The American Scripture

Chapter 1320: send home

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   Participating in Brenda’s graduation performance is the most important thing right now. At dinner, as usual, Christine, Yi Fei and Fei Bingbing did not come back. They also worked hard for this self-invested film. After all, that is more than two hundred million dollars, not two or twenty million dollars. If they can't return to their original form, it will definitely be a blow to them. In terms of theaters, Zhen Fan will also use his influence in the "Reject the Tie" club to pave the way for the movie, and the number of theaters that will be shown at that time will be the same as that of Zhen Fan's last movie.

"You have taken a big step for your own success, I believe you will succeed!" At the table, Annie once again expressed her wish to Brenda, "Actually... Claire has always wanted to be like you An excellent dancer. I'm still doing a good job now. I have always targeted you. It was because of you that I learned to dance."

"Very honored!" Brenda was obviously more polite than before, she smiled at Annie, "Claire is very cute, I haven't seen her for a long time, she now..." she said and looked around. Look, did not see Claire's shadow, looked at Annie again, showing a puzzled look.

Annie laughed bitterly, shrugged her shoulders, and said helplessly: "She went to New York, and she left with a backpack on her back. I really don’t know how to say it. Anyway, she has to go out alone. At the University of Utah, she liked a star player of the Utah Jazz very much and was a rookie!"

"Teenage girls will have this experience." Brenda laughed, and then looked at Zhen Fan and smiled, "If you know who I liked the most when I was a teenager, you would be surprised. ……Yes. I just like Zhen. He appeared like that at the time. He appeared abruptly in your life. It was very enjoyable, including when dancing together. It was really hard to forget. I have to say Zhen, you are a good partner, there is no one!"

   "Wow——" Annie exaggerated, then looked at Zhen Fan and smiled, "It seems that you have one more fan, which is very good. Who do you like now? Parsons?"

"No, it hasn’t changed. I’m now a fan of his movie. I watch every movie! Including the one currently being shot. Unfortunately, I didn’t see Christine today. Otherwise... She wants to sign." Brenda smiled and blinked at Zhen Fan. This action was so interesting that Annie couldn't help but glance at Brenda.

   Helena has been eating silently, she doesn't care about these things, in her opinion they are all bad things. Since she broke up with Rachel's father, Philip Carell, she has not been involved in the love life, either by herself or by others, so Zhen Fan's abuse of love is basically immune to her.

   "Movie fan? I only have two movies released." Zhen Fan shrugged with a smile. Spreading out his hands, he said with a mockery, "I definitely won't continue making movies. It's a waste of time, but I still have a film debt to pay. It seems that I have to continue to work hard for another year."

"No one else could think of such an opportunity." Molly couldn't understand the appearance of Zhen Fan's ass, snorted, "Although your movies are very good, I have watched every one, but... you really Very terrible, but... I am also such a person. So I don't care about you. Can you sign me?"

   "Of course. After dinner, I will sign for you." Zhen Fan nodded quickly. Molly’s personality is a bit aggressive, but she is still very nice, so Zhen Fan doesn’t care about her, and it’s boring to care about such a little girl. It’s kind of cute and a little headache.

"There's me, and me!" Eliza called from the side, she stretched her t-shirt at the hem, then straightened and said, "Sign me, here!" The other finger pointed at herself The position of his chest stood tall, and more than half of the white hills walked out, leaving everyone speechless.

  Big-chested and no-brained girl like this, maybe! Even Brenda was a bit speechless, biting her head and saying, "Well, Eliza, this is not the place to be nympho. Think about your boyfriend. It's a sad guy, I said. It's your boyfriend!" He quickly pulled a steak into his mouth and stopped looking at the silly girl. Eliza had a kind of **** thinking of taking a bite when she first met Zhen Fan.

   Everyone smiled and didn't care much. As I ate, I actually ate dinner for an entire hour and a half. Then everyone sat on the sofa in the hall. Helena cleaned up and went to the kitchen to wash the dishes. And Annie made a cup of coffee for everyone and brought it over.

   "I like Coke better!" Molly said with a grin.

