The American Scripture

Chapter 1196: Gene fusion

Even at night, I can clearly see the huge waves surging in the lake, and a white figure in the waves suddenly soars out of the painting, but the soaring is not very high. It is far from Zhen Fan. There is still some distance, but Zhen Fan can clearly see the image of the white shadow in the water. ↖↖,

It's really a bit like Jiao. The ugly long face and cow-like nostrils, with two short horns sticking out. Soaring from the water once, but at a height of ten meters above the water's edge, and then falling heavily into the water, sending out huge waves. Then he jumped up again, and moved quickly toward Zhen Fan.

"It... seems to be angry!" Bai Zihe said softly to Zhen Fan, "According to its speed, it will soon approach us. Its ability is very powerful, what should I do?" She looked at Zhen Fan, and then He looked at Yi Fei again, a little at a loss.

"It's okay, don't worry!" Zhen Fan looked at Bai Zihe, her warm smile calmed her heart, so she suffocated her breath and stared at the white shadow that was getting closer and closer without blinking. . And the cry that is getting more and more shaking like a bull's roar. Zhen Fan didn't have any powerful energy that people could feel at the touch of a touch, but it was still reassuring. Just like Yi Fei, when she saw something like this for the first time, she was surprised and more curious.

The white shadow is getting closer and closer. It has left the water and came towards the water. The figure is getting bigger and bigger. The whole body has been fully presented, and it is by the lake. About seven or eighty meters in length, the whole body is like a sturdy cow. After flying into the air, four paws can be clearly seen. The claws that looked like a dragon waved in the air and then fell to the ground. With a vertical stroke of his claws, he rushed towards Zhen Fan.

Great momentum. The wind swept towards Zhen Fan, the roaring sound was like the thunder from the clouds for a long time, so that Yi Fei’s eardrum was a little bit painful. When she was about to cover her ears, she saw Suddenly, in the foggy sky, a huge dragon-like head appeared on TV in the movie, with a huge big mouth with a fishy smell, and hit her head. Bai Zihe was already too shocked to tell. Here comes the word.

"Go!" Zhen Fan suddenly embraced one of them, and the three of them disappeared in place while they were talking. "Boom--" there was a loud noise. After a long period of time, the huge head touched the mountain and made a earth-shaking sound. The mountain swayed and fell down huge rocks, making a "crash" sound.

He didn't bump into it. Obviously, this huge "jiao" was irritated and jumped high, looking around, those two eyes. Just like the two red lanterns suddenly appeared in the misty sky, one mouth, there was a long roar, blowing out the breath. After scraping the faces of the three of them, a fishy smell suddenly made people sick.

"Come!" Bai Zihe exclaimed, it was obvious that the Jiaolong jumped into the air. Found the traces of Zhen Fan's trio, they bumped over again. This time its claws also stretched out. But when he was approaching Zhen Fan, he ran into the mountain again. There was a huge impact again, causing the mountains to shake. But it lost Zhen Fan's trace again. Its huge claws didn't catch the three of Zhen Fan, even a piece of clothing.

In fury, the Jiaolong jumped up again, this time it used its tail and swept towards Zhen Fan. The huge wind brought some small stones towards Zhen Fan, like a storm, but the stones fell in front of Zhen Fan, as if there was something protecting them. When the tail swept over, Zhen Fan stopped evading and stretched out a hand. This hand suddenly turned into a phantom in the air like a huge iron tongs. It became bigger, so big that it just pinched the tail, and then easily lifted the flood dragon up and slammed it towards the lake.

I saw a white shadow piercing through the clouds and mist. After a while, the shadow suddenly fell into the lake, making a huge "bang" sound. The flood dragon was so lightly thrown by Zhen Fan, and it was thrown into the distant lake. It suddenly fell to pieces and sank in the lake, unable to move for a long time.

By this time, the flood dragon finally understood that he was just a toy in front of that person. It was originally a mindless lizard, but by accident, it found in the cracks in the mountain, absorbing energy day and night, and gradually became different from other creatures here. As time passed, it became bigger and bigger, and even happened. A little variation. A bit like folklore, with tentacles, the scales thicken day and night.

Hundreds of years, perhaps thousands of years, the Jiaolong now has spiritual wisdom, so it must guard this place where it can emit energy, and it must not be invaded by outsiders. It has a consciousness. Once it is discovered by humans, it will There will be some major changes. It will no longer be clean and safe. There will even be a crisis to his own life. So it felt that when humans came over, it couldn't wait to get out of the lake and tried to stop Zhen Fan.

