The American Scripture

Chapter 1057: Variety

Dan Milk’s study has a lot of protection, the most important of which is that it is very sexual. It is impossible for the conversation here to be monitored by the outside world. ○Mr. President chose to talk to Zhen Fan here, which means that the content of their conversations cannot even be known by Donald Quinn and Dan Milk.

"Sit down," Mr. President familiarized himself, treating himself as the host here, and greeted Zhen Fan to sit down, sitting on the sofa not far from Zhen Fan, and skillfully took out one from his pocket. Draw a cigar box from it and pass it to Zhen Fan, "Do you want one?"

"No, thank you!" Zhen Fan sat down and shook his hand with a smile, "I don't like this thing, but I don't object to others smoking. Would you like a drink?" He turned his head and saw that there was a wine cabinet in the study. On the wine cabinet, there were a few bottles of h?c?d that Zhen Fan gave to Dan Milk, so I took a bottle, poured two glasses, and handed one to Mr. President, and sat down and savored one. Take a bite.

"The best selection of Cuban cigars, plus your h?c?d, this is the best enjoyment in life." Mr. President took a cigarette and another sip of wine, saying with emotion, "This Both are very precious things and very difficult to get, so I won’t enjoy it often, otherwise, the guys will jump out again, point fingers at me and make irresponsible remarks."

"Everyone has their own limitations, but they also have their own enjoyment." Zhen Fan couldn't help laughing. "When you enjoy the greatest power in the world, it is only natural that you are restricted in certain aspects. Otherwise, Americans will live in a retrogressive society."

"Yes. I agree with this sentence!" Mr. President laughed, and the smoke from the cigar began to linger around him. "My term is about to come. Some people say that I can't accomplish anything during my term. It even brought disasters to the American people, whether it is a hurricane, or the evil creatures or those supernatural beings, and viruses." Mr. President was a little emotional Said, "I know... you have helped us a lot, but you can't be recognized..."

"This society does not allow people like me to appear because people are afraid of the unknown!" Zhen Fan said, looking at Mr. President, "So... no matter what I do, I don't expect the US government to honor me. To be my doctor, I make my movies. Of course I also want to buy wine in Europe, and I also want to introduce Chinese patent medicine to the United States..."

"There are too many things you want to do, but...I can't help you." Mr. President laughed. Zhen Fan said these things here, just to see if he can help him in one or two aspects. Even more, because this is a condition, if the condition is issued, it depends on whether there is any deal with him.

"I appreciate your straightforwardness. Mr. Zhen." Mr. President took a sip of cigar and another sip of wine, and said to Zhen Fan, "This is a world of interest. We all know that I can't help you because I said I don’t want to ask you to do anything for us. It’s only worthwhile if the value is equal."

"I also helped you before. But... I didn't ask you for a price." Zhen Fan gently shook the wine glass in his hand so that the wine had the best taste. Let me take another bite, "So many things. I need to do in the future, and the question I want to solve now is when I can get your permission to ensure that my security company has the greatest authority within the scope of the law. "

"This is not a problem. Let's talk about the four dragons now!" Mr. President didn't want to go around the corner anymore. He thought it would be better to say it directly. "Now Los Angeles seems to be calm again on the surface, but... we all know that. The four dragons will return at any moment, what should we do?"

"Is this all or one of the conditions?" Zhen Fan asked.

"It depends on you. If you think it is all, then we can only meet one of your conditions!" Mr. President is very good at bargaining. "If it is only one of the conditions, then we can slowly increase the price. ."

"Okay, okay, let's talk slowly!" Zhen Fan raised his hand and smiled at Mr. President. "If you have a price, you can bargain. Fortunately, we can all understand the general situation and help each other. Now... we Let’s talk about..."

In fact, Mr. President has too many things to talk to Zhen Fan. Because of the four dragons, based on the final integrated intelligence, Mr. President came to a very surprising conclusion, that is, the four dragons must have been killed by Zhen Fan or hidden by him. It's a bit crazy to think about it. Mr. President suffers from not being able to explain this to the think tanks. After all, all this is done in secret, including those with supernatural powers controlled by Dan Milk, who knows that there is such a thing, but cannot Anyone said. Mr. President also has such distress. So thinking of what Zhen Fan has done recently, so I have this conversation. In the final analysis, Mr. President is afraid of Zhen Fan's power, but he wants to use them. And Zhen Fan wants to do something he wants to do through the US government, so a self-contained conversation becomes a must.

