The American Scripture

Chapter 1383: Hot spring small town

With a "clam", Rooney's plate was empty, and she stared at the roast chicken in the middle of the table, so half of the roast chicken belonged to her. She actually didn't eat well, but she definitely ate the most. She hadn't stayed in one of her mouths. After eating, she still looked at the remaining half of the chicken on the plate with eyesight. However, Brittany did not intend to give her the remaining half of the chicken, but let her go down.

"She must be very hungry." Silia looked at Rooney and said to Brittany. "She looks really hungry."

"No, she has eaten enough, leave this alone, have you eaten well?" Brittany grinned reluctantly at Silia, "She will play alone, right... The chicken is very good, try it, my craft... I once achieved good results in the "Mother's Challenge" program, and I was third!"

Claire and Silia were taken aback, they heard Joe next to him laughing and saying: "Yes, yes, she did achieve very good results. You may not know that this show is a local in our small town. The TV station’s programs are very interesting, and they are organized once a year. Up to now, a tradition has been formed. First select from the competitions in each district, and then these representatives will go to the TV station to compete. That is... to show the mothers. Cooking."

"It's great, but unfortunately we can't see...My mother's cooking skills are very good, but there is no such show in Los Angeles. Alas, I have to give them some advice!" Claire hummed After that, she turned her head and looked at Silia, "Do you want chicken?" She cut it with a knife.

"Of course. One more thing, I really haven't eaten anything so delicious." Silia was telling the truth. This poor girl has been in the lake for more than five hundred years. It was tragic enough to soak his lower body into a fish tail. The food must be those sickening raw things or water plants.

After eating dinner, Brittany did not go to clean up immediately, but said to Joe: "Go and clean up, I will prepare the room for these two guests." He blinked at Claire. "He always makes excuses not to do housework, so with you here today, he wants to maintain his gentlemanly demeanor. So he has to go and finish the wash."

"I heard it!" Joe said loudly in the kitchen. "I heard you saying bad things about me. Yes, I am a gentleman. Has anyone seen a gentleman washing dishes? Yes, only It can be seen here. This is the tradition of our Seyfried family, and it may continue to be passed on."

"Very funny!" Silia giggled, and then in Brittany's disdainful expression. Walked upstairs. There is a guest room upstairs. Pushing the door of the guest room, Brittany smiled at the two of them, "You can see the block from here. know, this is just a small town, and a small town has the taste of a small town."

"Thank you very much. You know, we were going to sleep on the road. We set up a tent in the desert, but... I didn't expect it. Thank you!" Claire said to Brittany, and then stretched out He shot and hugged her gently, "You and your husband are both good people, and they are still... optimistic and good people."

"I think so too!" Silia hurriedly hugged Britney.

"Okay, take a good rest. I believe that you have rushed the day and walked such a long distance. You should be very tired. Anyway, I will come up to wake you up tomorrow morning. Don't worry about missing the journey." Brittany smiled, and after the explanation, she walked to the door and said to the two girls: "Good night, girls."

"Good night, Mrs. Seyfried!" Claire and Silia said these words almost at the same time, then watched Britney nod and smile at them gently, and then closed the door. After the door was closed, it became an independent space for two people. This is a guest room, not very big, but also a high and low bed, two bunks.

"I sleep on the upper bunk!" Silia jumped up, and then crawled towards the top with her hands and feet. Claire shrugged indifferently, she didn't care much about it. It didn't matter that she sat on the lower bunk, and she leaned on the bed facing the upper bunk and patted her dangling legs under her.

"I can take a hot shower. There is a bathtub here, but it's relatively small and it's hard to hold my tail as big!" Silia swayed on the upper bunk for a while, then jumped down. There is indeed a Small bathtub, small bathroom, "Can I take a shower now?"

"Whatever, as long as it doesn't make it look like a typhoon." Claire snorted, and then said to Silia who walked into the bathroom, "We can go to Sulfur Springs tomorrow. I went to the town to take a bath, but you certainly can’t. If someone finds out, you’ll be dead. I don’t want to live that kind of escape life!"

