The American Scripture

Chapter 1295: 1 Cut and discuss

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Zhen Fan never thought that when she talked about Claire, Annie had such an expression. He looked at Annie in a little astonishment. Yes, he does spend less time with Claire now. The child does not care enough. So he tentatively asked: "I'm sorry...Annie, I know I may have cared less about my children this period of time. Is something wrong?"

"This...whatever your business, Zhen, it's me and Claire's problem. She is now thirteen years old. I don't know what she will do at her age. She rarely talks to me about her. My own life, you know... This young person may be dangerous, and may do a lot of things that hurt herself or others... My God, I don’t know how to say it, or it’s not that she is in trouble, and It's her age that is in trouble." Annie opened her hands, then waved, covering her face. To be honest, she didn't seem to tell Zhen Fan these headaches.

"It's okay, it's okay, everything has me!" Zhen Fan stretched out her hand, held Annie's hand on her face, then took it off, grasped it in her hand and did not let go, "Everything has me, age is not a problem, K Laier has no problem, I will solve it, okay? Thirteen years old? Yes, it is the rebellious period, everyone will be like this, didn’t you when you were thirteen? Think about it. But look at yourself, you are a good person now, a person to like, aren't you?"

"Pump!" Annie couldn't help but laughed when Zhen Fan said, "Yes, your mouth is very sweet, I really don't know how you seduce girls, when I was …I thought you were a very honest person, huh, I just missed it!" Annie said angrily, a combination of a woman's shyness and coquettishness, coupled with the charm of a mature woman. Zhen Fan felt a little lost in an instant.

"You are so beautiful, Annie!" Zhen Fan couldn't help but said it. This is an uncontrollable emotional expression, precisely because of this. These words made Annie blush on the white couple. Yes, I think at the beginning, two people weren't like this, they were just making things and making people, and I didn't expect to become lovers.

At this time the waiter came over. I brought wine to Zhen Fan and said to them, "Madam and sir, please use it slowly!" He said and left politely. The arrival of the waiter made two people who were a little absent-minded sober up, and both were a little silly. Anne coughed dryly and said, "Taste it, it tastes good. I feel that it is almost the same as what you did. That's why I often do it. I came to patronize this restaurant." He said he smiled knowingly at Zhen Fan.

"Let's talk about it, what's the matter with Claire?" Although Zhen Fan knew that this topic might cause Anne to fall into a kind of uneasy emotion, he still asked it. After all, only in this way would he understand the true thoughts of the matter. "I think... I might have to talk to her, Claire is a big girl, or has her own ideas, all this is normal."

"Well, this matter may be that I am too sensitive. Claire rarely communicates with me after returning home. This is just a phenomenon. Even if it’s Maria who had a good relationship with her before, the two of them I don’t have much time to play together, and... She always holds her tablet. Never let me touch it. Two days ago, the school called and asked me to go to school. She... She beat A classmate. Damn...I never thought that she would hit someone!" Annie felt a little bad. The whole person has a worried look.

"Have you talked with her?" Zhen Fan asked. Obviously this problem may be a common problem at Claire's age. So he had to ask carefully, he really wanted to talk to Claire.

"I talked about it, but she refused to say anything. She was very resistant to my conversation with her. My God, I didn't know how to say it, and then I scolded her. Because of her beating at school, she stopped What did you say to me, I didn’t say anything, Zhen...I think I did something wrong?" Annie said to Zhen Fan anxiously, "I also want to solve the problem between me and her. I beat her for the first time, and I regret it too. I thanked her for being humble, but she didn't care if you apologized. I used didn't seem to be the case, at her age!"

Zhen Fan nodded and said, "That's because the times are different. Don't worry Annie. I'll talk to her to see why she beats someone." She held her hand tightly. Motioned to relieve Annie. Annie nodded, and then the two slowly began to eat.

After dinner, Zhen Fan and Annie went back together and sent Annie home. Zhen Fan decided to pick Claire from school in person, and talked with Claire's teacher by the way. So after he put down Annie, he gave her a comforting gesture, and then he went to school. When the child is older, there are indeed some things that are not as easy to get along with as in elementary school.

Zhen Fan drove to the school and quickly found the school teacher, a middle-aged woman in her forties. She was a little fat and a black woman, but she still looked kind. Zhen Fan met him in the office. Thanks to his celebrity status, he was recognized by the door guard, and he was happy to show him the way. Speaking of this, Zhen Fan felt a little guilty, because he did come to Claire's school very rarely... No, he had almost never.