   "Of course, there will be a Coke!" Annie brought a can of Coke to Molly and Brenda and Eliza. This is where she was rude, and she did her own thing without asking the guests what they needed. It is understandable that young people like these carbonated drinks, but the three of them treat this place as their own home, without any formality, but rather casual. But that's fine, at least speaking less polite, it seems more casual.

"Uh, how can I give you tickets tomorrow? Maybe not many, only one, because I only have six tickets that can be sent out, my father and mother, and my sister, of course...and Mo Li and Eliza. There is only one left. I'm sorry, Annie, I could have given you one, but..." She shrugged her shoulders very sorry, looking very sorry.

"It doesn't matter, I will pray for you in front of God." Annie stretched out her hand and held Brenda's hand and said with a smile, "Perform well, don't care about other things, everything will be fine!" Annie knew Bu Randa’s careful thinking, let alone six tickets, like this kind of college student dance performance, there are not many audiences at all. Most of them are professionals and some companies or famous dance teams that need to be investigated. There are also a few students and some Family members, so Brenda said that there were not enough tickets. This obviously meant that she only wanted to participate in her graduation performance alone.

   Molly and Eliza looked at each other, and smiled secretly to themselves. There was no sound, they had already understood what Brenda was thinking. During college, the exchanges between them did not decrease. They were together almost every day. The three people rented houses, and they all worked in Los Angeles anyway.

After chatting for a while, Zhen Fan looked at his watch. It was more than ten o'clock in the evening, and time passed quickly, so he smiled and said, "It seems I want to take you home. Ladies, this is my right. No one will object?"

   "Of course, we will not object!" Eliza said with a grin, then stood up, followed Zhen Fan out, and said goodbye to Annie and Helena who had already come out and sat aside.

Zhen Fan got in the driver's seat, and the three girls got in the car at once, but the passenger seat must be Brenda's. Eliza and Molly won't grab it. Once Brenda is done, the buckle is safe With that, she said to Zhen Fan who was driving the car slowly out the door: "That Helena...what is your relationship?"

   "She followed me to study medicine, and she is now the person in charge of another clinic in Los Angeles. She is very good and has high savvy." Zhen Fan replied with a smile, and then glanced at Brenda, "Why do you ask about this?"

"I just want to ask. And that... Yi Fei, and Zoe. I didn't seem to see her today. I heard that she also lives here, right?" Although there was nothing in his mouth, Bu Randa still kept asking her own questions, "Are you related to these women?"

Zhen Fan was taken aback for a moment, and then he smiled: "Of course it does matter. They all live with me and are studying Chinese medicine with me. What are you thinking? You think I have something wrong with these women? No, no, Brenda, I can tell you that these women and I... I love them! And they both love me, that's it, surprised, isn't it? Yes, this is a special case of modern society, although it is a bit too much~ But I think it's normal, as long as they are tolerant of each other!"

"This... my God, Zhen, what you said is really dead? I think I can't react to it. God, this is crazy, but... I like it, really, I really like it Since you have liked so much, then... what do you think of me? Don't worry... I won't divide your wealth, I just want to be with you, or how about we have children together? Think about me She's going crazy, great!" Suddenly, Eliza screamed as if she had found a huge treasure, and then jumped, put her head on the roof of the car, and suddenly "Ouch." Screamed.

"Okay, Eliza, don't make trouble." Molly couldn't help but snorted, then shrugged her shoulders and said disdainfully, "Men are like this, I have known for a long time, as long as they are rich and famous men. You can’t escape such a thing, but... you really have the ability to hide so many women at home, and you can live in harmony. This is where I admire you. Zhen...I have never seen you wrong, you It's a scum-a scum that makes people like and hate." Molly spoke very directly, but she also expressed her own opinions. It is impossible for everyone to praise Zhen Fan because of his aura. Molly just shook her head and smiled, as if this wouldn't surprise her.

It’s just weird that Brenda remained silent, as if he was an observer, and did not have any comments. Originally, Zhen Fan thought that Brenda would express what he said, but now I see it. Come, I was wrong, Brenda's face was very calm, she looked out the car window and didn't know what she was thinking. (To be continued)

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