The American Scripture

Chapter 1396: hostage

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It was already very deep, and it was dark all around, and there was no light on the road, except for the occasional car passing by. Claire and Silia waved their hands several times, but no one stopped and wanted to take them with them. The two walked along the road for a while, and Claire finally sighed and said, "Let's find a place to camp. This is not the way to go. We all bring tents?"

"Okay, that's the only way!" Silia was also a little disappointed. This is nothing to do. Although the physiques of the two are different from ordinary people, they still don't have the kind of Zhen Fan and his apprentices. The performance of the abilities, even if Silia has it, but she hasn't learned Taoism, so she can't show it at all. Can only walk on two legs.

The place to set up the tent was chosen far away from the road, but he did not dare to approach the woods. With the LED lights, the two of them finally said that the tent was set up. Claire looked at his watch on the LCD screen. It's over ten o'clock in the evening. So they greeted Silia, and the two ate something together, and then took out a bottle of water. The two sat outside the tent, one mouthful of biscuits, and then a mouthful of water to satisfy their hunger. From their departure to grab the car, they originally planned to eat in the small town, but now they can only eat dry food in the wilderness.

From a distance in the desert area, the road is dark and you can't see anything. The two sat back to back, and then they talked while eating. But both of them were complaining about the **** car and the **** bastard. If it weren't for this incident, they might have been in the small town eating delicious snacks and then listening to comfortable country music. Thinking about it makes the two of them angry.

"Damn rich bastard. The little **** born by the old bastard!" Silia gritted her teeth and looked at Claire. "If that **** dares to find him, I promise to beat him all over. ." Said raising the water bottle and said to Claire, "Cheers, to our wilderness journey. It feels like the Wizard of Oz."

"We are not witches... Silia, we are... oh, oh, they came here. Over there...someone is flashing a torch, **** it must be their bastards." Claire couldn't help but lower her voice." What are we going to do? If they use guns. We have no choice."

"Of course... we have no choice." Silia also gritted her teeth. Although she doesn't like killing people, it doesn't mean that she likes to be killed. "They are looking for death by themselves, as long as they don't find us... …Oops. My light, the light in my tent hasn’t gone out!” He turned around and rushed into his tent, then turned off the led light.

A faint voice came from the highway, and it sounded like someone was talking loudly. Claire said to Silia, "It must be the car we parked on the side of the road that caught their attention. The starvation situation... is not necessarily a dead end. If they can't find us, then they must think We took a ride to the city. Then we had to bypass the city and continue walking on the highway. There is another situation where they find us and then we kill them. Or... they kill us."

"Very simple multiple-choice question, I won't let us hurt ourselves." Silia's eyes were a little cold, "This group of scumbags should have disappeared from the world long ago. If they don't disappear, there will be More good people disappear from this world... Well, I'm looking for a reason to kill them. Claire... Tell me, they are all people who deserve to be killed! They are dead, the scum you have seen There must be more, do you think they are?"

"I don't know..." Claire shook her head, she hadn't thought about the final decision. Yes, although killing is a very simple matter, once the killing is really started, then in the future, I can still treat people and things around me with a normal heart? I think I will be more closed. Claire thought farther.

"Okay. If you don't know, we can only pray for these guys not to find us." Silia and Claire lay on the ground, staring at the lights there, "I pray these guys to cherish their lives. "She had killed someone before, and her psychological burden was much smaller than Claire.

"I hope! God bless them!" Claire said lightly.

"Don't you believe in God?" Silia glanced at Claire. "You believe in your father, he is your God, right? I know... I know... by your look... Hush... Be quiet!" She also made a silent gesture. It made Claire speechless for a while, it was obviously what she said the most.

Their voices were very small, but the voices of those who were looking for were loud and a little noisy. They spoke very clearly to Claire and Silia, and they got closer and closer.

