The American Scripture

Chapter 1315: 1 for dinner

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Looking around, it seemed that it felt a little unreliable, and it suddenly smashed out several times, and suddenly the cave collapsed with a crash. Bury the lava layer here. The entire lake was swaying, and when Miles came out, the entire cave collapsed. The lake here is also muddy.

Miles had come out silently, and he went in another direction. The collapse of this cave also interfered with sonar, and in the end the two people didn't know where to go. Had to surface. And the monster finally disappeared in the lake without knowing where it was going.

Christina looked at the surface of Loch Ness and seemed to feel the vibration of Loch Ness. She looked worriedly until the lake had calmed down. She thought about it, took out the phone, and planned to make a call to Zhen Fan, but after thinking about it, she put the phone down. She didn't believe that Miles encountered any dangers so easily. Besides, what dangers he couldn't deal with now? Even if it is a water monster, I am afraid it will not be pleased in front of Miles.

At this time the lake has calmed down. The helicopter hovered over the lake, and the boats on the surface of the water successively climbed up to the divers. This time they returned without success. This was when they were closest to the water monster, and unexpectedly something very strange happened suddenly.

The lieutenant colonel was also full of doubts after listening to the two divers' briefing. If it is an illusion, it is a mystery that two people have the same illusion, because this probability is almost impossible. In the end they can only return with doubts. Seeing that the ships on the water returned one after another, and the helicopters also withdrew, Christina also went back in the crowd. It just happened to meet the mother and daughter again.

"Hey, hello, why are you here? By the way... Where is Mr. Simon? He is not with you?" The woman Rose? Havel smiled at Christina, "He is your male friend?"

"Aha—" Christina said with an exaggerated smile, "How could he? No, no, no, I think you have misunderstood. I have a colleague relationship with him, because the boss arranged for me to travel with him, so Just here, it’s not what you’s impossible."

"Oh... I think he treated you very well." Rose Havel said. Shrugged, "But thank you very much... He is a generous person and a warmhearted person. I have already made an appointment and can apply for a new credit card tomorrow. And... I will return the money to him. of."

"Maybe no more, did you call the police?" Christina asked, shrugging her shoulders.

"I have already called the police, but... I can see the carelessness of the Scottish police. They don't seem to be very anxious, but instead said to me that there are daily thefts here, so they don’t have enough staff and they can’t be too busy, unless Those **** were caught on the spot, and if the evidence is sufficient, they will bring these **** to justice." Rose Havel smiled helplessly. "In that case, it is almost impossible to rely on the police to find my wallet."

"So Europe is going bankrupt!" Christina said jokingly, "Well, I didn't expect that we would live in the same hotel. I'm going up. Will dinner be together? If Miles can feel dinner, I see It can be concluded that he has a good impression of you, right... Are you alone? Where is your husband? I'm sorry... I shouldn't have said that."

"Five years ago. I just gave birth to my little Peggy, but two years later, he divorced me. These years, it seems that American women who are not divorced are hard to find." Rose Havel smiled, "But ...It's okay. I'm used to being a person. Isn't it nice to have my baby with me?" She touched Peggy's head as she said, and the little girl looked up at Rose Havel and smiled. A very harmonious mother and daughter, the little girl is quite sensible.

"Okay, goodbye, Ms. Havel... to be honest. Nice to meet you!" Christina nodded to her as she said, and then prepared to leave.

"You can call me Rose. I'm also very happy to meet you. You are really beautiful...bye, I hope we can be together for dinner." Rose Havel waved to Christina, the little girl Peggy Also waved to Christina, but Christina felt a sense of indescribable.

When I returned to the room, Christina thought for a while. She thought it was a bit strange for the mother and daughter, but she couldn't tell the strangeness. Rose Havel is indeed very beautiful, but she always feels lack of vitality, that little girl. Yes, although they are pretty, they are a bit dull and not agile at all. Are they suffering from any disease? After thinking about it and not understanding, I just walked to the window and looked outside through the window, hoping to see the familiar figure in the crowd.

