The American Scripture

Chapter 1360: change

, The little girl squeezed her hand tightly, her eyes shot angry gazes, and the trembling of her whole body couldn't stop her making a sound from the branches beside her. This small voice was quickly caught by those people, so the person in the lead raised his hand and motioned everyone to look over here.

Just when they looked towards the little girl, the little girl ran like flying. After this period of time, her body has become stronger, and she is also familiar with the forest here, running fast in the forest. In between, avoiding the arrows that kept passing by, the sound of sharp arrows flying by the ears of "Woo".

"I want to run away, I want to stay away from these people!" There was only one thought in the little girl's heart. Those terrifying images kept flashing in her mind. She was afraid that she would become the corpse of those people. She really couldn't Endure being so ugly. All she thought about was to escape, yes, to escape far.

Suddenly a huge thrust made the little girl staggered forward and fell down. Her thigh was shot by a straight arrow, and she fell forward involuntarily. There was a burst of cheers from behind. The distance between the barbarians and her was getting closer. But she didn't want to be caught by these people, because after being caught, there was only one result, and that was to be killed after being tortured. This was definitely not the result she wanted.

"I want to run away, I want to run away!" While she ran towards the lake, she tried to escape into the lake despite dragging a wounded leg. Only in the lake can she escape. For this lake. She is the most familiar, and the lake water makes her more energetic.

"There's a lake over there. She's not far away, we're going to catch the alive, we're going to find the meteorite, damn...don't use bows and arrows. Bring our net here. We're going to catch a big fish. I'm long It's not so exciting and exciting anymore." The **** in the lead laughed loudly. His image with one eye missing and wearing a blindfold was more like a fierce pirate, and everyone behind him laughed.

The little girl was in a panic. She saw that they were really holding fishing nets. So she ran faster, and then as she approached the lake, she suddenly jumped into the lake. As soon as she jumped into the water, she seemed to be a fish, full of vitality, as if her legs were not sore, she was swimming quickly in the water.

"God, she... she swims too fast. Like a fish, hey. Boss, we can't keep up with her." Someone was yelling at the leader. Obviously the speed at which the little girl swims after her injury surprised them.

"Let her arrows, let her arrows, don't let her swim too far." The person called the boss. I yelled at the people beside me, "Damn it, hurry up..." Suddenly everyone took out bows and arrows. A burst of random shots directed at the lake. Because the little girl had already dived to the bottom, they basically just shot. Seeing the lake is still so calm, it seems that no one has sneaked in. Not to mention after the arrow hit the bottom. What blood will come out.

"Searching around, this little girl can't swim very far, even if she is holding her breath, she won't hold back a long distance. Don't be merciful, since this is the case, we can only kill the killer." The boss said loudly. Shouting, so a group of people dispersed, they started searching along the lake from both sides.

When the shouts faded away, and after waiting for a long time, the little girl slowly popped her head out, and then she climbed to the shore with difficulty. Her leg was already stiff and her head was full of pain. Sweat. From under a big tree, she slowly took out the small wooden box, and then planned to head towards the forest, but at this moment, a pair of feet stood in front of her. The huge shadow immediately enveloped the little girl.

"What a good girl, I knew you would send me this thing." The person who spoke was the boss. Everyone was instructed to go out by him, and now he and him are left here. And the little girl will be killed by him, and then thrown in the lake, no one knows the secret.

"Be obedient, give me things, I promise, I won't kill you, I will let you go, and even take you back to Spain. Do you have family in Spain?" The boss seems to know Xiao The girl's origins constantly tempted her, and stretched out her hand.

As long as he said no, he would thrust the knife in his hand into the little girl's neck without hesitation. Then watched her bleed to death, and then took away the meteorite in the small wooden box. But the little girl looked at him stubbornly, her eyes full of hatred, she suddenly opened her mouth and made a sound that she couldn't even hear. The sound was like a sudden explosion from her body. from.

