The American Scripture

Chapter 1389: possible

Hot recommendation: ,,,,,,,

The wind at night was a bit charming. At this time, Zhen Fan was standing at the window of the hotel, looking at the distance in the night sky. There has been an earthquake today, and the building of the hotel shook slightly. And it seems that there is still a faint roaring sound on the horizon, and it seems that a trace of light can be seen penetrating the horizon, but under the reflection of the city lights, basically nothing can be seen. After all, it is too far away from the place where the volcano erupted.

Oakley was several hundred kilometers from Grand City. Zhen Fan knew that something had happened there, and he knew exactly what had happened. He also knew that Claire might have been involved, and this time might indeed be very dangerous. Because the amulet I prepared for Claire, when faced with the absolute power of nature, there was no way to fully protect Claire. So he frowned, thinking whether he needed to help her.

"My God, the volcano has erupted. It's in the town of Sulfur Springs near Grande City. Did they go there?" Eric looked at the instant news on the TV in surprise, "Hey, Master, Are we going there?" He walked towards Zhen Fan, looking out the window with a worried face.

"Perhaps, I'm really worried. I said I won't interfere with her journey. Wait and see, I have a sense of measure... Don't look at me like this, I said... I won't let them be harmed. . I promise, now... Eric, don’t worry, you continue to follow the news on TV.” Zhen Fan said to Eric, who was extremely anxious, “Pay attention to the list of the casualties, if you are still worried. !"

"Okay, okay, I haven't seen anyone who is so relieved of you. Claire is your daughter, and Silia is the person you want to help, and you want to accept her as an apprentice." Even though Eric He said, but he went to the TV and continued to pay attention to the news about the volcanic eruption in the town of Grand Sulfur Springs.

The volcanic ash has enveloped the sky, Claire's head is already covered with volcanic ash, and the lava of the volcano has erupted from the crater, and you can see the bright lava erupting. Then flow down the mountain. Along the way, there was a pungent, burnt smell, and the posture that swept everything, burning all passing creatures.

"Hurry up. Let's leave quickly!" Claire grabbed the hands of the two children. The big boy also grabbed the little girl's hand tightly, and the three of them ran towards the road. At this time, as soon as Silia ran over here, she was so fast that she rushed like flying. Go up. She used her ability, she was indeed better than the average person.

"Hurry up, I'll come—" Silia grabbed the little girl's hand, then picked her up and ran toward the side of the road, Claire's speed is also very fast. She didn't care about anything at this time, holding the little boy and running as fast as she could. But at this time, there are a lot of people who follow her, but not her speed. It's about whether they can quickly escape back with their two children.

There are already cars parked there on the highway. The National Guard has been quickly mobilized. The fastest has arrived at the site of the volcanic eruption, is evacuating people on the side of the road, stuffing people into the carriages, and then leaving quickly. At this moment, the lava bombs seemed to be chasing them, and they kept falling around them. Sparks were flying everywhere, and some seemed to be splashing on Claire and Silia, but they were immediately put out. This is the power of Jade Pei's protector, so that the nearby sparks will be quickly wiped out. But if the lava bomb falls directly on the body, this is not what Jade Pei can do. Claire will definitely be annihilated by then.

"Boom—" There was another loud noise, a lava bomb fell in front of Claire and Silia, and a huge fireball suddenly exploded, which caused the crowd watching this scene to scream. Even if someone wants to go and help. But they were stopped by the soldiers, and the past was to die.

"These two girls are over!" Many people thought in their hearts, and their hearts quickly sank to the bottom. They hoped that Claire and Silia could bring the little boy and the little girl back safely. But now it seems that such a possibility no longer exists. Someone crossed their chests, praying for Claire and Silia.

A figure suddenly rushed out of the dust and volcanic ash, as if breaking open a layer of the most suffocating sky that was covered. Then a few figures rushed out from the dust, Silia and two children. Suddenly... the cheers came to the crowd.

When Claire and Silia returned to the crowd again and handed the child to the soldiers, the scene suddenly thought of warm applause. They regarded Claire and Silia as heroes. Yes, what behavior is more courageous than this? This is a well-deserved hero!