But Miles did not come back right away. Instead, he waited until dinner before calling Christina. Christina connected, just asking: "Where did you go? How did you come back? Did you find anything? Are you in the hotel now? If you are, come over to me and we will discuss it."

"Discuss? What to discuss... Forget it, I'll come over!" As he said, Miles hung up the phone in a hurry. But after a while he appeared at Christina's door.

"Come in." Christina opened the door, let Miles in, and then looked at him strangely and said: "Tell me, what's the matter? Do you report to your master or me?"

Miles sat down and told Christina of his discovery: "I should have found the source of the energy meteorite, but I have no way to get it out. I can only feel the existence of strong energy. These energies constantly seep out, causing water monsters to appear here. seems that the British military also cares about the energy meteorites here, and they seem to know something."

"I know, I saw military helicopters, and military ships. It seems... they also want to find energy meteorites. By the way... You buried that place. It is estimated that no one will know for the time being. Don't call the boss now and take the energy meteorite away?" Christina frowned at Miles, "I'm afraid of nights and dreams!"

Myers shrugged his shoulders and said, "Don't be afraid. When the cave did not collapse, no one would be able to discover it. Now it collapses, I am afraid I don't even know it. Let me tell Master first and let him decide. There is no need to urge or not, tell him the truth, he will naturally make a decision."

"Well, I hope you are right." Christina nodded, and suddenly smiled at Miles. "Today's dinner, I invited guests to you. We can have dinner together, but... I see You seem to have fallen in love with that woman. What are you going to do? After dinner today, go on a date with her?

"Dating? Maybe." Miles sighed, shook his head and said, "I do want to date her at night, but it's definitely not a romantic date. Don't you think this woman has **** with her? Does my daughter look something wrong?" Miles looked at Christina questioningly, "Your observation skills have always been sharper."

Christina nodded, frowned and said: "Yes, I also feel a little strange, this woman is indeed a bit weird, I can't tell, she is no different from ordinary people, but I just can't figure it out. "This doubt was slowly growing in Christina's heart, "What do you see?"

"Of course, but... I won't tell you for the time being, it's a secret." Miles spit out in front of Christina, "And we're going to have dinner together. Let's go, get ready, we Go down together."

"Of course, but... Are you going to stay here and watch me change clothes?" Christina snorted looking at Miles. "I'm your master's assistant. If you dare to hit me, you're done. I will tell your master, and then you will wait to be taught by your master!"

"Well, goodbye!" Miles quickly disappeared.

There are many open-air restaurants on Loch Ness. Tourists like to have dinner in the open air, then take a walk on the wide road by the lake, and then talk about what happened today. Only this incident proved that I was very correct. I could see the Loch Ness monster. After I got home, I could show off to my friends and relatives.

"I don't like the beef here. It has a weird taste. The potatoes are pretty good. I like them." Rose Havel picked up the potatoes and stuffed them into her while still able to say Speak out. When eating potatoes, she was a little disregarded of her image, and she did not look like the usual educated woman. And her daughter did the same. What a perfect pair of mother and daughter. And they have the same taste, they just eat potatoes.

"The beef is not tasty?" Christina ate a steak, and then looked at Rose Havel, she couldn't help but shook her head. The taste was still good, although it was not as good as the authentic veal steak at Billy Foshan Village, but It's really not easy to find steak with this taste in such a place. This woman seems a bit picky, right?

But the atmosphere of the whole dinner is still better. The four of them ate until nightfall, and then Miles paid and left. Just after paying the bill, Miles smiled at Rose Havel and said, "I wonder if I have the honor to invite you for a walk? Or go to a bar for a drink?"

"I'm taking Peggy, so..." Rose Havel shrugged at Miles regretfully.

Here again, Christina was a little bit dumbfounded, so she waved to Miles and Rose and said, "I'll go back first, you can talk slowly." Then she turned and left. She couldn't see Miles like this. Can't wait to look. It's hell, with such a person, I know I am interested in women. After she left, she kept cursing in her stomach. (To be continued.)

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