The American Scripture

Chapter 1289: 1 to 1 cup

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"Ok, very good!" Bit yelled loudly, but these lions couldn't hear them because they and Bit were separated. But he was not isolated from Christine, so Christine could still hear Bit's yelling and couldn't help but smile proudly.

It’s a wonderful shot. When the four lions pounced towards Christine, Christine avoided the first lion’s pounce but grabbed its tail. When the second lion came over, Kristen Christine dragged the first lion over, and the two lions bumped into each other. Kristen grabbed the second lion’s tail, and the tail of the lion was beaten by Kristin. It's over.

When the third and fourth lions pounced towards Christine from left to right, Christine used his skill to avoid the confrontation of the two lions, but did not wait for the two lions to hide from each other. When she opened, she pushed two lions in the air, and the two lions couldn't avoid each other immediately. They crashed into each other and fell to the ground dizzyly, hummed, and couldn't get up for a while. .

"Go, go, go, let's get out of here quickly, it's great." Gary asked the photographer to put away the photographic equipment, and then took the bionic camera back, ready to leave here. They don't want to provoke these lions anymore, they know through Christine that these lions are no longer a threat to them, just one Christine is enough. But they still don't want to provoke these lions, after all, this is a place of nature, and the elimination of each other among creatures is left to themselves.

"Enough, don't pose. Let's go back!" Zhen Fan also greeted Christine, who stuck out his tongue at Zhen Fan. Then he bounced back like a victorious little girl. The lions had already turned up from the ground, but they had no intention of attacking. Obviously they were beaten up.

A group of people quickly ran towards the parked car. Startled some flying birds on the river beach. Also let a group of hyenas pass by vigilantly. Give way to Zhen Fan and them. These hyenas just watched Christine's beating of the lions here, so they avoided Christine who exuded a strong aura. When encountering a group of lions, the group of hyenas must also retreat. Of course they are not afraid of lions alone.

This seems to be a good interpretation of the natural rule of the weak eating the strong. But Zhen Fan and the others don’t care about this anymore. Their shooting mission is completed. They just retreat as soon as possible and leave this place to the rulers of nature. Even when Christine left, he gradually returned to the group. The lions of Weilai blew a kiss and shouted loudly, "Hey. Goodbye, lovely lions, I wish you a happy hunting!"

Cute lions? The photographers who followed did not know what to say. Christine's appearance is too evil. Although there was a video of Christine vs. Lions in the zoo before the bottom, but today's things really make them a little unacceptable. Although the three women in the crew...especially the two women, Christine and Yi Fei, their appearance is surprisingly powerful, and they frequently exceed the limits of human beings.

Okay, don't blame it! The film crew can only think so, but now that a woman can actually fight the lions, what kind of limit is this? The opposite of. These people closed their mouths, trying their best not to think about the reasons for this. Yes, what else could be there? Magic or Kung Fu?

magic? There seems to be no magic in this world. effort? Is there such a great skill? But these people immediately thought of Zhen Fan. Their fiancé is the greatest magician in the world. There is no one. Maybe this is the magic that Zhen gave everyone?

Damn it. The more I think about it, the less reliable it becomes. Several people made up for many reasons on their own, but they still gave up helplessly. It seems that only Zhen Fan used his magic on everyone, which seems a little reliable. So they looked at Zhen Fan weirdly, and then their eyes were full of strange emotions.

The car left in a hurry. This shooting was a success. Bit came back triumphantly, and then took a few shots on the grassland in two days before completing all the shooting tasks. The army has set off for the United States. First went to Algiers, and then took a plane from Algiers, everything went so smoothly.

When arriving in Algiers, Zhen Fan received an email from Melissa. The California Assembly passed Dan Milk’s proposal that Chinese medicine practitioners will obtain the same medical insurance qualifications as Western medicine in Los Angeles. It also passed a package of proposals for the construction of Chinese medicine hospitals, the research and manufacture of Chinese medicine products, and the import of Chinese herbal medicines.

