The American Scripture

Chapter 1287: This is really bad idea

The three of them are chatting with each other. The three of them are old friends, and there is no specific content in their speech, just chatting without margin. ∈♀ said, “Since we all have this plan, what do you plan to do when you don’t make movies in the next year? Go back to the clinic to be your doctor? By the way... I know that California is negotiating a bill to pass the Chinese medicine There are many articles in the bill, and there is a lot of discussion in the news now. I know this must be promoted by you. We are all happy to see it happen. Would you like me to find some friends for you and create some momentum?"

"This is fine!" Gary nodded to the side, "I can help if needed."

"No, it's not necessary. I'm ready. Someone will help. Just wait to see the result. I have the full power to handle this matter. If we rush in, we might disrupt their plans." Zhen Fan said, spreading his hands, "This is a long-term job, but it will be successful in the end!"

Yes, it will be successful. When California passes, then New York will be its next goal. Zhen Fan has an obsession with the promotion of Chinese medicine. He doesn't want to use his own tough methods to complete this promotion. After all, even if he achieves the purpose of promotion by his own means, he is the most vulnerable to subsequent backlash from those politicians. In contrast, the exchange of benefits is more reliable than tough methods. Of course, it is the best way to change the perceptions of ordinary people by relying on the continuous cure of cases of Chinese medicine to win huge reputation and influence. Therefore, Zhen Fan’s second goal now is to open a large Chinese medicine clinic in New York, and let Mia sit there.

The clinic in Los Angeles will become a large Chinese hospital. And Zhenfan's future Chinese medicine factory medicines will be sold mainly in hospitals. In other words, it will become a prescription drug. It will not be sold in major drug stores. This point will become an important means for the source of patients in Chinese medicine hospitals.

The three chatted for a while. The sun also went down. Bit stood up and said "go away". Just leave first. Then Gary stood up and walked towards the camp. After they left, Zhen Fan sat for a while, feeling that after the sun had completely set, taking advantage of the faint yellow afterglow, he also walked towards the camp.

Back at the camp, Christine set up a tent alone, and also declined Yi Fei and Fei Bingbing's attempts to squeeze in and occupied it alone. Of course Yi Fei and Fei Bingbing knew that they wanted to monopolize Zhen Fan's rhythm tonight. Yi Fei didn't care either, and Fei Bingbing huddled together to talk.

At night, the grass exudes bursts of heat. The heat from the ground after being roasted during the day has not completely evaporated at this time, so it is like a huge steamer in the tent, and many people dare not sleep. Get out and talk outside. Of course, Zhen Fan had to come out with Christine. Even if the two of them are not afraid of the heat, but they are surrounded by people, it is inconvenient to do or say something.

The two found a more partial place, and then sat here. Christine was very interested in the place where Zhen Fan went: "You really went there to be a native chief? That's what Bit said. Are there any naked girls wearing leaves?" When he said this, She couldn't help laughing.

"There are aboriginals, but now they are all my subjects. I am their soil emperor, haha...not to mention. There are really two maids, but they are not naked. They are not wearing leaves, they live like us. The same, the same dress, the same English and Arabic. If you ignore their skin color and the fact that this is Africa, it is completely a charming European style, "I have the opportunity to show you. "

"Two maids?" Christine looked at Zhen Fan, trying to find something.

"Okay, okay, I'll tell you everything!" Zhen Fan said helplessly to Christine, "There is no shamelessness in your imagination, nor the appearance of an emperor in your imagination. How? Women are a problem from time to time, wealth is a problem from time to time, and power is not a problem... none of these, nothing, just a relationship based on mutual trust. They let me be the master, then I will definitely not treat them as slaves .That's it!"

"I'm just asking casually, why are you so guilty?" Kristen looked like a conspiracy, making Zhen Fan a little depressed with a smile. However, the two did not continue the topic, but talked about the scenes to be filmed tomorrow. The two kept talking until the early hours of the morning, until the people outside the tent returned one after another, and then they returned to their tent. At this time, the tent also cooled down.

Without lighting up any lights, the two kissed and touched in the dark, and finally the clouds and rain came naturally. They were not cautious, but Zhen Fan easily isolated his tent from the surroundings, so no one could see them, and no one could hear them. In my own world, a hearty catharsis. The next morning, the two were still in good spirits. Both Yi Fei and Fei Bingbing smiled when they saw it.

