The American Scripture

Chapter 1326: Selection

Brenda successfully joined the Parsons Dance Company, but it will take five days to officially enter. ≧, now is the day at home waiting for the official contract to be signed. Zhen Fan wanted to leave these things to her lawyer to help Brenda, but Brenda insisted on coming personally, and Zhen Fan did not force it, so she didn't insist.

Brenda packed up her belongings the next day, ready to go home. Zhen Fan said that he had lent her a Volvo, anyway it was okay to help transport the things. It is also convenient for her to travel between Los Angeles and Temecula these days. It's just obvious that Eliza and Molly are reluctant to leave Brenda.

The three good sisters have stayed together for almost eight years. From high school to Brenda's college graduation, I feel very emotional. So in the past two days, the three of them drank and chatted as if they could not finish talking. Sometimes, they even called Zhen Fan over.

Because the Parsons Dance Company performs performances in different places every year, there is basically no fixed place, and even if Brenda goes in for a half-year dance training, it is also very strictly managed and rarely has time to come out. With friends, not to mention their headquarters is set up in New York, the possibility of returning to Los Angeles is even smaller. So Zhen Fan couldn't refuse, but every time he went at night, and then came back.

The three girls dragged Zhen Fan to a nearby bar to drink, and then took a taxi back and continued drinking. I have to say that the combat effectiveness of the three of them is relatively strong. Sometimes when drinking and drinking, the three girls hugged each other and sang and cried, which made people feel a little parting.

Zhen Fan would not persuade them. This is useless. When all three girls were drunk, he picked Molly first. Then she put her on the bed in her room. Then there was Eliza again, who didn't expect this girl to pretend to be drunk. When Zhen Fan hugged her onto the bed, she suddenly took advantage of Zhen Fan's waist and lowered her head to put her down, her arms wrapped around Zhen Fan's neck, opened her eyes, blinked and looked at Zhen. Fan: "Kiss me!"

"Go to sleep, drink so much wine and still talk, the amount of alcohol is really big!" She said with a smile, pulling her hand away, "but I'm really drunk. Go to sleep, don't think too much." She blinked and smiled and was about to leave.

"Wait, Zhen, please, don't go... I just want to say a word, okay?" Eliza pretended to be pitiful, and said to Zhen Fan, "You know. I've been right You like it very much, not because you have money. When you were in Temecula, maybe... My personality is not very appetizing to you. But you have to remember that I liked you, you know ?"

"What the **** are you thinking? Tell me earlier. Did Brenda let you do this?" Zhen Fan tilted his head and looked at Eliza with a grin. "This expression is too fake. You know I'm Oscar." The best actor, I can see through any performance. You don’t have enough skill, let’s say, Brenda made you like this?"

Eliza couldn't help but laughed at her "pounce", and then this plan didn't work. I didn't expect it to be dismantled so quickly. Alas, it felt like a failure. By the way... how did you see it? You know... We haven't disclosed anything? "

"Even if you are very enthusiastic, but you are not so enthusiastic yet, not to mention... You already have a boyfriend. Even if you want to, you will definitely only break up with your boyfriend, not now. Although... you look pretty good. Bold, but in are not that kind of person!" Zhen Fan stretched out his hands, "So...this is the reason for my judgment. If something is abnormal, there must be a reason!"

"That’s great, it seems Brenda... well, it’s Brenda, I betrayed her, she wants to try, if you can be with me, then she plans to come to you tonight, but …It seems that her plan has failed. But it’s okay. Although if it were me, you might not mind how many women you have, but Brenda definitely cares. So her gy, it’s like martyrdom. Yes, I am not optimistic, and obviously, she was very decisive, a bit like wanting to keep a memorial for herself before leaving, meaningless memorials, which made her go astray! "Eliza is obviously one of the people who knows Brenda best.

"Maybe you are right." Zhen Fan nodded, and then said with a smile, "Sleep well, I'll talk to her. Good night, Eliza, you are a good girl!"

"Of course, I am!" Eliza said with a grin, and waved to Zhen Fan, "Goodbye, Zhen, although you are not a good man, you are a good man!"

With this, Zhen Fan couldn't help rubbing his nose. Then he waved his hand, opened the door, and left. After leaving, he didn't immediately go to talk to Brenda. He even felt that he did not need to talk to her specifically about this matter. There are too many entanglements between myself and the woman. If you can't accept it, it will directly hurt them.

