The American Scripture

Chapter 1204: The villain is coming

Leonardo DiCaprio's ability to come here really surprised Zhen Fan. √∟When Leonardo was asked to help play the biggest villain in the film, he felt it was like a fantasy story. After all, the fairy Alonardo DiCaprio is a hot Hollywood star, such a star is usually full of jobs, not just money can be dug.

So when Leonardo walked over with his unique smile, Zhen Fan was a little dazed, until he opened his arms to hug Zhen Fan, then he greeted him, and the two embraced gently, about to When I spoke, I heard Leonardo nod and smile: "I'm very lucky, I mean myself, I'm very lucky, I'm still thinking in my heart, did you choose me? Until Bit repeatedly said Yes, Leon, you are."

When the two let go, Leonardo said with a smile, spreading his hands: "I can't refuse at all. Yes, I am eager to participate in you, the director of Jackson, and your joining, I can still What are you picking about?"

"I'm so happy, I'm so happy, please sit down, Mr. DiCaprio, please sit down." Zhen Fan quickly let these guys sit down, they are very casual, they have sat down long ago. At this time, Yi Fei also came over with coffee, each of them placed a cup in front of them, while she sat next to her, smiling and looking at the group of people, very calm.

"Call me Leon, they call me like that, they are my friends!" Leonardo smiled at Zhen Fan, "I really want to be friends with you, to be honest... I'm filming the first part of you In the movie. I had the idea of ​​wanting to cooperate with you, but... then you almost disappeared. I was thinking, oh my God... What a pity. This is Hollywood’s loss, why don’t you stop making movies? Until this movie of yours appears..."

It may not be flattery. Leonardo seemed sincere when he said this. And he looked at Zhen Fan and leaned back comfortably on the sofa: "I haven't had a job for a while, or I haven't made a movie for a long time. I am unemployed, which is okay. I now find a job. Up."

Leonardo has been resting since the recent filming of "Soul Caller" was released. It is not that no one asked him to make a movie, but that he is very picky about the script and has certain requirements for the director and investment. It has been delayed until it is in a shutdown state.

"Very honored, to be honest, this is my luck. My wife...Yi Fei likes you very much. You are her idol, so... If I feel a little nervous about making a movie, I hope I can be forgiven." Zhen Fan said, pointing to Yi Fei who was sitting aside. Yi Fei's face turned red, and she gave Zhen Fan angrily.

"It's a great honor, Ms. Yifei!" Leonardo leaned forward. Then stretched out his hand and shook Yi Fei, "But...I also hope you can call me Leon. My friends call me that."

"Me too, very honored. Mr. Leon..." Yi Fei smiled and shook hands. "To be honest... I have been looking forward to the opportunity to work with you. I had this idea before, and I was thinking... God, this man’s performance completely conquered me. It would be great if I could cooperate with him one day... It’s just that the idea at the time was too far away, so... you know, I feel like I’m dreaming until now."

As soon as she left her words, I heard the Robles scream. He raised his hands and said loudly, "This is not fair. Is Leon handsomer than me? No, I am the most masculine, although he is Oscar for best actor, but I am, my friend is too. For example, Zhen, I am a good friend of Oscar for best actor, Zhen, why can’t I be favored by you, it’s really unfair, and ...Bit, it seems that you also gave me a role? In this movie?"

"Of course, I gave it. At the beginning of the tenth minute, you played for two minutes and then hung up. You were a badass!" Bit Hehe smiled, and then made a "v"-shaped victory gesture at Yi Fei. A group of people suddenly burst into laughter.

"I will make you look good. Waiting for Bit, I'm not so easy to provoke." Robles said fiercely, and then clicked Bit, "You bastard, that's why I didn't cooperate with you to come up with a movie. The main reason for the movie is. Damn... I have to have a glass." He walked toward the wine cabinet in Zhen Fan’s hall as if he were in his own home, and took the wine glass from the counter without anyone else. I took out a bottle of h?c?d and poured myself a glass, and took a sip very comfortably.

Leonardo looked funny, then said to Zhen Fan: "Is he always like this?"

"Yes, Leon, he always does this, but...I often wonder if there is some poison in that bottle. If that's the case, no one would dare to do this." Zhen Fan joked happily. Then he took the coffee cup and said to Robes, who was looking here, "We are saying... a toast to you, Robes."

