The American Scripture

Chapter 1256: Sequelae

Yes, it is a heroine. ▲∴▲∴, Melissa’s purpose is to act first, and not to bias some media reports, which will cause an immeasurable loss of reputation. Any celebrity cannot afford to lose. Therefore, Melissa aims to make Christine and Yi Fei become heroines in reality. While offsetting the negative effects, there may be unexpected publicity effects. This is to make good use of every opportunity to turn bad things into good things.

Because Zhen Fan is a celebrity, Christine is also a celebrity, Yi Fei and Fei Bingbing have also become celebrities because of this filming, so several celebrities appeared in the police station, which made the police chief also very troubled. Even the chief came here in person. If it's just three women, Christine, Yi Fei and Fei Bingbing, that's fine, but there is still one person named Fan Zhen. This matter is rather big. Who is that? He is a famous person in the United States. This time it was the violation. The video has shown very clearly that these people wanted to forcibly take Christine and the others away, and also used force. It's just that they are not as good as people, so that's fine, and more importantly, they actually took out their guns. Although it was the **** who shot in the end, and the shot also hit his little brother, Zhen Fan and the others did not participate in the whole process. This has got rid of their suspicions. What makes the director difficult is how to give these three women a decent audience at the press conference. After all, their background is Fan Zhen, who is a very influential person, at least in the United States now.

"I'm John Winowski, the chief of this police station!" This is the chief's opening remarks, and then I asked Zhen Fan and the four to sit down. He sat opposite them and shrugged. Spreading out his hands, "I feel very sorry that this happened. Ladies, distinguished Mr. Zhen."

"I want to know what you plan to do to restore our reputation!" Zhen Fan looked at Sergeant Winnowski and shook his head and said, "You know our identity, reputation is like life to us, if we lose our reputation. , Then it means that our business is over. How are you going to deal with this matter?"

"Perhaps... we can hold a press conference to clarify the truth. I promise... we will do it!" Winowski smiled embarrassedly, he was a little confused by Zhen Fan's cold appearance. Can't bear it. So I wanted to make a haha. A perfunctory pass. As an old political fritters, he did these things smoothly, but he obviously couldn't do it today. He knew that people like Fan Zhen were not easy to fool, so he didn't dare to be fooled anymore. Up.

More importantly, the gang leader in New York, the old French man Diego Farrell, died unclearly. It is said that it was because of offending Fan Zhen. Although this is a gossip, the senior officials in the police station know that this Diego Farrell offended Zhen Fan, which is related to the disappearance of Zhen Fan's h?c?d wine formula. It is said that he instigated people to do it. Some ill-conceived methods were used. After this happened, news of his death came. Although the evidence shows that it has nothing to do with Zhen Fan. But the evidence is evidence, and senior officials in the police department have passed a series of analyses. The conclusions reached are somewhat surprising. But still remained silent, on that matter. This some. Director Winnowski is a little heard.

So Director Winnowski is still a little jealous of Zhen Fan. After all, for so many years, the person the New York Police Department wants to eradicate most is Diego Farrell, but for so many years, he has no choice. On the contrary, many police officers have been killed by him for investigating him, and he has not even found it. Prosecute his evidence.

"Hold a press conference?" Zhen Fan smiled slightly, nodded and said, "Yes, it can be considered, but... Remember, Christine, Yi Fei and Fei Bingbing are all victims. Their interests Must be guaranteed, do you agree with my point of view?" Zhen Fan looked at Director Winnowski and said.

"I agree!" Winnowski nodded quickly, he was thinking about how to send Zhen Fan and his party away.

"Then... the deal!" Zhen Fan stood up with a smile, then stretched out his hand and shook Winowski's hand, "Our transaction is successful, I am waiting for your good news." Then he walked out. Christine and others also stood up, especially Christine. She smiled at Winnowski and said, "I believe you, you are a good director!"

Well, I am a good director. Winnowski couldn't laugh or cry, but he said seriously and seriously: "This is all part of the police. I will prove your innocence for you."

When Zhen Fan and his party came out, many reporters immediately raised the camera in their hands and who else had the camera and voice recorder. Obviously they were prepared. Asked one after another, babbled, mainly besieging Zhen Fan and Christine and others. But Zhen Fan guarded Christine and the others and squeezed the reporters away without saying a word.