"Hey, Crowe, they are definitely not here, maybe they have already hitchhiked away. We should limit our search to the city." A person said loudly to someone. And this person is the seventeen-year-old boy, he brought a lot of people over, just to make the two girls look good. He was the only one to bully, and no one dared to bully him. He is walking sideways in Omaha. Although only seventeen years old, no one dared to treat him as a teenager. Because his father is the most famous local snake here-one of the richest people in Omaha, or the city councilman Tasim Kingsley. They control huge assets and control the politics here.

"You don't want to do it anymore? Keep looking. I will arrange a manpower to find it in the city. We will find it here now. After we find it, I will treat the two well." The guy named Crowe seems to be the boy. Now, Crowe Kingsley, also the son of the Earth Snake, is a second-generation ancestor who is domineering in the school and doing everything in the city.

"Well, Mr. Kingsley, as you wish!" The speaker over there raised his hand helplessly, turned around, and shouted at the others, "Damn it, don't be lazy, expand the search range , Find the two kids, do you hear? Mr. Kingsley will entertain them well."

There was a burst of laughter all around me suddenly. The scope of these people's search has expanded. If they were asked to look for them like this, I believe they will find Claire and Silia soon. Claire and Silia glanced at each other, then nodded in a tacit understanding, and ran towards the distance.

They want to avoid conflict, so they must avoid these guys. But when they are running, the sound they make can be amplified this night, even the small sound. Soon their movements were heard. Someone shot them at their side with a flashlight, and then shouted loudly: "It's them, it's them—they are running. Hurry up, go start the car, we Chase it!"

Speaking of these people all ran back, towards the car on the side of the road, as long as they got in the car, it would be effortless to catch up with the two little girls. The guy named Crowe also whistled excitedly, yelled loudly, and raised his pistol and fired two shots into the sky: "Go and catch them."

So the cars on the highway started one after another, and then galloped in the same direction just now, picking up the dust. The speed of the three cars was very fast. Soon they used the high beams of the headlights to illuminate the figures of the two girls, and a guy sitting behind the Crowe car raised a gun.

"Don't shoot, I like cats and mice." Crowe smiled darkly. He likes to see these two girls look particularly helpless. He prefers to watch the two girls crying and begging for mercy. Only then can he feel a touch of revenge for the hurt he has suffered. This is what he wants.

Soon the three cars finished their fonts, surrounding the two girls, and the lights illuminated them, making them a little bit unable to open their eyes for an instant. By covering it with your hand, you can see these people clearly. So after Crowe snapped his fingers, the headlights turned into low beams, and it became clear that he was surrounded by three cars. There were about thirteen people in total. Claire looked around, counted the number, and nodded to Silia: "Thirteen people!"

"How do we divide it? You divide it into ten and I divide it into three?" Silia looked at Claire and said in a low voice.

"No, no, you have killed people. You divide it into ten. I divide it into three. It's fair." Claire shook her head at Silia, "Is there any difficulty in dealing with such a bastard?"

"Oh, grass, what are you talking about? You should cry Kneeling and begging for mercy is the truth, what are you tmd talking about? Do you think I dare not shoot you?" He took the pistol and walked in front of Claire, then raised the gun, pointed it at Claire's head, and roared loudly, "It's you...little, I will let you..." After speaking, it was a scream of earth-shattering.

Claire slammed closer, then lifted his knee. It hit this guy's crotch again, and immediately opened his mouth. After uttering an earth-shattering shout, he couldn't scream anymore, only knowing to breathe in quickly. Claire also grabbed the gun in his hand and pointed it at his head, holding his collar to prevent him from sliding down.

The people around were all idle to watch the excitement, but at this moment they were all taken aback by the sudden change, and then they all raised their guns one after another, aimed at Claire and Silia, loudly Yelled: "Put down the gun, put down the gun, hurry up... I said... put down the **** gun..."

"Guys, you are the wrong person. It should be you who put down the gun. Your boss is with me!" Claire said with a grin. "You can shoot me, it doesn't matter, but if I shoot him, I guess you might not end up better than me, right? Guys... put down your weapons!" Claire suddenly squeezed Crowe's shoulder, and suddenly heard the bone-broken business. Then there was a terrifying scream. (To be continued.)

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