"Ah—" The head screamed, and covered his ears with his hands. He felt like iron nails were being driven into his brain. He couldn't hold his knife, even Shaking his hands, he touched the short-handled musket on his waist, but he was unable to do what he wanted. He felt that his internal organs were about to explode.

"Shut up, shut up..." Although he couldn't hear the sound, from the girl's open mouth, he knew that it must be the girl who was making trouble, so he kept howling at the girl, seeming to want to threaten She, but the little girl didn't care at all, she opened her mouth more and more, constantly emitting sound waves that made him uncomfortable.

"Please, please..." The boss rolled his body, his hair stained with mud, and his whole body was already rolling dirty. He has changed from a threat to a pleading, "Please...let me Die...or stop...God, save me..." He had a dirty hand deep in it, as if he was going to catch the little girl.

The little girl suddenly opened her mouth, her head suddenly protruding her eyes, and then she heard two "poofs", both of her eyeballs spurted out of her eye sockets, and bursts of blood spurted out. . Then his face looked as if he was dyed red, his face was **** red, and his throat gurgled several times, making a sound similar to expectoration.

The little girl finally stopped. Under the influence of the meteorite, she suddenly realized that she could make such a sound, which could actually kill a life. This made her panic sharply, but there was also some comfort. After all, it is no longer possible for himself to be a person who has been slaughtered and cannot fight back.

Then at this moment, another person came from both sides, and they shouted a person's name, probably the name of the boss. Without thinking about it, the little girl immediately hugged the small box, turned around and dived into the water. When she dived into the water, people from both sides came over.

"God, who killed him?" Seeing the tragic death of the leader, the group of people suddenly panicked. Yes, this death pretence is really too miserable. Let these guys who usually kill people as their profession are frightened. Such a method of death is definitely not a normal method of death. An atmosphere of fear suddenly enveloped these people.

"Let's go, here... I feel something is wrong." One person couldn't bear it, and said first, "We can go back to our camp first, really makes people feel uncomfortable!"

Now that the first person spoke, there will be a second person to agree. Finally, this group of people slowly and cautiously evacuated from the lake, and also transported the leader's body by the way. It wasn't until the group of people completely left that the little girl showed her head, but on her injured leg, fish came over and pecked at her broken flesh, and some microorganisms slowly entered. The wound on her leg.

Under the action of meteorite energy, the wound on this leg is slowly healing. But what made the little girl strange was that some scales slowly grew from the wound, just like the scales of a fish. At first the little girl didn't care. Two days later, those people came again, and this time they still found nothing. So it never appeared again. They already thought that this little girl had drowned in this lake, and there was the mental shadow of killing the boss in the hearts of these people, plus nothing was gained, so they never came back. .

This has saved the little girl from any trouble. After two years of this, the scales on her legs are getting more and more ~ ​​ and even both legs are present, and finally in the sixth year, her two legs have completely evolved into The fins like the tail of a fish are unacceptable to the little girl, but the comforting thing is that as soon as she enters the lake, her legs will become like fish tails. And when she leaves the lake, her tail will slowly become two human legs.

This is also convenient for her to walk on the shore and collect some fruits for her to eat, drink and digest. She can even use her ultrasound to kill some animals on the shore and roast them to eat. From then on, she never touched fish anymore and did not eat fish as food. Because she always felt that this was her own kind in her heart.

Just like this day by day, year after year. Time flies quickly, and in these years, many people tried to find gold here, but they all returned empty-handed. On the contrary, the rumors of the meteorite have dissipated, and no one mentioned that the legend of wealth will be clamoring again and again. As a result, in these years, people have come to explore the gold treasure, which is the yellow scarf treasure that the chief and the chief intended to exchange.

These people, from the first Spaniards to later Portuguese, later French and British, and finally Americans. Americans from the Lincoln era to modern times have appeared in this lake, but none of them What gains, from the most primitive diving to the later use of submarines, in the end, there is nothing left to do. To this day, no one has any interest in the golden legends here anymore. (To be continued...) u

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