The American Scripture

Chapter 1272: Caretaker

Soon there was a rush of footsteps outside the entrance of the cave, as well as the sound of constant protest. ∏∈∏∈, there are fifteen people in the archaeological team, both young and old. The largest one is about 60 years old, there are three or four middle-aged people in their forties, and the rest are young people in their twenties. , Three of them are still young girls. It looks like it should be a graduate student in school. These people looked very haggard and apathetic, but as soon as they came in, the old man yelled at Jamal Aziz, his expression very angry.

"I protest, you are illegally detained. We are legal American citizens. The archaeological visit here was approved by the government of your country. It is a legal act. You have no right to detain us... You are very barbaric. , You barbarians..."

"Since we are barbarians, even if we are a bit barbaric towards you, it is reasonable, Professor Harold Cowles, compared to your civilized world, we are barbarians. You must think so in your heart. Really?" Jamal Aziz said to the old man mockingly.

"Isn't it? Illegal detention, this is enough, not to mention that you have destroyed our archaeological tools, do you want to kill us? If this is the case, then do it, I am not afraid of death." Harold ? Professor Cowles said loudly, his chest was straightened, the look of determination on his face did not seem to be fake.

"Haha, it's great, Professor Cowles, I admire your spirit of seeing death as home, but...even if you are not afraid of death, do you still want these young lives to be buried for you? You are really selfish! "Speaking, he glanced at the other young archaeologists who were sluggish.

Professor Harold Cowles suddenly became a little discouraged. But he still snorted and said, "Barbarians are savages, and they can only kill. Wisdom threatens. This is really the sadness of God. I feel sorry for you."

"Don't care about our pitifulness. Let's take care of yourself first." Jamal Aziz snorted, then turned to Zhen Fan and hooked his finger and said, "You... come here, you are fine now. We don’t want to hurt you, but we absolutely don’t allow you to do anything to hurt us. Once the conditions have been negotiated, tell me, no matter what the result is, we will make a break today. We are waiting for you outside the cave! "Say. The people facing him shook their heads, "We went out, gave them half a walk and took our own people out.

Seeing how they do things, it really doesn't look like they want to kill people and make money, and want to get any benefits. Zhen Fan shrugged, then walked in front of Harold Cowles, nodded to him and said, "Sit down first. We can't run away here."

"Who are you?" Harold Cowles said to Zhen Fan suspiciously, "I have never seen you, what are we talking about? Are you Asian? Japanese or Chinese?"

"I can be regarded as half American, of course I am originally a Chinese. I just took the green card from the United States and lived in the United States for a long time, and... I know an American girl. That girl is called Christina Weiden. You have made a huge sacrifice. You have to leave your beloved team and make money to keep your archaeological work going on. Because you are her friends. And her team, so... I think I should bring you back to the United States To go."

"Back to the United States? No, no, no, I can't go back. The research here is valuable. If possible, the history of mankind may be rewritten. The evolutionary history of mankind may... The process of human beings may be changed. Humans can actually be separated from the apes. Humans are humans, not a biological evolution. The theory of evolution is not suitable for our current human beings." When I heard that let myself go back, Hello De Cowles could not help loudly objecting, shaking his head repeatedly and saying, "How can I leave such a meaningful thing? Unless I die. Even if I die, I will be buried here! "He added another sentence later to express his firm determination.

"What about them? Do you know what their feelings are?" Zhen Fan shook his head, "They are so young, should they let them die here? Or are they imprisoned until they are old? These people will not let you go. ...What are you studying? What is more important than your own freedom and life?"

When Zhen Fan mentioned these young people, Harold Cowles felt a bit heavy, but when he talked about his archaeology, he immediately jumped up and said, "Of course, of course it is important. I didn’t say that. Already? It’s a kind of ancient creature, it’s a long time ago according to our age, but if it really exists, then our human history may also change along with it. This is a great... Maybe you are Yes, they are so young, they shouldn't be imprisoned here with me, maybe I may never be able to study this again." At the end of his words, his emotions dripped down quickly.