But when he went to see if Brenda was asleep again, he opened the door and saw Brenda's eyes looking at him brightly, and then his face seemed a little blush, he still looked at Zhen Fan bravely: "She told you everything? I knew she was unreliable. What do you think of me?"

"Well, it's like this, there is really a relationship between you and me... I mean love between men and women?" Zhen Fan smiled and sat on the side of her bed and said, "Well, we don't need to talk about this. , Let’s talk about these things later, now what you have to do is take a good rest, and then enter your future work in the best state. That’s your dream, isn’t it? And... don’t do such silly things again. Up."

"Okay!" Brenda seemed to shrug his shoulders indifferently, and then said to Zhen Fan, "It's so late, I'm going to bed, don't worry, I will take care of my body in these two days. I won’t drink anymore, I will dance with a brand new myself...I will take care of myself!"

Zhen Fan nodded, feeling that Brenda's mood had changed a little. After thinking about it, she went back. Brenda listened to the sound of the car outside the door, got up, stood at the window, raised the corner of a little curtain, watched the car slide out of the lawn, then entered the driveway, and disappeared into the night.

"It's really weird, why do you have to do such a mentally handicapped test? Zhen is able to create such a big business and can be fooled by this mentally handicapped test? To be honest, he has already seen through my tricks before I start gying him. It makes me feel like this is really doing something stupid." Eliza and Molly didn't know when they stood behind Brenda. It seems that the two girls are not asleep, they are both pretending.

Both of them are the role of gy. It’s just that Molly can’t let go, so she just pretends to sleep to see if Zhen Fan will take advantage of the opportunity, while Eliza is more bold and takes the initiative to do some actions and talk. Some words, but now it seems...this is just a mentally handicapped game, it is really hard for Brenda to figure it out.

"Who said that what I want to test is his nature. I have known this a few years ago. Besides, you think you are more beautiful and attractive than Christine? Forget it... I was just thinking, through In this matter, will he have any prejudice or look down on me? Now it looks like... He is still like that, forget it... I will move out tomorrow and I won’t live here anymore. I will come to see you. Good night, sisters, everything will be new. Even if you say goodbye to the past, both girls are driven out of the room.

Zhen Fan drove home and opened the window to let the evening breeze in. He could not help but sigh slightly in his heart, and shook his head involuntarily with emotion. Brenda is a good girl, but how does this relationship look like nondescript? She is a good friend of Raymond and has a very good relationship with Angela. She has always been in Zhen Fan’s emotional world. Not an option. But now, it seems that Brenda has figured it out. Saying goodbye to the past and starting a new life may be a very good thing for her, and the relationship between herself and her should be normal.

A young and handsome, handsome, humorous and funny man, a well-known rich man in the world, and a very influential Hollywood movie star, a member of a top club and a member of the club that determines the direction of Hollywood It is an inevitable thing to make those beautiful women love them, and it is also inevitable that the peachy news continues, because people like Zhen Fan are unique in Hollywood and even in the United States.

There are young talents of Zhen Fan, or the children of a large family, but there is no such thing as Zhen Fan, who can control tens of billions of dollars in capital; and can control tens of billions of dollars in capital like Zhen Fan, but not. Being as young as Zhen Fan, with a fascinating figure and appearance, this seems to constitute Zhen Fan's uniqueness.

As if to prove Zhen Fan’s uniqueness, Zhen Fan received a call from Melissa the next morning. On the phone, she said with a brisk laugh and even a little teasing tone: "Hey , Boss, tell you a good news, this is really good news for you."

"Go ahead, I didn't stop your mouth again!" Zhen Fan responded while putting on clothes. He just got up, "Don't tell me you are still in bed, just call me. I know you never wear anything to sleep."

"Oh, damn, how did you know...but...haha, only by calling you this way in bed can I find some feeling!" Melissa over there seemed a little panicked at first, and then she adapted Instead, he joked with Zhen Fan with a smile, "Because this news is really a little exciting. You were voted by the world’s most famous women’s magazine as the world’s number one sexiest man, even Tom Cruise. Your old handsome guys are all behind you. Shouldn’t you just think about it in bed without wearing anything? This is all elected by women’s votes! Haha—"It sounds like gloating afterwards. It's not like congratulations at all. But it is conceivable that if Kristen knew the news at this time, what would her face look like? (To be continued...) u

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