The American Scripture

Chapter 1335: Gun is real

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As Devin Lincoln said, he stopped, looking into the distance, he seemed a little lonely, a little out of tune with the group of people. And what he said didn't seem to be a conversation between someone you just met. Especially the section about Asians, generally no one would say that to an Asian.

"Why?" Zhen Fan was stunned for a moment, then looked at the Devin Lincoln and said, "Because Asians are all in groups? I mean they are all in tour groups?"

"This is only one aspect of the reason. The main reason is that people in this area may rob single travelers in Asia. Because Asians are always their best targets...I am not discriminating, because this is the fact! "Devin? Lincoln said, shrugging his shoulders.

Zhen Fan was silent. Devin Lincoln was right. Many robberies are sometimes directed at Asians, especially when blacks commit crimes. I have to say that Asians are not taken care of by the same status here, and the police are not very active in crimes against Asians.

"You have to admit that what I said is right. And... Now there have always been such crimes against Asians." Devin Lincoln said, and suddenly lowered his voice to Zhen Fan, "There is a chance. If you do, just leave, don’t stay here, aren’t they?  What a good person. I was with the wrong team, I shouldn’t be with those people, it’s harder to get out now. can, you take it I leave. Let's go to Las Vegas together."

"What?" Zhen Fan was stunned for a moment, then looked at Devin? Lincoln frowned. "I don't quite understand, sir."

"Did you forget what I just said? If you can escape, try to escape. This group of people are not far-travelers. They intend to kill people, and they are Asians. As I just said, the crimes against Asians are for you Watch out, who knows you didn't care at all, listen to me, now go back to the hotel. Then drive your car and quickly escape to Las Vegas."

"Are you joking with me?" Zhen Fan couldn't help laughing. "Why did you suddenly switch to this topic? I knew you were joking, right? Actually... I have been watching you, and you seem to be arguing. What... have you encountered something difficult? Man, can I help?"

"Okay, okay, since you keep dissuading me, I can't help it." As Devin Lincoln said, suddenly he opened his clothes, revealing a Colt Python revolver at his waist. "Do you think I'm joking with you? Damn it, I want to help you... Each of them brought guys and pretended to be cyclists. I thought they were real cyclists, so I joined them. Then I was coerced. Become a group of them. God... if you don’t run away, you will be sent to death when you go back, and you will also let me die with you. Do you understand now?"

"Okay. What you said, you were lying to a gun shop?" Zhen Fan shrugged. Spread his hand and said, "I can accept your suggestion. But the premise is that you won't lie to me!"

"Yes, yes, I didn't lie to you. I did open a gun shop in Las Vegas, but I went out to ride alone. I met the group halfway through and was forced to join them. , Because I have no chance, each of them is equipped with heavy firepower, hidden in their luggage, hell, I am still explaining to you, I should give you a shot directly, and then rob your car Just run away." Devin Lincoln waved his hands anxiously, "I have been out long enough, my task is to get you down, but..." He suddenly pulled out the pistol from his waist and pointed it at it. Zhen Fan, "This gun is registered, rest assured, I will not shoot you, but I have to take you back, and then we will find a chance to escape, remember that it’s the two of have to do it if you don’t. . Let's go buddy, I hope you act like a man!"

"Well, we can go back!" Zhen Fan slowly raised his hand and returned to the original path. And Devin Lincoln waved his pistol and followed him far behind him, and the two returned to the hotel one after another.

"Hey, see who I caught? This Asian... should be said to be a Chinese." As soon as Da Wen entered the hotel door, several of his companions were there looking at Zhen Fan, and then at Dai. Wen? Lincoln laughed.

"Good job, buddy, but... you performed too much, okay, put your gun away... don't do this, you scared people! We are not really robbers or wicked people "At this time, one of the girls among them stood up, smiled at Zhen Fan, and went over to take Devin Lincoln's pistol.

"I don't understand, gentlemen and ladies, what the **** is going on?" Zhen Fan put down his hands, looked at the woman and frowned and said, "What the **** is going on? You all know..."

"Of course... of course we know what's going on. Actually... Devin... I know, I'll talk to you later, now I have to talk to this gentleman first, otherwise he will be frightened!" He shook his head to Zhen Fan and said, "Let's go out and chat, it's really not suitable for chatting here, they are too noisy."