"Congratulations, boss, this has expanded the interests of our group again. In the future... we will make the most profitable group of Chinese medicine in the United States. There is no one. I look forward to this day!" Melissa's voice is very It sounds beautiful, but it can also be heard. She is suppressing her excitement. Yes, what can be more exciting than this? Now she is the highest performer of this group, and she can see that she will create such a miracle with one hand. Many magazines and newspapers are now reporting on this woman in charge of the wealth of Zhen Fan Group. She is almost a legend in Los Angeles.

This time it was a chartered flight. The Bitters boarded the plane without waiting. When Zhen Fan received this call, he was just sitting on the plane. Both Christine and Yi Fei around them looked at Zhen Fan, who looked a little strange. Kristen couldn't help but asked, "My dear, what happened?" After she finished the most dangerous shot beautifully, she was always in a state of excitement, but she saw Zhen Fan like this. , She still suppressed her excitement forcibly.

"When this moment comes, I have always been unable to believe that all of this will become true. As you know before, my ideal is to be a small Chinese medicine doctor in a small town, open a small clinic, and then have my own My love and children, everything is so beautiful, but life is always surprising, but it seems that every accident can surprise me, today... I received a surprise... God, I really don’t know How should I say..." Zhen Fan covered his face, looked very excited, and then shrugged his shoulders.

Kristen couldn't help but patted Zhen Fan on the back of the head, then curled his lips, and said, "Don't be so damn, you are acting like a girl now, just pretend, let’s say, is it Mirk’s There is news, and is it good news?" Christine hummed and blinked at Yi Fei.

Yi Fei also thought it was funny. This guy is still acting. Addicted to acting? Zhen Fan was slapped by Kristen and couldn't help but laughed and said, "Yes, you are right. It is the news from Milk's side that all the proposals have been passed. I didn't expect it? Haha... to be honest. It’s really a little exciting, you know, this is our Chinese dream for many years to make Chinese medicine go to the world. The key to going to the world is your United States. Only by occupying the United States can you occupy the world." Said and gestured with scissor hands proudly.

Christine "Aha--" laughed, and pointed at Zhen Fan and said, "Actually, I knew it a long time ago. I knew it would be such a result. To be was really excited. It’s just that your performance just now was too much, too exaggerated. Such an acting skill won’t win an Oscar-best supporting actor!

"Why am I a supporting actor? Okay... In this matter, I am the protagonist, and in this movie I am the supporting actor." Zhen Fan quickly corrected, "Don't you know we have a drink now?" He snapped his fingers at an air hostess, "Hey, beautiful lady, can you bring us three glasses of champagne?"

"No, four glasses!" Fei Bingbing, who was sitting next to Yi Fei at this time, smiled at the stewardess and said, "Four glasses of champagne, how can this kind of thing make me less? I have heard them all, I am Chinese People, no matter how happy this is, let’s celebrate together."

"Okay, please wait!" The stewardess nodded to the four people, and then went to prepare.

"Yes, we must celebrate, for the future of Chinese medicine!" Fei Bingbing looked at Zhen Fan with a sincere look in his eyes. In any case, Fei Bingbing used to admire Zhen Fan very much, but this admiration was only a miracle that she showed to Zhen But now, this admiration already contains more things.

"By the way, I should have Dan Milk hold a grand reception to celebrate our passing of this proposal. This is definitely a memorable moment!" Zhen Fan said, he took out his mobile phone and was about to make a call. , I saw the stewardess walking over, and she politely handed over four glasses of champagne to Zhen Fan and the others, and then looked at Zhen Fan very politely but with a serious expression.

"Sir, if you celebrate that you need a mobile phone, I think... it may threaten the flight safety of our current aircraft. Please turn off your mobile phone!" He said, bending down slightly and squeezed towards Zhen Fan. With an engineering smile, "Now the plane is about to take off, please cooperate with our work?"

Zhen Fan was taken aback, then nodded and turned off the phone. The stewardess smiled, nodded to Zhen Fan, said "thank you", and left calmly. When the stewardess left, Christine, Yi Fei and Fei Bingbing couldn’t help but laugh. Although they were not loud, they were enough to be ashamed of Zhen Fan. At this moment, the three women lifted the champagne and all moved towards Zhen. Fan said, "So... shall we have a toast together?"

This is really embarrassing, these three women are really not worrying! Zhen Fan bitterly, raised the wine glass in his hand, okay, let's have a drink! (To be continued...)

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