The American Scripture

Chapter 1067: Not a fairy tale

Anne and Caroline saw Zhen Fan's words solemnly, and looked at him a little worried. The special equipment is Annie, which shows that the situation Claire is facing is increasingly worrying. But out of trust in Zhen Fan, she still did not speak, but when Zhen Fan was about to enter, she stretched out her hand and squeezed Zhen Fan's hand vigorously.

This is a big mine. After entering the hole, there are various branches of small holes connected, and even Zhen Fan doesn't know how to distinguish it. Where should I go, Zhen Fan frowned, then took out a stack of yellow paper, folded into a stack of paper birds, and then chanted the Taoist mantra, and shouted: "Hurry as a rule—sickness!" The paper birds flew up and flew in toward each hole, and Zhen Fan's divine consciousness followed these birds to continuously scan everything in each hole.

He half-closed his eyes, his mind was calm, only a few dozen breaths of effort, he opened his eyes, and shot directly at one of the holes like lightning, and then suddenly stepped forward, where he was standing just now. There was nothing left, and when he appeared again, he had already penetrated into the cave.

The breath here is very messy, and it is obvious that someone deliberately disturbed the breath of nature, making it impossible to deduct the situation here. This person's abilities are not too small, and Zhen Fan dare not look down on him, frowning, and starting to explore again with his spiritual sense. The entrance of the hole is very deep and he has passed the place where the railroad tracks are connected.

Zhen Fan couldn't explore the disturbing aura, because the more chaotic the place, the more the person's hidden place could be exposed. Zhen Fan floated in the air, as if walking in the wind, But he didn't exert any force at all, so he let his body float continuously with the disordered Qi.

Because no matter how disordered the Qi machine is, there is always a source that can be figured out with the person who uses the Qi machine, and Zhen Fan wants to use this method to find that person. See how sacred this person is.

As he continued to move forward, a light suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, as if suddenly enlightened. It turned out that the end of the hole was a huge space, in this space. The lights are still on. There are signs of life inside. It is incredible that there is still electricity in a place that has been deserted for hundreds of years.

Under the light, Thomas was panicking watching Zhen Fan, who was walking in the wind, slowly drifting in, his legs softened, he knelt down and shouted loudly: "He is here, he is here! "obviously. He was warning the people in this cave, and at the same time, a powerful aura like a sharp sword locked on Zhen Fan's back.

"Om!" With a sound, as if the long sword was shaking, with a strong sword aura, a sharp short sword shot from behind Zhen Fan like lightning. It seemed as if it had pierced the air, and the moment the dagger was moving, it brought up a rainbow in the bright cave.

"Om—" The sound was louder, and the short sword struck towards Zhen Fan like a rainbow, but it stopped alive an inch from Zhen Fan's back. As if blocked by something, the short sword's blade trembled violently, and finally heard a soft "bang".

Then I heard two "dingdong" sounds. It was the sound of metal falling on the ground, followed by a muffled sound, and then nothing could be heard. Zhen Fan's body turned into a rainbow, just like that dagger, it pierced deeply into the direction of the dagger, far from the light, it was a dark cave.

With a "bang--", it seemed that something had made a crashing sound, and then I heard a scream that was worse than one. Through this, I heard a little girl's voice: "Dad-Dad-is that you? I am here, come and save me. Hurry up!"

"Boom--" With a loud noise, the hole outside the ore suddenly seemed to explode. A thick cloud of dust spewed out for a long time. Fortunately, Annie and Caroline were not at the entrance of the cave, but waited by the entrance of the cave. They were not sprayed, otherwise, I am afraid that it will be bad luck.

Then I saw a black shadow rushing straight to the sky. Before they could see what it was, there was a quick sound, like the sound of a steel wire thrown in the air. The black shadow was gone, as if it had been scraped. After a gust of wind, it disappeared. The two of them couldn't help but stunned themselves, but the cave entrance was also collapsed by the explosion just now. The stones were piled up in the cave entrance, and the cave entrance was sealed.

"Claire--Zhen--" Annie suddenly rushed towards the entrance of the cave like crazy, and then squatted on the rock at the entrance of the cave. Obviously, the people inside would not come out, if there was no other exit. . How can Annie not be anxious? She was almost crazy.

Within a day, she suddenly lost the two most important people in her life. She only felt extremely uncomfortable, as if a big rock pressed her chest tightly, making her breathless. This kind of depression can only be turned into motivation, and he kept calling out sternly, and then desperately grabbing the stone.

