The American Scripture

Chapter 1377: Unforgivable

"Lucky day?" Irving Gable couldn't help but shook his head and sneered. "No, no, I advise you to leave here now. They are already alert. Don't think it is too simple. They are not easy to provoke. It is better to take advantage of you now. Leaving here, if it is late, I dare not guarantee that they will do anything irrational."

"Guaranteed?" Zhen Fan laughed, then looked around and said, "Now they dare not do anything to us. This is a guarantee. They know they can't offend me, so they won't do anything irrational to me. Action. Think about it. If you want, I can take you away and leave here. I have a big vineyard. If you want to make wine... we will create a miracle in the history of wine together." His words Very tempting. Mainly, Owen Gabriel really likes winemaking, as he values ​​and loves it like his second life.

"But how do I get rid of all this? To be honest, I hate them and sympathize with them at the same time. I am also pitying myself. God...what have I done." Irving Gable spread out his hands, very regretful Shrugged, "Yes, I want to leave here, just think about it, nothing more!"

Zhen Fan did not speak anymore, just picked up a glass of wine in front of Irving Gable that he had not had time to drink, drank it all, patted him on the shoulder, left, and walked toward his room. past. When passing by the fat maid, he snapped his fingers at her: "Open the door for us, you know, I am your noble guest of the owner. He is at least your master now."

"Okay. Honorable guest!" The fat maid said with her teeth, then twisted her waist and walked in front of Zhen Fan and Eric, and walked behind. He took out the key and opened the door. As soon as Zhen Fan entered the door, she waved her hand. The fat maid was taken aback and followed Zhen Fan into the room, and the door closed with a bang.

"What do you want to do?" The fat maid looked at Zhen Fan coldly, at this time she could no longer move. I can only stare at Zhen Fan in a daze, "I've noticed you two **** a long time ago. Yes, **** bastards, what do you want from here? have only one end..."

"Is it just killing?" Zhen Fan couldn't help but sneered. "Owen? Gable's wife ended up like this? Or it's nearly three hundred years before and after here. Is what you did?"

"You... do you know us?" The fat maid suddenly got excited, and she snarled at Zhen Fan with cracked teeth. "You know us? What do you want? What do you want from here? You will live. But tomorrow, maybe won't be long... **** bitch!"

"Asshole? Yes, for you, maybe it is!" Suddenly Eric rushed from the side and roared in front of the fat maid. "You bastard, you know I didn't sleep last night. Okay? That's how you treat your guests? And... why summon a fool to scare people? God. I promise I won't hit you in the face..."

With a "bang", the fat maid's face was hit hard by Eric, and her nose suddenly collapsed. But He will soon recover. Then there was another, and the nose collapsed again, but soon recovered. So many times, the maid let out a scream of earth-shaking screams.

"This... how is this possible? I can't be hit, it's not like that, it's not fair!" The fat maid shouted like a pig. The cry was very penetrating, "I can't be hit by you. I'm not a human... I'm not a human, I'm just... Ah stop hitting, I said, I'm just a maid, here The maid who has lived for hundreds of years has started since the British notified here." The fat maid finally couldn't help but compromise.

"What did you just say? You won't be hit? Are you a ghost? If so, it's a pity for you. It's a pity that you got so many punches to understand!" Eric rubbed his hands, this Then he said to Zhen Fan, "Master...what do you do with her? I like to roast ghosts. Why don't we cut her into slices. The meat is quite fat anyway."

", you can't do this to me. I'm a ghost, I don't have meat, I'm just a soul, God...what did I do wrong?" The fat maid was obviously not as strong as it seemed, and soon began to beg for mercy. "Forgive me, God... I am your faithful believer..."

"God can't save you, let's talk about it, what have you all done, especially in the face of your current owner Owen Gabriel? I want to know more details, I know... they just occupy your territory That's it, but... you are just dead people, you can't kill you just because someone else takes your territory..."

"Yes, I'm very sorry, that was not what I did. It was the **** housekeeper. You must all know that in the manors of those big families, the housekeeper is always the worst... he killed the poor mistress... …I know this thing is very badly done..."