"No, I don't believe it, you must be saying bad things about me." Robes smiled hehe, then looked around Zhen Fan's villa, poured another glass, and walked to Zhen Fan and said, "Hey, man, Your villa still looks a little too small, why not change it to a larger one? I know there is a guy whose villa is going to be sold now..."

Zhen Fan's villa is indeed a bit small compared to Robles and Bits, and Zhen Fan is also considering this issue. But if you want to change the villa, you must ask other people's opinions. Now Zhen Fan is not alone, so it is a bit uglier. He is now a family team, and he can't always rely on his own opinions.

"I will consider this question. The villa is indeed a bit small, especially when there are so many people in the family!" Zhen Fan nodded and considered it seriously, then glanced at Yi Fei, and Yi Fei smiled. I agree, but I'll give each of you a glass, uh...would you like to bring out the kind of wine we treasure?"

Zhen Fan patted his forehead, and then sighed: "What a prodigal girl, okay, then our treasured wine will come out. Let's drink it once." The treasured wine was originally not much, it was Zhen Fan. High h?c?d brewed by consuming a lot of vitality, this is the best one and the one with the smallest yield.

As soon as he heard of this, Gary raised his head and swallowed uncontrollably. Not only Gary, but Facebite, Robles, and Johnny's eyes lighted up, and Lawrence jumped up unbearably and twisted his **** on the sofa. Only Leon was a little surprised, he had drunk h?c?d. He already thinks this is the best wine in the world. Unexpectedly, there is something better than this? He also waited with strong expectations.

After a while, Yi Fei came out with a few glasses of wine. A bottle was also placed on the tray by the way. This bottle is slightly different from the h?c?d bottle, that is, the degree of wine marked on the bottle. The wine glass was placed in front of everyone. Lawrence couldn't wait to take it up, half down in one sip, his eyes lighted up, and he took the glass and drank the other half. After this glass of wine, he was a little fluttering, sitting on the sofa, his eyes straight, and he couldn't recover for a long time.

"I knew it!" Gary looked at Lawrence and shook his head, then raised the glass, shook it gently, and then took a sip, rolled it with the tip of his tongue, and then slowly sent it to his throat. Tasting allows the taste of this wine to be fully enjoyed by the tongue, which is the best way to taste.

Leonardo also raised the glass and took a sip slowly, and then the tip of the tongue to the base of the tongue seemed to be exploded, the taste buds were quickly filled, and the feeling that you could not stop after drinking was strongly bewitching. Leonardo drank the rest of the wine, it was a kind of wine that urged the heart.

The place where the liquid of this wine rolls over, whether it is the tip of the tongue or the base of the tongue, is filled with a complex taste. At the beginning, it feels like an explosion. At the base of the tongue, it is a gentle and mellow. When the throat is down on the stomach. A warm current swirled around the stomach and wrapped it tightly, making the entire stomach very warm and comfortable. The feeling of fullness and pungency that Leonardo had been tortured by stomach problems suddenly seemed to be melted away. It was so magical that he suddenly exclaimed.

"Wow--" Leonardo yelled, and then called again, "Wow--this wine... God, this is the best I've tasted... There is no wine, it's very It’s magical, it’s like... I can’t say that feeling, it’s like suddenly entering heaven."

"The first time I felt the same way." Bit Hehe smiled, "But... if you are Zhen Fan's partner and friend, of course you are also working with him now, you will I often taste this kind of wine. And... I might as well tell you that this kind of wine will not appear in Zhen Fan’s entire wine sales plan. Of course, sometimes as the most advanced existence in the store, you may I will be lucky enough to catch up with its auction. Of course... the price is not comparable to the average h?c?d." Bit is a little triumphant, because he can get a bottle of this from Zhen Fan every month. liqueur. This is what Zhen Fan agreed with them at the beginning, and it is also the most valuable thing Bit thinks.

After drinking, everyone aftertastes for a while, and then slowly recovered. After regaining his senses, Bit started his noise, mainly for the upcoming movie. In fact, the plot of the movie is not very complicated, nor is it a kind of deep ethical conspiracy. It is mainly because of different backgrounds that the three women who lived together, they have extraordinary talents, and were selected as agents, and they were specially trained for their talents.

The result of the training is that they will become killing machines, so after completing a task, the three women feel that this kind of life is not suitable for them, because they are kind and don't like killing, so... they pretend in this task After the mission, he exploded and died while driving the aircraft. (To be continued...) u

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