"No, Professor, we are with you, and we will not go back!" Suddenly one of the young Goldilocks excitedly said to Harold Cowles, "We are here with you, maybe... Christy Na will find a way to save us, isn't her boss very powerful? Maybe she can do it."

"I know, but... After all, Christina is only his assistant, so... we can't ask her for more, she has made enough sacrifices." Professor Harold Cowles shook his head. Negated what the girl said.

Zhen Fan couldn't help but laughed, looked at the girl, then at Harold Cowles and said: "I don't know if I should say it, but let me tell you, actually... I am Christina's boss. , I’m here because we have a movie that needs to be set here, so I’ll tell you... I also made a special trip to save you. The current condition is that you give up your archaeological work here and follow me back The United States, never come here again. It seems that this condition is not agreed at all." Zhen Fan meant that Professor Harold Cowles disagreed.

Sure enough, Professor Harold Cowles shook his head firmly and said: "Yes, I will not go back. We can negotiate terms with them, Hailee Jokaya and the others can follow you back, or they can never use it. Come again, and I... stay here until they release me one day." He looked at the girl and nodded to Zhen Fan.

"Professor..." The girl named Hayley Jokaya called to Professor Harold Cowles, and was interrupted by the professor's wave. Then he looked at the middle-aged people and said, "I have to say that I and you are also going to say goodbye. There is no need to accompany me to die here. After may disappear from then on."

One of the middle-aged men laughed and said to Harold Cowles: "I said, Harold, you are too selfish. Such a famous thing may make your name above Darwin. Things, how could I be missing? Don't say anything, it's useless to say anything, we are going to stay." The other middle-aged men nodded.

"Professor, we will stay too!" The other young people also said loudly to Harold Cowles, "We and you are waiting for the historic moment. We are a team!"

Harold Cowles sighed, shook his head, and then turned to Zhen Fan and said, "Let them in, we have the result. It seems...nothing has changed. This thing is too big. I don’t know how to make a decision. So I can’t control their own decision."

It seems that everything is said for nothing. Zhen Fan shook his head. Just when he was about to go out, he heard someone coming in, so he stood still and looked at Jamal Aziz who came in at the entrance of the cave. As soon as he came in, he said to Zhen Fan: "It seems that you have a result now. Let's talk about your decision."

"They decided to continue their research, so... I can't persuade them." Zhen Fan shrugged, then walked outside the cave entrance, and said to Jamal Aziz, "Let’s go outside and talk. Okay?" He said to Jamal Aziz and made a please gesture.

Jamal Aziz hesitated for a looked at Zhen Fan, then nodded and said: "Okay, I will give you this last chance to negotiate with me. If it doesn't work, we will There is no need to negotiate. We will continue to imprison them, knowing that their promise is our bottom line. This decision is not something I can make alone." After speaking, we took the first step and walked outside. Zhen Fan followed afterwards.

"This result does not seem to be what Mr. Zhen wants." After going out, Jamal Aziz shook his head at Zhen Fan and said, "It is precisely because Professor Harold Cowles is too stubborn, so... Our negotiations with him can never be reached, so...this is the situation. Will Mr. Zhen continue?"

Zhen Fan shook his head and said, "Negotiation seems unnecessary, but... what I want to say is, why do you have to stop archaeology? They are only archaeology, and they seem to be no threat to you at all. Is it between you? Is there any conflict of interest? They are archeological... I heard Christina say something, it seems to be a creature that has never been seen..."

"It's not a creature, it's a divine object." Suddenly, Jamal Aziz interrupted Zhen Fan's words, and said with a little excitement, "That is the holy beast that we have guarded for generations, and the holy beast that guards the gates of heaven. It is also the sacred beast that we have guarded for generations. Like it, we are the guardians of the gates of heaven." (To be continued...) u

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