"Speaking of the point, who are you?" Zhen Fan sat down, then leaned on the sofa, looking at the fat woman who was standing in front of him, unable to move at all, and said, "And...your original master? Where is he? ?"

This is indeed a family who moved from the UK. The owner’s name is Jonathan Gosdam, and he often does business with locals and established this manor. They are considered to be the earliest immigrants from the UK. Fair business, kind heart, but also a famous gentleman. Since that time, the fat maid has been bought over and has been working as a maid in the manor, entertaining the hostess and two young masters in the manor.

But unfortunately, a disaster swept over. At that time, a group of blacks set off a riot, killed many people, and burned many manors. Some whites among them fanned the flames, participated in robbery and murder, and led these riots. Many people were killed and many villagers burned. , Even the kind-hearted Josanna Gotsdam family were not spared. Their village was burned to ashes, two children were killed, and none of the people in the manor escaped. Except for the owner Jonathan Gotsdam. He missed the slaughter because he patrolled his territory.

So he vowed to take revenge, and it turned out that he himself was almost killed by the gang, but in the end he was able to get revenge because he met someone who would never want to meet if he knew the consequences.

"He signed an agreement with the devil, so... his soul stays here forever. And we are the soul guarding him. He allows us to exist in this manor, and... not to be tainted, including Owen Gabriel, the current owner, so...I'm just a maid..." The fat maid begged Zhen Fan.

"Making a deal with the devil?" Zhen Fan became interested.

"Yes, I heard that the master said, please... I know you are great, if possible, help him!" The maid showed a begging look to Zhen Fan.

"No, don't think I let him go. He has killed a lot of people. Even if he is a victim, his soul will not rest in peace. And can only follow him and disappear, goodbye...maid !" As he said, he suddenly reached out and touched a little bit on the maid’s forehead, and the maid suddenly let out a horrified cry, and then her face became distorted, and finally it suddenly turned into a plume of smoke and disappeared. !

"My God, this is gone? You are really amazing!" Eric cried enviously at Zhen Fan, "Will this woman's voice disturb them? I'm a little worried...Will they lead? An army borrowed from the devil, like the Scorpion King, an invincible army of monsters..."

"It's a very good idea... Hollywood screenwriters lack your thinking..." Zhen Fan said as he opened the door and walked out. As I walked, I stretched out a hand and pinched it to the side, and suddenly a figure of a person appeared, his neck was pinched by Zhen Fan, and he was struggling, making a "hehe" sound, which was terribly unpleasant. .

"Hello, Mr. Butler!" Zhen Fan smiled at him, "I can tell you that... the maid is over, I killed her, do you want revenge? I know... many times, You and she are both your so-called master’s accomplices. You have killed a lot of people here. I know..."

"Don't...don't think I will tell you the whereabouts of my master!" Mr. Butler struggled to say to Zhen Don't think, you will go to hell..."

"Wow, this is a joke, you guys will go to hell, you killed so many people... my god, you are so arrogant. You believe in hell, then you should know these things you do... Sooner or later, you will be tortured in hell." Eric hummed at him.

"Actually... I don't know where your master is if you don't tell me." Zhen Fan suddenly let go, and the guy fell from the air and fell to the ground. When he was about to escape, he found that the space around him seemed like They were all sealed up, and he was like a mouse trapped in transparent glass, with nowhere to escape.

"Don't be surprised, you are only under my control. I am very interested in your master!" Zhen Fan said with a smile at him, "After I have talked with your master, I will come and clean up you! "Speaking and patted his head, and suddenly the housekeeper felt as if his head was about to explode. Finally couldn't bear it and let out a horrified cry.

It's a pity that his cry has been imprisoned by his side and cannot be spread. Zhen Fan clapped his hands and said to Eric: "Look at him and find Irving Gabriel, I will go to the owner... Josanna Gosdam, he paid for his actions instead. Now, this is an unforgivable behavior.” (to be continued)

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