What did Zhen Fan and Mr. President talk about? Dan Milk didn’t know, Donald Quinn didn’t know, because after half an hour, Mr. President and Zhen Fan talked and laughed and went down side by side. After walking, and shaking hands with Dan Milk to leave, the president, his motorcade, the Secret Service and Donald’s agents disappeared.

Zhen Fan did not leave immediately, but stayed at Milk's house. Milk was very warm to entertain Zhen Fan. During the whole reception, the two people were very clever and did not involve the content of Mr. President and Zhen Fan's conversation. But Milk also knew that if they wanted to talk, it was just an exchange of interests. Now the US least Mr. President knows that he does not have enough ability to restrain Zhen Fan, so he can only cooperate with Zhen Fan.

After returning to the villa from Milk’s house, Zhen Fan was surprised to find that Christine was at home. Didn’t she go to the clinic today? Zhen Fan walked in, looked at Christine, and then at Yi Fei who hadn't gone out. She couldn't help asking strangely, "What's the matter? I don't have to go to work today? Is it a day off?"

"No, I have something to do, let's go first!" Yi Fei got up and left, and she drove out. When she went out, she asked the nanny Linda Cassidy to go out with the child. , Said it is to let children get in touch with nature more and go to the park to play. Maria was also taken out by the tutor Elsa. Now there are only two people left in the family, Christine and Zhen Fan.

Zhen Fan watched Christine sitting on the sofa, so she walked up to her, opened her hand to her, smiled slightly: "What? Do you feel uncomfortable?" He squatted in front of Christine. "Or is it because of what I said this morning?"

Kristen stared at Zhen Fan in a daze, then shook her head, and reached out and touched Zhen Fan's head gently: "Zhen...I don't know, really, I don't know you will be angry, I'm sorry..."

"Don't be silly, nothing is going on now, right? We can do the same as before." Zhen Fan gently put his hand on Christine's knee, "Okay, don't think about these things, are you today? Was it here all morning thinking about this? Or is it because this makes you feel a little..."

"No, I didn't think about it. You are self-righteous!" Christine said unconvincingly, but immediately couldn't help but laugh, "Yes, yes, I thought about it all morning. I know why you are doing that, I understand what you mean, I have figured it out!"

"Really?" Zhen Fan grabbed her hands.

"It's true, this was originally some trouble that I found myself, and it also explained that my cultivation level is far worse than that of Mia and others." Christine also held Zhen Fan back. With his hand, he said seriously to Zhen Fan, "I won't let those troubles become problems between us, I promise!"

"I believe you, but... I can use the double cultivation method to help you improve your cultivation level now." Zhen Fan said, suddenly stretched out his hand and hugged Christine, Christine grinned and twisted Moving their waists, the two of them rolled into a ball on the floor.

At dinner, Christine’s eyes were full of spring, which made the women who came back home one after another looked a little strange, thinking that she didn’t go to the clinic today, so they all smiled when they couldn’t help but say hello. Looked her up and down.

This makes Christine himself Obviously, she often does those double repairs with Zhen Fan, but why everyone sees her in a different way today, I can’t bear it. After looking at it, Christine decided to ask Anne, because Anne was the most honest one in it.

"Why do you and them look at me so strangely? Is there anything wrong with me?" Kristen pulled Annie aside and said, "Or... what can you really feel? "

"Don't you know it yourself?" Annie smiled, and then reached out her hand to touch Christine's skin, and said with a sigh of envy, "Zhen is still will know by looking in the mirror. Why do we look at you so much, and get a cheap guy, don’t know it!"

Christine didn't care to talk to Annie, so he hurried to the bathroom, closed the door, and walked slowly to the mirror, slowly touching his face, and his mouth grew in surprise. Yes, my skin in the mirror seems to have been reborn, delicate and tender like a baby.

"Oh, my God, this... Zhen, Zhen, what's the matter?" Kristin opened the door happily and rushed out. She wanted to ask clearly what was going on. (To be continued...) u

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