"Don't worry, I know how to protect myself!" Silia smiled happily, "I have lived in the lake for so many years and have a set of self-protection measures. Don't worry about me. But... you really don't think this Is the family weird? I mean that little girl Rooney, God... I can’t believe it, is she having any trouble? She eats more than me, as if she just won’t feel full, I Obviously seeing her bulged up alone."

"Don't worry, we are here to travel, don't you mean that we always get into trouble? In fact, these troubles are caused by ourselves. We think that we have something to do, and then we just get involved in some things. , You want to intervene again, don't you? Take a shower quickly, after washing, I will wash, I just want to sleep now." Claire said to her angrily.

Early the next morning, Brittany really woke up two people at half past six, and the two came out to have breakfast. I just didn't see Rooney and said, "Where is Rooney? Why didn't I see her?"

"She followed Joe to the city. She is going to participate in an event, maybe she won't be able to go home until the afternoon. Now... Do you need to go out? I mean you are going to continue your sulfur spring today, turn around and take it from the cabinet next to it. A map came out.

"This is the map we brought out when we traveled. It has the address of Sulphur Spring Town. Of course... this has been for many years, but the route has not changed." Brittany said with a smile, "Anyway... You won’t get lost, but I can also tell you that if you want to walk, it will take at least four hours."

"We will walk." Claire took the map. "Thank you, you have done so much for us!"

"You're welcome, okay, be careful along the way!" Brittany sent the two out of the door, then watched the two girls leave with their backpacks, and turned back to the house. The two girls met on the way by themselves, maybe it was just a little intersection, a little wave in life.

The weather today is rather gloomy. It can be seen that it might rain anytime. But both of them still carry umbrellas. Since it is a hike, it is impossible not to bring these things together. The backpacks of the two are big enough, and the tent is also tied to the backpack. But neither of them feels tired.

Looking at the map, walking towards a highway and stopping, finally at noon, I walked to the small town of sulfur spring. The town does seem to be relatively small, but there are people coming and going, and many people come here to enjoy the hot springs in the town of sulfur springs. And the air really smelled of sulfur.

"I've never taken a hot spring!" Silia said excitedly to Claire, and then walked towards a building that looked like a hotel. Claire hurriedly followed, for fear that the girl would suddenly have a silly energy and cause something. She is still a novice to the people of this world. Although she has seen a lot of things, it does not necessarily mean that she can get along well with others.

"We want to stay." Silia said to a person at the counter, "We want a big house and a bathroom that can provide hot springs directly. Do you have any here?"

"No, we only have a basic bathing place here, not even a bathtub, because...the people who come here, no one will go to the bathroom to take a bath, because we are the town of Sulphur Springs, and everyone who comes here comes here. Enjoy the hot springs, not the bathtub. If you want a room like this, I suggest you go to Grant, where there are very nice rooms ~ spacious, comfortable, and large bathtubs." The man didn't lift his eyelids.

"Well, give us a big room!" Claire decided not to talk nonsense with this guy. After opening the room, the two threw their luggage in the room, and then went out and walked towards the fickle town of Sulfur Springs. Those hot springs are all down from the mountain, and the hot springs are the best when they are halfway up the mountain.

"I can't believe the service here is like this." Silia couldn't help complaining. While walking, I was looking for hot springs, but there are several hot springs in the middle of the mountain, and there are many people. And Silia is absolutely not allowed to take a bath in a crowded place. I was afraid of being discovered her secret accidentally.

Climbing along the way, crossing halfway up the mountain, the hot springs are much less, and only one is seen. At the top of the mountain, there is basically no more. There seems to be no hot spring here either. This made them very disappointed. They were ready to go down the mountain, but they didn't plan to go back the same way, but took another path that no one took.

Because there is no one walking, there is no road here, it is all mud, there is not much grass, and the trees are even scarce. And the smell of sulfur is more pungent, but Claire decided to walk over here, maybe she wanted to find a place to soak in a hot spring that no one would find. (To be continued...) u

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