Christine was not so reserved, smiled with his head held high, blinked at Yi Fei, and then whispered: "Tonight, let you forget it, okay if you didn't sleep last night?" It's red, not at all like a woman who has given birth to a child.

Early in the morning, after hurriedly eating breakfast, everyone began to move things and equipment, and began to transfer. Under the leadership of the three natives, they headed towards the jungle on the desert. Not only is there a jungle, but also a river, which constitutes the geological element for the survival of the lion group. Driving along the way, the convoy alarmed a lot of small animals. They panicked all the way on the road, but there were still courageous deer, running side by side with the car, and after running for a while, they fled diagonally. In short, the natural world here is so vibrant and full of vitality.

What surprised everyone was that there were ostriches racing with cars, and they ran to the front of the car, and then raised their heads proudly, appearing triumphantly. All of this was filmed by Gary and other film crews. This is a very precious piece, full of fun.

Today is the shooting of the big scene. The first thing is to find the lions, and then tease the lions to attack Christine. The whole process of taking pictures is to ask Gary and others to set up the camera, hide it, and make a disguise. The second is to use a special robot camera, similar to the kind of high-definition high-speed camera that shoots National Geographic magazine, hidden in a certain place. There are also small cameras that can be remotely controlled, disguised as a bird, and then photographed in flight. So the shots taken are extremely realistic.

In order to make this shooting process more realistic, Bit deliberately allows people to shoot in addition to shooting, recording the entire process of filming and the methods of shooting that they thought of one by one, and also come in from time to time. Commentary. This thing will continue to be put on the Internet after the filming of the movie, to increase the popularity of the movie, and to pick and pay more attention to this movie.

The shooting is definitely not something most people have to go up. It can only be the director, photographer, Christine, Zhen Fan, and of course three indigenous guides. It shows that it is relatively easy for indigenous people to find lions in the desert. As long as there is water, grassland, and a lot of lion prey, there will be lions.

Therefore, the lion group found by the three natives is by a river, a river that runs through the Sahara Desert. When the group found the river there, they already saw that the river was full of various creatures. There are antelopes, hippos, many birds, zebras, etc. Some creatures gather here, mainly because there are abundant water resources, and there are more fish in the water than in other places. , Has attracted a lot of birds, and the vegetation here is relatively dense, which is also the reason for attracting those antelopes who are good at this school.

The group of people lay down on the edge of the woods at a distance, and the three black guides, after leading the Bit and the group here, stretched out their hands for money. It seems that they don't want to stay here for an extra minute. After all, this is where the lions come and go. In the eyes of the three black guides, this group of white people is crazy, and it is a group of lunatics that will provoke the lions.

"This is yours, **** it, you should accompany us until the filming is over." Bit said while sending money to these guys while complaining, very dissatisfied, but these three guys just wanted money to leave. There was no way. After the money was distributed, the three black natives ran faster than the rabbits. It disappeared after a while. It seems that they were chased by beasts here, running so fast.

"These bastards... really want to shoot them from behind!" A photographer spit on the back of the three and looked at Bit, waiting for his command. Bit thought for a while, and then said to Zhen Fan, "Is there any way we can follow the film without being spotted by the lions?"

Zhen Fan couldn't help but smiled: "Your consciousness is to make you invisible?"

"Uh...probably that's what I meant, I mean if, of course...if you can't, just assume I didn't say it!" Bitter rubbed his nose angrily, causing Gary beside him to laugh.

"Well, this is a god-only skill, let alone Zhen, you can really let us do it!" Gary said with a grin. At this moment, suddenly Kristen raised his finger and put it to his lips.

"Hey, guys, I think...our prey has arrived." Christine said, looking ahead, with a very excited expression in his eyes, ", no, it's five lions. My God, this is such a magnificent group of lions. I like such a strong guy..." He said, he glanced at Zhen Fan.

"Oh my God, they are coming towards us!" Another photographer lowered his voice, tried his best to keep his body low, and put a cross on his chest. "This is really a bad idea, my God bless!" (To be continued...) u

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