleared her desk, then touched it reluctantly. Yes, she succeeded by opportunism, which brought her fame and TV ratings.

This table may belong to another person tomorrow. Because from tomorrow, she will have her own office, assistant and filming team. All this was won by myself, even at the expense of my own sense of shame, but... it was all worth it.

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on Roman Gibson's face. At this time, a person came out from behind and looked at Roman Gibson, and smiled: "Why haven't you left? You just came back from the airport, do you need me to take you home?" He is the boss, and his fat body looks a little clumsy.

"Uh...I also plan to sort out some of my interviews. I will find the car and send myself back. Thank you, boss, you have given me so much. I will do it with my heart!" Roman Gibson Very cleverly refused the invitation of the boss, and then smiled, "Uh, if you want, you can help me organize it, okay?"

The boss shook his head in embarrassment, and then smiled: "No wonder you can handle Zhen. It turns out...with such brilliant communication skills, it is very good. Use it well, maybe you will create something better than now. Achievements. I am optimistic about you, good night, Roman!" The boss said and left the office with some difficulty.

"If you have a body like Zhen, I might consider letting you take me home. I like strong men, but you are not!" Roman Gibson whispered to the back of the boss. Then she turned around and started to pack her own things, and she was also ready to leave.

The light on her desk was still on throughout the office. But when she had just packed her things, twisted her luggage, and was about to leave, suddenly the only light went out and the entire office fell into darkness. (To be continued...) u

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