The American Scripture

Chapter 1387: Messy

Hot recommendation: ,,,,,,,

Dawn Hedland was in a bad mood. At least after coming here, it got worse. I thought it was a normal volcano expedition trip, but I didn't expect it to be like this. The volcanic geology here is changing rapidly. It originally took hundreds of years to erupt. Recently, the movement has become more frequent. This is why he came here. Moreover, according to forecasts, even if it is a volcano that will erupt hundreds of years in advance, it will become very serious in almost a day.

"Are we really leaving here?" A member of Dawn Hedland's team looked at him and asked with some worry, "We can stay here for a few more days and then leave here. You also predicted that the most It will be about a week before the outbreak begins. So we can gather a little more evidence to convince the bureaucrats."

"You are right, but... this kind of thing can't always be planned in the best direction. We should plan for the worst, one week? Maybe. Recently I feel that underground activities have become more frequent. If If there are more frequent earthquakes, it is estimated that the time of the volcanic eruption will be earlier.” Dawn Hedland said, looking ahead, “I’m going to the city government personally to put pressure on them. A week later, everything is too late."

But the police seemed to know Dawn Hedland, and they just wouldn't let him go. Obviously it seems difficult for Dawn Hedland to leave here. His motorcade stopped aside, and then he got out of the car to negotiate with the police. But no matter what, the police are not letting go. It seems to be more patient than Dawn Hedland.

"Damn!" Dawn Hedland cursed in a low voice. After negotiating with the police again to no avail, he left the convoy angrily, walked to the side of the road, took out the cigarette case, and took out a cigarette. . After igniting, he took a deep breath, and then sprayed out smoke. Looking ahead, he took out the phone.

"Yes, it's me... I have given a warning to the local people, but... they said that I disrupted their plan to select the most beautiful town... Everything here is going to be ashes, what else to talk about? Beautiful town? I can only do my best to warn the people here... they can't let me go now..." Dawn Hedland sighed, "I can only do this. By the way, you'd better be fully prepared, if the people here don’t withdraw in time...I think everything may turn into a tragedy...Yes, yes, I predicted the week, but... I still feel that something is wrong. The geological activities here are very frequent now... I know, I know that if we wait for frequent earthquakes, the volcano will erupt..."

The phone was on for almost half an hour. ();This is a call from Dawn Hedland to his friend in the city hall. He wanted to give warning to the people here in this way. Although I don't know how much it can play a role, it is better to say it than not to say it. It's just doing my part.

"Hey, Mr. Dawn? Hedland?" Suddenly a voice came from the side. He turned his head and saw that they were two girls. One of the girls was talking to him. The two girls he knew were the two they met on the mountain today, and they were also the bodies they found. Based on the determination of the puddle, this allowed Dawn Hedland to greatly advance the time of the volcano's eruption, so he has a certain affection for these two girls.

"Yes. It's you?" Dawn Hedland said with a smile, "Are you still stuck here? Now that many people have left, this is a wise choice. Why don't you leave? It's not beautiful here now It’s a small town, but a very dangerous town. It’s good for you to leave early." Dawn Hedland said to Silia, "They won’t stop you. After all, you are not locals. What harm!" He said they meant the police.

"We... don't have a car. So we can only wait for tomorrow morning. If there is a ride, we can leave here. One night... I think there should be no problem." Selia was still naughty. Dawn Hedland blinked, "They detained you?"

"It looks like this!" Dawn Hedland shrugged helplessly at the policemen who were interrogating his convoy. She smiled helplessly at Silia, " can't catch my ride. Now this is a more dangerous place. I hope as many people go tonight as possible."

"You mean... the volcano might erupt tonight?" Claire seemed to hear his overtones, so she asked, "It won't be so fast? Can you draw an accurate conclusion?"