"Well, gentlemen and ladies, if you are very interested in the facts of the case, why don't you ask Mr. Winnowski, the director? He is the one who has the most say. I believe everyone will be satisfied with him The answer is right!" Before getting into the car, Zhen Fan still said a word. Suddenly pointed the finger at Winnowski.

So everyone swarmed towards Winnowski. Winnowski smiled bitterly, waved his hands, pressed down and said, "Well, gentlemen, please be quiet. What I want to say is that I believe you have already interviewed the witnesses. The facts are also very good. Clearly, we studied the video carefully. Everything was caused by the man named Corey Sarandon. It is not easy to convict him, but Mr. Judge will surely preside over justice. Miss Christine and Miss Yifei They are just victims. They are innocent. They came to the police station to testify against these bastards."

As soon as his voice fell, the reporters began to ask questions in a swarm. The questions asked were nothing more than around Christine, mainly asking for some details. The details in the police station, these are the places that eyewitnesses can't see, maybe they can unearth something.

The car galloped towards the hotel where he was staying. The lawyer was hired by the crew and stayed at the police station to assist, mainly to obtain evidence and so on. The car drove out, and no paparazzi followed. Zhen Fan took a long breath and said, "Okay, ladies, now you can feel...what's the taste of being a hero, right? That's a lot. The troubles are waiting for you, it has never been so beautiful in the movie!"

"Don't gloat!" Christine snorted dissatisfiedly, "God knows it will be like this, we just want to relax, these goddamns should wash their butts and go to jail." She was still a little angry, and one thing that was originally very happy had become so bad.

"Well, we don't cause trouble anymore!" Yi Fei said to Zhen Fan with a smile, and raised her hands, "But... if something provokes us, should we also swallow it? I think Christine taught them to be There is nothing wrong, and those guys deserve to die, you know if we are just ordinary people...the end must be very miserable, so...they died, I have no guilt at all!"

"Do you think so too?" Zhen Fan was surprised at Yi Fei's performance, turned to look at Fei Bingbing and said, "Do you think these guys really deserve to die? Or... Do you think Christine and Yi Fei did the right thing? ?"

"Why deny them? They did do something that a woman looks really amazing. When that **** shot me with a gun, were you helping me? I knew...when I was in danger, you always Will appear in front of me, so... In the eyes of the onlookers, Christine and Yi Fei are heroines, but... you are also my hero!" As he said, Fei Bingbing blinked at Zhen Fan mischievously. Blinked.

Oh my god, are these women crazy? They really surprised Zhen Fan for being so calm and calm about a dead person. But when I think about it, they are really not ordinary people, so isn't this kind of behavior normal? After thinking about it, he shrugged his shoulders and smiled helplessly at Christine.

"You have to worry about the bit." Zhen Fan sighed, then turned the car into the hotel parking lot, and the four people got out of the car and walked towards the hotel entrance. I saw Bit waiting at the entrance of the hotel and seeing four people appearing, and he said with a long sigh of relief: "Thank God, you are finally back. If you stay in prison for a few years, my The movie is over. Thank goodness."

", what are you talking about?" Christine snorted, "We will go to jail? Will the police be locked up as suspects? This is impossible." She thought. Speaking righteously, but still a little guilty, I immediately added, "Fortunately, it won't delay your shooting plan. Don't worry, Bit, we really don't want to make trouble."

"I know, you just want to have fun!" Bit shrugged, and then said helplessly, "If you bring your bodyguards, there will be no such thing. Okay... remember the lesson this time, Don't always be self-righteous, this world doesn't work according to what you imagined." Then he entered the hotel.

"We know, Bit, you are the best!" Kristen grinned and beat Bit.

"Well, girls, now go back to your room honestly." Zhen Fan stood there and said to the three of Christine, "This is the end of this matter, and the court may still need it by then. You testify in court, but now...we are all going to bed, and we will shoot a movie tomorrow."

"Okay!" Christine was not so tough this time, instead he behaved obediently, and the three of them returned to their rooms in the hotel almost a little dingy. But things are indeed as Zhen Fan expected, with some sequelae. (To be continued...) u

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