"Hello, Miss Berta Therons, I'm sorry, I will introduce myself, my name is..." Zhen Fan reached out and met the middle-aged woman Berta Theron who stood up from the desk and greeted him. Si, plan to introduce myself.

"I know you, I know your name, Mr. Fan Zhen, I am very happy that you can come to school. I know you are Claire's stepfather. We have confirmed this. We originally wanted to take advantage of the time. , I asked her mother Anne to come over, you know, Claire is a little troublesome in school..." Miss Berta Therons asked Zhen Fan to sit down and made him a cup of coffee and broke it. , This is a special treat for celebrities.

"Yes, I'm very sorry, I feel guilty about this... When I came here for the first time, I was thinking, my God, it was the first time I came here. What kind of negligence, yes, most of her trouble here is to be blamed on me." Zhen Fan is very serious in reviewing the future of the child, he would rather keep himself low-key, so that he can be more humble .

"Well, now that we are talking about this, you have something to come here on a special trip, so we... still have half an hour. After half an hour we will be off work and school is over." Miss Berta Therons sat down After coming down, he raised his hand to Zhen Fan and made a please gesture, "We can start now. This is how things are..."

Miss Berta Therons talked about some things about Claire. It turned out that Claire was not very happy with the classmates. Because of Claire’s cleverness, she always learns things very quickly, even dancing. Much better than the other children, so she was quickly isolated by the children in the class, so Claire was usually alone. For Claire, this is not a problem. She is not accustomed to getting along with these children. She always feels that they are naive and can’t play, so she simply becomes a lone ranger, even in group activities. Very little involved.

In this way, many children couldn't understand her and thought she was very proud, so the boys and girls united and made some pranks for her. For example, put things like toads and snakes on her desk. But Claire was not afraid at all, and in the end they even came up with a bad idea to make the boy who thought he was the most handsome in the class pursue Claire, and then ditch Claire. In this way, they could breathe a sigh of relief.

This kind of self-righteous trick, for Claire, who grew up with the big family of Zhen Fan, is nothing short of pediatrics. He immediately saw through their tricks. The handsome boy failed, but in front of the whole class. , Lost face, made him feel irritated, and provoke Claire.

Okay, this guy is really looking for death, so Claire fights back. He was beaten so badly that his nose and face were swollen. In the end, the squad leader and the handsome boys also went to trouble with Claire, but they were denied. Laier was **** off, and eventually the handsome boy was a pig head. After returning home, the parents found the school.

"That's how it is." Miss Berta Therons looked at Zhen Fan and said helplessly, "Some of their parents have come here and threatened to let Annie see you in court. I don't want this. It’s too much trouble, and it’s not good for our school’s reputation. I suggest you apologize to the parents and then settle the matter."

Zhen Fan suddenly looked at Berta Therons strangely and frowned. This made Miss Berta Therons a little uneasy. To tell the truth, the one who was at the wrong should be the parents of those children. , But now it happens that those parents are making a lot of trouble. If it really goes to court, it may not be a good thing. But when things broke up, the school’s reputation was ruined.

" Zhen, I'm really sorry about this...Of course we will change Claire to a new class, so that she can have a new environment, so that she can finish reading smoothly. Junior high school, sorry!" Ms. Berta Therons opened her hands, expressing that she was helpless.

Zhen Fan interrupted her at this time, still smiling so much, but her tone became a little cold: "So... Isn't Claire right at the beginning of this matter? Why did the evildoer make the kindhearted? People apologize? Why do the perpetrators provoke us but we apologize? Why do the perpetrators only let the good guys be beaten, this is the correct result, and the good guys fight back in self-defense and they become the people who want to apologize? Sorry... Theron Ms. Si, if this is the case, then notify the **** parents. See you in court. I will make them pay a heavy price. This is the rule of the game. It’s not whoever has the bigger fist or wins it. My fist is better than them. Most of them, but I have always believed that the law is fair. The school is to blame for the occurrence of such a thing. If you let us do this, that is to completely make me lose my trust in your school. According to the media, we don't need to talk anymore, goodbye, madam!" Zhen Fan stood up and walked toward the door.

This time, Ms. Therons was very scared. She hurriedly stood up, hurried two steps, and said to Zhen Fan: "I'm sorry...I'm sorry, Mr. Zhen, we didn't intend this way... Everything is easy to discuss! To be continued.)

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