"No, no, the prediction of volcanic eruptions has never been the most accurate. We can only predict the approximate range, and it is based on their recent activity frequency, so... a week's statement can only be one Approximate number. (); It may be early or it may be back!" Dawn Hedland looked at the volcano that was emitting thick smoke in the distance, and said with some worry, "These politicians only Thinking about how to make the town rated as the most beautiful town. I don’t understand. I know that the town will be destroyed by the volcano, but I still spare no effort to do so... What am I telling you? You are still little girls. At least in my opinion, she is still a little girl!"

"Well, it seems that you are not an annoying person." Claire said to Dawn Hedland. "According to you, the sooner you leave here is the best? And these people are all Did you instigate to leave?"

"It can't be said to be incitement, but... I said, the sooner you leave, the better, this sentence is true." Dawn Hedland was helpless, then looked at the members who were still negotiating with the police, "Look. Look at them, they have already put this crime on my head, and they will not let me leave easily. So... I will let my members leave as soon as possible, and you will notify the city hall as soon as possible to put it here People evacuated...God, earthquake!" Dawn Hedland was talking, suddenly the underground shook, and then the alarms of various cars rang into a ball.

After a brief panic, people began to shout loudly, and began to storm the police checkpoint desperately. The police put their hands on the handles of the guns nervously, and they were about to draw their guns at any time. The magnitude of the earthquake is not large, and the duration is not long, almost ten seconds.

But Dawn Hedland's face was a bit serious. He said to the two little girls: "It's best to leave now, **** it, the situation seems to have changed, the earthquake appeared too early. Hurry up and pack your things. Leave, no matter who passed the level, you must catch their ride!" He rushed towards his convoy.

One of the big box cars contained some equipment for monitoring earthquakes. He rushed up and said to the person who was monitoring inside: "What data have been obtained? The sensors we used to prevent earthquakes in the crater, and those that predict earthquakes. What's the situation of the sensor, I want the latest data."

"Dr. Hedland, the situation seems a bit bad. The earthquake occurred earlier than we expected. We detected that the temperature was rising very fast in the crater. It was a sign that the volcano was about to erupt. What are we doing now? Do?" The monitor, excitedly showed Dawn Hedland with his laptop.

"Oh my God, this is a bit bad. (); I will convince the police to let these people go quickly, maybe tomorrow, maybe today, anyway, this is not going to be kept!" He got out of the car and took it. This stack of data rushed to the police, and said loudly, "Look, this is the latest monitored data. The volcano is about to erupt. The earthquake just now was a precursor to the eruption, and everyone left. , What you have to do now is to evacuate them, not to let them stay here. Sir, you are murdering by doing this!"

Several people nearby heard Dawn Hedland's voice, so they also yelled at the police. The occurrence of the earthquake really made the police hesitate. They didn’t know what to do. The sheriff replied loudly to Dawn Hedland: "Sorry, Mr. Hedland, we must obey the municipal government. This is the task we are currently performing, so...what you said, I still need to ask for instructions!"

"Damn, what else do you ask for? Do you want to fill in your own life too? Damn Hurry up, hurry up, get out of the way, let them go, and use the loudspeaker to inform the town. Everyone on here, let them leave here!" Dawn Hedland yelled loudly. At this time, I didn’t know it was to match Dawn Hedland’s screams. The surroundings suddenly shook again and the earthquake happened again. This time, many vehicles collided with each other, making harsh screams, and even police cars were vibrated and sounded sirens. Some people are staggering. At this time, almost everyone in the town ran out, yelling loudly on the street, some who didn't plan to leave today, and started to busy carrying valuable things from their homes to the car.

"Hurry up, hurry up!" At this time, the police didn't need Dawn Hedland to remind them. They also knew how powerful this matter was, so they began to wave their hands loudly at the blocked vehicles, and they were blocked. The checkpoint for the vehicle was moved away, and the car was able to start again. People began to leave their homes one after another.

The crowd was very confused at this time. Various shouts, as well as loud swearing sounds one after another. There is also the sound of cars honking their horns. The barrier was opened as quickly as possible, and then the police were busy clearing the traffic. Many people left from the fork in the road. The whole scene looked a little messy, and people continued to join the evacuated army. As a result, the actions of the evacuated army became slower and slower. (To be continued~^~)


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