But the result was something he didn't expect. He often saw humans, and many people took pictures of him, but no humans knew what it was. Generally it will not show up. It is not strong enough to think that humans will bow their heads as soon as they appear. It would be nice not to catch it for study.

But now even dealing with such two humans makes it very annoying. Yes, it's just two human beings, and the other is the lotus here. It knows Baizihe and can smell the breath of Baizihe. The energy in its body is the same as its own, but it doesn't understand why Bai Zihe will come with two humans.

Watching the lake slowly calm down. Zhen Fan smiled and said to Bai Zihe: "It seems that this so-called flood dragon is also a time-savvy clerk, so he hid if he couldn't fight. Settle with him later." Zhen Fan clapped his hands and faced Bai Zihe. Said with a smile, and then went back to the small water au on the cracked edge.

The flood dragon hit a depression here, and the falling rocks buried the small water col. But the crack became bigger again, and more energy came out of it. This kind of energy makes Bai Zihe very useful, and Yi Fei also very useful. Bai Zihe is able to absorb these energy naturally, after all, it is of the same origin as the energy in her body. However, Yi Fei used Zhen Fan's Taoist skills to absorb it. Each has its own merits.

An arm can already be inserted into the crack at this time. Zhen Fan stretched his arm toward the crack, and then suddenly shrank, the whole person turned into a light and disappeared in the crack. Bai Zihe screamed "Ah", looked at Yi Fei differently, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, he will come out."

"This...Is this Dao Fa?" Bai Zihe looked at Yi Fei in surprise, "Dao Shu can...make herself ever-changing? Just like Mr. Zhen?" Obviously, she was shocked by what Zhen Fan showed. Up. Seeing him deal with that dragon, it was as easy as an adult teasing a child. If that flood dragon gets angry, she will usually be scared to death. Fortunately, the flood dragon has no malice towards her, and she has existed here for so long.

"Yes, this is Dao Fa!" Yi Fei smiled and nodded. When someone admired her husband, she was naturally happy.

Just as the two were talking, a white light suddenly flashed out of the gap. Before Bai Zihe could react, he saw Zhen Fan already standing in front of him. It looks like a sudden realization. He looked at Yi Fei and smiled: "So, here is the energy of a meteorite. It's like what I found in the Atlantic Ocean, and the same thing I got in Sid Fridge's lair. Only. It’s just that the time of the fall here is different.” Zhen Fan smiled and suddenly released his hand, holding a strangely black stone in his hand.

"Now everything is explained." Zhen Fan laughed, as if it was the excitement of a sudden realization after a mystery was debunked. "The reason why Miles' former predecessor, Xia Presskin became a vampire, The reason why John Beasley became a werewolf. And the reason why Bai Zihe became a human is because they absorbed the energy of meteorites and then passively or actively accepted genetic modification."

It is no secret that Yi Fei knows the predecessor of Miles, in Zhen Fan's big family. Of course she also knew the werewolf John Beasley. Hearing Zhen Fan's words like this, he suddenly realized.

Zhen Fan continued excitedly and said: "In order to make those who have absorbed energy become more powerful, so Sid Frisch added the bat gene to Sia Presskin, and gave it to John Meyer. Si joined the wolf gene. And Bai Zihe, his human gene comes from Li Yu, because Li Yu's blood dripped on the lotus, and under the action of the meteorite energy, it merged with the human gene~www So it became a human being." Now the answer like this has finally become clear.

"Yes...Is that so?" Bai Zihe's voice trembled a little.

"It should be like this. As for how your genes are fused, this...I still don't know. You have to ask those genetic experts about this. Perhaps the two sets of genes can be fused with powerful energy. In short. ...This is just my guess." Zhen Fan smiled and nodded at Bai Zihe.

"I...I and Li Yu are one?" Bai Zihe's voice was still trembling, and even his whole body was trembling. Obviously, this bold speculation made her feel fear. If this is the case, are you and Li Yu alone? During her years in the human world, she also knew and understood the life ethics and technology of this human world.

Zhen Fan couldn't help but smiled, patted her shoulder and said, "No, you are not the same, because you still have the lotus gene, so you are not two clones of an individual. You see, you are now a female body. Not a male body. Maybe you will show some kind of the same character, but you will definitely not be the same person."

It's no wonder that Bai Zihe has an innate intimacy when he sees Li Yu. (To be continued...) u

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