"Now... you stay here, and then leave with them, there will be a place to resettle you, shall we see you in the resettlement area?" Claire softly comforted the two frightened children. The little girl was completely speechless. Soldiers had already come over, picked up the little girl, and put it in the carriage.

"She and I are waiting for you in the resettlement area." The little boy nodded firmly to Claire and said, " must be back?"

"Of course, we came back... this little girl... isn't your sister?" Claire asked the little boy tentatively, "I thought you were brothers and sisters."

"She? I picked it up on the road, she must have been separated from my family, so I was like taking her away from here, but... we were lost until we met you, thank you, you are good people! "The little boy stood out and said to Claire, "If I were older, I would definitely rush in to save people!"

"What a good boy, go, we'll see you again!" Claire touched the little boy's head and smiled. "Go, go, we'll see you then!" He stood up and nodded. Said to the soldier next to the military vehicle, "Help me take good care of him, he is a brave child."

"I heard, don't worry, I will take care of him, and the little girl. By the way... won't you move with us? Maybe there will be more violent eruptions. Experts said, we are here At that time, I have already said that everyone here will be evacuated soon, and it is not safe here anymore!" He was referring to the temporary boarding location.

"I know, I know, but... there are still people in there, I have to save them, don't worry, I'll be fine, goodbye... soldier, I'm glad to meet you, hurry up!" said He patted the carriage, turned and ran towards the town. This time she was looking for the family, and more importantly, the Dawn Hedland. He is a good person, and he can't let a good person fall into here inexplicably. Because Dawn Hedland had lost his way, he couldn't find the two families. He has been completely lost in this small town. There is too much volcanic ash, and the whole town has gone to lights. He couldn't see anything at all. I only know that there is a dark area in front of me, even if there is a spotlight, it is the same, because the spotlight does not penetrate the thick volcanic ash.

When Claire went in again, he saw a group of people coming out of the town. Claire saw that it was the two families, so he said to Silia, "Take them to the edge of the highway. You can see clearly, you can recognize the direction, hurry, I guess it will be here in a while. It was completely destroyed by lava."

"What about you? Do you want to continue? Come back, or you will die here too!" Silia yelled loudly at Claire. She could still rely on her own power to faintly Perceive orientation. Then she greeted the two families to follow her closely. She couldn't hear Claire's answer, and planned to send the two families in the car by herself, and then go in to find Claire by herself. Taking the two families to avoid the lava bomb, they finally rushed to the side of the road. This was the last group of people. Started to board the car, ready to be sent to the resettlement area.

"Take care of them, my friend is still inside, I must save her." Silia said, ignoring the dissuasion of the soldiers next to him, and the dissuasion of the residents in the small town, and she rushed to Xiao again without hesitation. Inside the town. She wants to find Claire. With a little bit of power, she constantly finds Claire in the confused volcanic ash.

The more you go inside, the longer you feel the temperature It seems that there is a fire not far in front, the lava has come, and the flow seems to be fast. The surrounding houses ignited after the lava flowed through. The raging fire brightened the surrounding light a bit, and some of the surrounding conditions could be seen clearly.

"Claire—" She finally saw Claire. She was carrying a man on her back, struggling to walk step by step towards the road outside the town. Although her physique is different from that of ordinary people, in such a harsh environment, after consuming a lot of physical energy, it is already very difficult for her to carry such a big man on her back.

The lava was behind her, and she could feel the scorching sensation in her back, which was due to the layer of Dawn Hedland's body. And Dawn Hedland's clothes were about to ignite. Silia also didn't have the strength, mainly because it was too hot here, and her abilities were no longer available. Because she originally lived in the water, in front of the power of nature, in front of the scorching hot lava. Basically, she doesn't use all of this. A few wearily supported Claire, looked at the molten slurry flowing faster and faster behind them, and said with a wry smile: "Do you believe in God? I think at this time, if you believe it, maybe it can produce miracles... …Of course… it’s impossible! Claire… I’m very happy to be friends with you. Really, this is the best thing to show off in my life."

"No...I think it's possible!" Claire gritted his teeth firmly. (To be continued.)

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