"Well, Xi Ting Zun Bian!" Zhen Fan nodded and followed the woman out. The woman in tight-fitting clothes is curvy and has a good figure, but the other one is a little fatter.

The two went out and were about a hundred meters away from the hotel. The woman stopped. She smiled and looked at Zhen Fan and said, "Sorry, this is just a prank. Of course... you can also think of it as a kind of Symptoms—Bronson Corey, this is his real name, and the name you hear—he usually uses Devin Lincoln, this name, in this fantasy, and his gun is also fake Yes, he used it for bluffing. All I want to say is... Sorry, I'm really sorry."

"Fantasy? are riding this way to match his fantasy?" Zhen Fan shook his head, sighed and said, "If you are telling the truth, then...I can only say He can rival Hollywood's top stars, maybe he can win an Oscar...Yes, don't look at me like that. This is ironic. There is nothing more ridiculous than this. Do you expect me to accept it?"

"I know it's difficult, so... we are arguing along the way. Whether we are arguing about cooperating with him in this performance, you should have seen this. We had a quarrel. I strongly opposed it, but they... …All agreed to satisfy his fantasies and relieve his illness.” The woman shrugged her shoulders with regret and spread her hands. “That’s all I want to say, I’m sorry...I only have so much to do. "Speaking of regret, he shrugged again, and then turned around to leave.

"If I wanted to call the police, what would you think?" Zhen Fan suddenly said loudly to her back.

"Well, what do you want to do? As long as you propose it, it will do!" The woman said, "We are really very sorry. If we can do it..."

"I want to follow you to see the patient." Zhen Fan shrugged, "Because when I talked to him, I felt that his thinking was very normal, even sharper than many ordinary people. I need to verify if he is I really have a very strong fantasy. If it is, I will forgive you, yes or no, you choose!"

The woman was silent for a while, then nodded and said: "Well, I hope you can keep it secret, if you agree...I agree."

"No problem." Zhen Fan nodded and said, "I am a doctor, maybe I will give you some advice."

Obviously, the woman didn't take Zhen Fan's words to heart, because Bronson Corey had seen many doctors, including many famous doctors she thought. I have also conducted expert consultations in many top hospitals, but the situation is really not optimistic. So she nodded indifferently, and walked forward with Zhen Fan.

When they reached the reception area at the entrance of the hotel, all of them were still there. The woman walked over and said a few words to those people, then nodded and said to Zhen Fan, "They agreed, but... …You can’t take him far away from here, you can talk to him just around the corner.” With that, he said to the Bronson Corey: “That gentleman wants to see you and talk to you.”

That Bronson Corey walked towards Zhen Fan with a sullen face, and then shook his head to signal Zhen Fan to follow him out. As soon as he walked out of the hotel, he said to Zhen Fan, "Why haven't you left? They are going to kill at night. You will be one of the targets, you know? They are going to do a big deal today."

Zhen Fan smiled at him and said, "Fuck a big vote? Are you sure you are not fantasizing now?"

"Did they talk to you?" Bronson Corey said to Zhen Fan in surprise, "That's how they told you? Say I have phantasy? Oh my No, no, no, it’s not me, it’s them. They are dreaming about the end of the world all day long, dreaming of robbery again and again, and then for their own enjoyment, before the end of the world, they will die happily ——When the end comes."

"The end of the world?" Zhen Fan couldn't help but smile, spreading his hands, "Well, Bronson? Corey, is this your name?"

This guy grew his mouth, and looked at Zhen Fan fixedly, as if he was watching an amazing joke, "haha" dryly laughed twice and said: "Bronson? Corey? If you want to call me like that If that is the case, then just call me like this. They always tell people that. This is the name they gave me. They imagined my name instead of my real name! My real name is Davin? Lincoln."

"It seems that you really have a phantasy, well, it seems that I will still forgive you for this behavior. Because this is not your subjective meaning, well, I am going in, the joke ends here. Man!" As Zhen Fan said, he was about to walk towards the hotel.

"Bang!" Suddenly a gunshot sounded, and when Zhen Fan turned around, he saw this guy holding the Colt pistol in his hand, raising it to the sky, with a hint of green smoke on the muzzle: "They told You, this is a fake gun, isn't it?'s real!" (to be continued...)

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