But these are huge stones, how can they be pulled apart? She couldn't move at all, and her fingers were **** because of the sharp edges of the stone. Caroline also ran over and tried to move the rocks away, but it was obvious that the two of them were like dragonflies shaking the trees with respect to these boulders.

"Anne—" Caroline couldn't move, but she looked at Annie's **** fingers, and couldn't help but yelled, "Annie, that's enough, don't pick it up, I will call now, let People from the rescue team come over, and they may not be in danger immediately when they are inside, okay?"

Annie was taken aback, and immediately nodded and said: "Then you hurry up, I think they can come out quickly, hurry up." Then she shouted "Claire" and "Zhen Fan" to the entrance of the cave. The name, I hope they can hear it and make sure that they are still alive. As long as they are alive, there is hope.

"I'm inside, don't worry, you stand a little bit, I'm going to come out, don't let the stone at the door hurt you, it's best to hide a little bit, do you hear it?" Zhen Fan's voice came out, very clearly It reached the ears of the two. Immediately made Annie excited.

"Caroline, don't call, Zhen is coming out, let's stand a little farther, and hurry up and follow me!" Without a word, Annie grabbed Caroline who was about to call and went to the entrance of the cave. He ran over the hillside, and then hid beside a rock, saying loudly, "Okay, we are hiding, you come out!"

"He can hear it?" Caroline asked Annie.

Before her words had completely fallen down, I heard a "bang!" at the entrance of the cave, as if a mountain avalanche and ground cracking, the entrance of the cave seemed to have been destroyed by a high-explosive explosion. Some even flew into the sky, and then as the explosion exploded, three figures suddenly rushed out of the entrance of the cave, escaping from the entrance of the cave, avoiding the billowing dust of the explosion, and stopped beside Annie and Caroline.

"Zhen, Zhen, it's you!" Annie first saw Zhen Fan, as if she had seen the whole world, she suddenly rushed over, wrapped her hands around Zhen Fan's neck, and hugged her tightly.

"I knew that when you have a new love, you will forget your old love!" Suddenly the voice of a little girl next to Annie woke up, and then she screamed in surprise and hugged the little girl next to her. Yes, Clay Ah, this is Claire, standing in front of Annie completely, still smiling reluctantly.

"Mom, you are here, that guy is so bad that he almost killed my friend!" Claire couldn't help but began to complain. There was no fear for the rest of his life, but flutter. Babbled. She raised the jade pendant in her hand to Annie. Dangling in the air, this jade pendant was given to her by Zhen Fan.

"My friend Sasha was injured, as well as her parents. They protected me at a critical time, so that the old witch did not have the opportunity to attack me. Huh, she is simply the witch in the fairy tale who specializes in doing bad things." The child said angrily, then turned his head to look at Zhen Fan, "Dad-can Sasha and his family get better?"

"Of course, of course!" Zhen Fan touched Claire's head and laughed, then turned to look at Annie and said, "Thomas...what do you think should be done with him?" He said as he moved towards the blasted hole I took a look, "Actually we can seal this can't we?"

Upon hearing this, the three of them all looked to the side. The neglected object, Thomas, who was screwed out by Zhen Fan, was thrown on the ground beside Zhen Fan like a dead dog. Hearing this, they couldn't help but Anxiously said loudly: "Don't, don't, Zhen, you are a good person, I always know you are a good person, aren't we neighbors? Now my wife is your wife, and my daughter has become your daughter. ,Let me go please."

Zhen Fan didn't even look at him, and he could say it well, indicating that he didn't even need any self-esteem. So he squatted down and asked, "Why would you help that person?" He also wanted to ask why even his own daughter could start. But this was still not said, because Anne and Claire were here and would hurt them.

"Yes, I am not a human, but... but she is a terrible witch, yes, this is not a fairy tale, she is a witch, she has existed here for almost two hundred years, I was chosen by her... Damn, that's it Damn woman. I shouldn't be obsessed!" Thomas burst into tears, with a pitiful look, "That woman is what the witch became, she spent all my money here, so you see There was electricity in the cave, and it was all my money. God, what stupid I did, I will never do it again, forgive me! Annie—" He knew Annie was soft, so he faced Annie Kneeling to the ground, making a pleading sound. (To be continued) R655

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